What can my magic do and fighting?

This morning I did not wake up like the last days, today my mom came in and stroked softly my hair.

"Wake up honey, it´s morning." Mom

°purr like sounds°

-It´s a nice feeling when you get stroked...-

"You know your hair is soo ~ o silky.... Ok now stand up, breakfast will be ready "Mom said and left the room.

-Nooo my stroking session...-

Against the words of mom I did not stand up, the opposite I laid there and thought what I could do today.

- Should I make more swords, maybe some out of the metals from the dragons? No can´t do that, dad would be more than suspicious if I forge with orichalcum. Or an armor? But then I first need to learn how I stitch and how to make armor´s. I could explore the forest or learn the limits of my magic. Maybe I just ask mom and dad if they have something to do for me. Ok let´s first ask mom and dad and if they don´t have something for me I´ll go into the forest and practice magic.-

So I got dressed and went down to the kitchen.

"Morning" I greeted mom and dad cheerfully.

"Morning" Both greeted back.

Dad brought the food and we began to eat and after some minutes I asked.

"Could I help one of you today?"

"Hmm I don´t need help, it´s seldom that some villagers get injured so I mostly sit home or help other

with their fields."Mom said.

"If you could heat the forge for me I´d already be helped," Dad said.

"Okay, then I´ll heat the forge, how hot would you like it to have?"Me

"As hot as the iron ingot yesterday."Dad

-so round about 1200 °C -

"I´ll do it then. Should I make it so that the forge won´t cool down?"Me

"You can do that?"Mom asked

"Yeah, I just have to put more magic into the spell."Me

"How much mana would that cost? A spell that is able to smelt metal is higher than the 2. Tier. "Mom

"Not so much just 2.000 " I lied.

-Can´t tell her that it will be more than 100.000 for a heated forge that will stay hot for ours.-

"Not more?" She asked suspiciously.

seems like the lie skill won´t kick in if the other side has a better understanding of the said lie.

But she hasn't said anything, puh I don´t want to say "Sorry that I deceived you I am not a little 11-year-old girl." Nope, definitely not -

We finished breakfast and I heated the forge.

"Thank you sweety, what are you doing today?" Dad

"I will practice my magic and play outside."Me

"Ok, but be careful and don´t go into the forest."Dad

I nodded and went outside, straight into the forest. Where I undressed my shirt. And made my wings sprout.

I should fly a few km away from the village so that they won´t hear me. -

I flew in the sky and then in a random direction. After a flight of 10 minutes, I landed in a clearing and made my wings disappear. I looked down and noticed that I am flat like a board.

What am I expecting? I am currently 11, maybe in a year or so. I wonder how it´ll feel when they grow... Well, I´ll know so much is sure.

Then magic training, I already know that I can create things with magic, but to what extent?

A plain gold ring is possible, maybe a gun? That would be so cool to have guns in a medieval time.-

I imagined a gun and after putting a few thousand mana into it a rifle materialized itself in front of me.

-ok now the ammo-

A few moments later I had the ammo and stood there with a loaded rifle. And pulled the trigger...

-Nothing, why? This looks like a rifle and the ammo as well....-

I opened the rifle and looked inside, but there was not much to see, the rifle was nearly empty.

Does that mean I can only create things when I have a good and detailed understanding of it?

That would mean I can´t create nearly all modern things, like cars, PC's, atom bombs....

Ok, it is not so that I need all these, at least I can create toilet paper. It´s sucks to not have it...

Yeah, not everything in a medieval fantasy world is good....

But how much do I need to understand the things I create?

I began to test a little and after an hour, as well as a small mountain of not functioning things, I thought I know a little about it.

Apparently I have to have a detailed understanding of the things I want to create. When I want to make more advanced things it did not work, because I don´t know the interior of a rifle not to mention of the ammo. But I did get a few things, like diamonds these are nothing more than tightly packed carbon. I even have a bicycle, I always liked cycling.

Swords also were no problem, but they were not really good, not better than the ones from dad,

ok I can only compare his sword to my own and the holy or legendary swords from the dragons and I think that that doesn´t work if I want to know if my created sword is the norm.

