I were waked up again by mom, she was stroking my hair.
"Morning sweety, today is your first school day." Mom
"Morning, " I said while rubbing my eyes, "what will I learn at school?" Me
"Hmm … many useful things like math, reading and writing, as well as knowledge over the world." Mom answered, still stroking.
"How hard is math?" I asked.
I hate math, I was a failure at it, my school had a point system from 0-15, 15 would be an A+ in the USA and I was around 4-6...
"I think most of the children had problems with it, but I you can do it and if not we will help you." Mom tried to encourage me.
"Okaaayyy " I said without any spirit.
"Now get dressed, Kurt asked if you could heat the forge." Mom said and left.
I got dressed, heated the forge with magic and ate breakfast.
"Clair do you know where the school is?" Dad asked.
"Yup, it´s the building where I met you both isn´t it? "Me
"Yes" Dad
" Before I forget, Kyle will teach me some swordplay, so I won´t come home after school, okay?" Me
"Ok, but be careful "Mom
I stood up and said goodbye while I went outside to school.
Let´s see if the children here have ever seen an elf, dad said they are rare.
I reached the school building and took, like the other kids who are strolling in, my shoes off.
And while I walked to Georg, who was standing at the front, I heard some children whispering.
"Hey, hey who´s that girl?" Kid 1 (boy)
" I don´t know, but she is cute" Kid 2 (girl)
"But what is with her ears? "Kid 1
" Right, they look funny. "Kid 2
Georg noticed me as I reached him.
"Hi Clair, do you also want to learn?" Georg
"Yup, can I ?" Me
"Sure, sure, the children here never saw an elf before, so don´t be upset if they are wary of you. We will first do some math and then I´ll explain a little about the world. Sit where you want." Georg said and motioned me to sat down.
I looked around and found a nearly empty bench, where I sat down.
"Ahem, " George drew attention and waited until the children were quiet.
" As you may see, we have a new child with us, her name is Clair and no, there is nothing wrong with her ears. She is an elf, but I will tell later something about elf's. She is now the adoptive child of the Schmiedehands and will live here with us." George
Some children raised their hands.
"Yes, Milli?" George
"How old is Clair?" Milli
"You can ask her later. Now we want to continue the last math question." George answered her and gets a lot of groans as an answer.
"Don´t be so, math will help you in the future, how will you know that a merchant doesn't scam you if you can´t calculate? So who can say how much 4+9 is? " George
Really? Basic things? If it is only that then I am saved.
We continued these questions until Georg had enough.
"Ok, now to the next thing. I will draw a map of our world Solantis. " George said and begun to draw a map on the blackboard.
"We are here," Georg said and pointed at the middle of the west border fro, the Dragon Forest.
"And if you are good enough you may be able to attend one of the four Magic Academy's of Kirk."
He draws some points in Kirk.
" Our Kingdom is one of four human lands. There are two kingdoms Kirk and Tragon, one republic called Solo and an empire called Raska.
There are currently four known continents on Solantis, the Human continent Silga, The Beastkin continent Tongva, the elf, fairy and dwarf continent Procopio and the demon continent Duren.
But we have to share our continent with the Dragons and their kin's. They are living in the Dragon Forest." Georg
The dragons are now gone, but I can��t say it here and now ^^
"We humans are not as strong as the beastkins or as profound in magic as the demon, fairys and elfs. We also are not as good as the dwarfs when it comes to crafting, but we are the most balanced race. While the dwarfs and beastkin are not as good as we in magic. The fairys and elfs are also not as good as we in crafting. This balanced nature allows us to defend our continent against the demons or other aggressors.
So that´s it for today. We will see each other next week. " Georg finished his explanation and the lesson.
I stood up and wanted to go, but I was stopped by two children.
"Hi" Girl
"Hello" Boy
"Hi " Me
"My name is Loise and this is Paul " The girl said, and pointed at the boy.
"I´m Clair."Me
"We know, why are you here? Where are your parents?" The boy asked.
"My parents and I were attacked by bandits and I was able to flee, now Maia and Kurt have adopted me because they think my original parents are dead. "I said with a little sad tone.
""Sorry"" Both
"Do you want to become friend with us?" Loise
"Sure, but I have to go now, Kyle has promised me to train with me." Me
"Cool!" Paul
"So bye," I said while I walked past them.
""Bye"" Both
I put my shoes on and walked out, where Kyle already stood.
"Hi Clair, how was school?"Kyle
"Interesting, how was your date?" I replied.
Kyle got red and said.
"It... it was good, thank you for the ring and your help, I think I may become her boyfriend..."
"Oh, that´s good, if you have problems ask, I may be able to help you. " Me
" I can´t ask a little girl for help in things like this " He stuttered.
Ooohh right, I look like a little girl ^^. But it is not like I really could be a big help, I never was interested in dates and things like that.
"Can we begin with our training? " Me
" Hm? Oh sure, follow me, do you have a sword? " Kyle
"Yup, but that is at home. "Me
" Then we fetch it and begin after that. "Kyle said and we walked to my home, where I took my sword.
"Oh, this sword looks good did Kurt made this?" Kyle asked.
"Jep" I lied.
We went to a field outside the village and Kyle drew his sword.
"Look closely," Kyle said and begun to move.
He had both hands on the hilt and moved his arms slowly over his head, where he stopped.
Then he slashed the sword in one move down. The sword was as high as his waist when he abruptly stopped. Now he twisted it fast to the left and slashed in a left arc upwards. Where he once again stopped. He slashed his sword down but stopped when he was on his chest level. Now he pierced with his sword forward and stopped again. But this time he slowly moved his sword in his scabbard.
I clapped because it looked like it was exhausting for him.
Don´t know why but I think there where some useless movements mixed in and I think I could do it way faster.
"How was that? good wasn´t it?" Kyle asked proudly.
"Yep, can I try?" Me
"Sure but be careful "Kyle
I copied his movements but I did it faster and I also had more grace in it.
As I finished I looked to Kyle and he stood there with his jaw dropped.
"You were better than me... how? Isn´t that your first time holding a sword?" Kyle asked stunned
"It is but I am a genius," I said while puffing my chest out.
He only gave me a defeated wry smile.
"If you are that fast in learning, I can´t teach you much, sorry," He said while his head hung down.
"It´s not a problem, I teach myself." Me
"Then practice until it feels natural. "Kyle said and sat down.
I did the same movements for a few hours and Kyle said.
"Ok, that´s enough, it´s getting dark come I bring you home. "
"Okay, that was fun, " I said while beaming a smile into his face.
Kyle got red and stuttered something like.
"N.. no.. no problem "
We reached my home and I said goodbye to him.
"Hi Clair, how was school " Mom greeted me as I walked in the kitchen. She cooked something.
"Interesting" Me
" That´s good, sit down dinner will be ready in a few moments."Mom