-The usable products out of my experiment were -

A mountain bike, 1000 or so rolls of toilet paper, a few hundred diamonds, more coins in every kind, Papers for writing, a fountain pen with a hundred cartridges and caramel candy.

-I like caramel, I just had to test it. But what if I get fat? Maybe I can also "delete" things?-

I tried to imagine that a tree in front of me would disappear, but nothing happened.

-Do I have to enclose it with mana?-

I enclosed it and imagined that the tree would dissolve. Nothing....

Hm, I can´t have everything but could I maybe put the things in my stomach into the inventory?

-I first have to know if I can transport things I don´t touch.-

I tried to put a candy piece into my inventory, but it did not work.

So I have to eat less or train enough.... well if it comes to the crunch I could fly some rounds around the world as a training.

The next thing on my list would be to gain some skills for detection or other helpful things.

-Skills that would be helpful... maybe parkour, throwing, animal detection, climbing, hand to hand combat, sword mastery, archery, how to disembowel animals, cooking and how to hold your breath under water. Then let´s start.-

I sat down and tried to feel the animals around me...

After half an hour, I abounded the idea and went to the climbing part because parkour is only possible in a town.

So I searched for a high tree and begun to climb, it was fairly easy, maybe because I have such a high agility. The Moment I reached the top.

Ding !



You you want to be a monkey? Okay so be it climb in the trees like a monkey would, but don´t start to throw your feces. LV 0

Really who writes these skill descriptions? -

Anyway next is throwing, I took some spears out of my inventory and aimed at a tree which was 200 meter away.


Ignore, I have to aim...-

I threw the spear with all my might and a sonic boom came with a circle like dust explosion.

The next instant I saw how a large dust cloud formed where I aimed.



-Ouch, that surely hurt the tree.-

The dust began to settle down and I could see it, the tree was... unaffected.

I never was good at throwing... let´s inspect the three skills.-



You can´t hit your opponent in dodgeball ? Then TRAIN TO AIM. Or just use this skill.... LV 0


Javelin throwing

With this skill, you´ll make shish kebab out of your enemy's. LV 0



This skill makes it easier to throw anything, from the fair maiden to a boulder, anything will be easier to throw. LV 0

Ok, then the next skill would be fighting and some hunting skills. Maybe I can search for animals in my map menu?-

I opened it and there was indeed an option for search, as well as an option for more details.

I activated the detail option and I got a new window with a few different options,

First was the radius, then mammals, insects, birds, fishes, reptilians, and plants.

I put the radius at 4 km and activated mammals and fishes.

A new window opened and I saw a list of possible animals.

1 boar, 20 wolves, 100 mice´s , 10 moles 1 deer, and many other things but no fishes.

I faded the mice´s and moles out and activated my mini map.

And on it I saw that 20 red dots were chasing a blue dot.

Seems like the wolves are hunting the deer and the map even differs from an enemy , friend and neutral. Blue is most of the time neutral, red enemy, and green friendly.

Let´s try hunting.-

I begun to jump from tree to tree .



3D movement

You want to be like spiderman, without his net? Then you just have to jump from building to building, easy isn´t it? LV 0

-Oh cool -

I where even faster after I maxed the skill and stopped in a treetop right over the wolves who are already eating the deer.

Now my entrance in the world of killing monsters, how should I do the first kill? Maybe magic?

No, I´ll just jump down on top of one wolf and try to break his neck -

I looked down and let myself drop from the tree.

"Growl" Wolf

-Dammit they noticed me, maybe my smell-

The wolf under me jumped to the side and I crashed face first in the ground.


ouch why does it still hurt, when I only lost 1 HP?-

I had not the time to think more about this phenomenon because a wolf already bit me in the arm.

Or to describe it better I had a wolf on my left arm.

-My WHOLE arm is in his mouth.-


Blood started to come out of my arm and he begun to gnaw on it.

°-1HP, -1HP, -1H....°

-Och, ouch , ouch this hurts like hell.-


-I have to do something this pain is unbearable...-

I swayed my arm with the wolf down to the ground.


Suddenly I no longer felt the wolf on my arm, but I knew that there were 19 more. So I pushed myself up as hard as I could.

And I flew through the tree cover. As I got higher and higher I begun to plan.

-Ok, now I have some time to think. First I´m a total noob in fighting. Second I have to get some pain reduction skills. Third I need to learn how I evade and fourth I let myself get bitten as long as I don´t have the pain reduction skill. Oh! I stopped and are now again falling. Round number two I´ll stop over them with a levitation spell, hope that is possible, then I´ll shoot one with a bow and descend to them after that I try to dodge them while hitting them and for the last 3 I´ll use a sword.-

I imagined myself stopping midair over the wolves and I really stopped.

-Good now the bow.-

I took a bow out of my inventory and stretched it with an arrow, aimed and shoot.



A wolf tipped to the side and I tried to shoot two arrows at the same time.

But it did not go well, one arrow flew wide away while the other hit a tree.


-So now dodging and hand to hand combat.-

I stopped the mana input for my spell and landed a few meter away from the remaining wolves.

"Growl" Wolf

One wolf walked slowly over and begun to sprint as he was just 3 meters away for me.

I tried to concentrate and the wolf seemed like he was really slow.


So I made a sidestep and the wolf flew past me.


Another wolf jumped at me but this time I punched it right at the snout.



The whole wolf flew as a bloody pulp in the direction it came from.

-Ouch, that was too much power for him. Now the sword.-

I took a sword out off my inventory and slashed the next wolf who tried to bit me in my leg.

It stopped moving and one-half slowly fell to the left, while the other fell to the right.


I continued my onslaught even as the wolves tried to flee. I just threw some stones at them and their heads literally exploded.

Now it was quiet, around me were 20 dead wolves, the first one was smashed into the ground and now a puddle of broken bones and blood, while the other were either cut in half with their guts between the halves or a barely discernible rest of a wolf. When I hit them the part where I had hit them was pressed to the inside.

The only wolf who was recognizable as a wolf was the one I killed with the bow.

Puh, that was thrilling, but why was I able to kill them without any second thought I know I don´t really have a conscience but killing surely should affect me... hmm maybe it has something to do with the calm mind skill. The MC in many story´s is more cold-hearted while fighting if they have this skill... I should be wary of my actions when I´m with other people.

Now, what are my new skills?


Insensitivity to pain

If you are a crybaby who can´t tolerate a little pain then levels this skill. LV 0



Be the Robin Hood without his generosity Hit your own arrow twice or thrice. With this skill, it will be possible. LV 0


More Than one arrow?

This skill will not be possible to master unless your archery is LV 5

You will be able to shoot more than one arrow at the same time with this skill

For every LV one more arrow, starting with LV 2



Like Gohan you need to learn to dodge Or you´ll get hit... LV 0


Fist fighting

Nothing is better than the feeling of smashing the face of your opponent with your bare fist don´t you agree? Well You could also demobilize him with precise strikes, but then you need to know where to hit and you have to train.... LV 0


Sword Mastery

The art to fight with a sword. But you have to learn the real stances if you don´t know the you are just a Bason who hacks down at his opponents. But it will be easier to learn them if this skill is high enough. LV 0

Good, but I think I should not max the insensitivity to pain skill, I obviously wouldn´t notice when someone will hit me. The rest will be maxed.

-Now what?-

I looked down at me and it was not a good sight. The clothes on my left arm were tattered and I was drenched in blood.

-I can´t go home like this... Maybe I could bath myself with magic.-

I conjured a water pillar that did not fell down and in after I undressed.

And held my breath as I begun to scrub my bloody body parts.

-I sure will test this body when it hits puberty....-

Ding !

- ???-



You´ll find it easier to hold your breath LV 0

Okay, good... maxed.-

I did not even once step out of the pillar to breath while I scrubbed myself clean. It took me 5 minutes to get the gut rests out of my hair.

Now what to do with my tattered top? I should fly back and ask Alice to repair it, but first I have to clean it.-

I cleaned my top and wore my rope while I flew back....