
Two years have passed and I am now 13 years old. Puberty for girls is bullshit. The period hurts and I don´t know why my Insensitivity to pain did not activate.

But one thing is sure, masturbation as a girl is great, there is a much greater and longer feeling of pleasure and you can repeat the whole process. I also got rid of the hair problem, I just had to use magic, which destroyed all hair particle on my body, except for my face, I don´t know if it will influence my male body and I like the possibility of a beard.

I also now know the pain of tearing off the hymen, bearable with enough foreplay. I noticed a big shortcoming for a woman in this world, undergarments are nearly nonexistent, there were no bras! I had to make them myself, but thanks to Alice who gave me the necessary fabrics, I am now in possession of a few extremely sexy panty's and bras. Alice herself was delighted from my idea of bras.

My breasts did grow, enough for a bra, at least I think so. I don´t know how to measure them and when you are supposed to wear one.

I did not forge weapons for me, but helped dad in making some. I want to make my weapons out of good metals and it would be more than suspicious for me to have them.

I also learned new skills, some are better some not.



Your plants witer? Even the plastic ones? Well now you will no longer be the death cause for countless of innocent plants. With this skill you have a green thumb. LV 10



Who said a perfect circle is not possible to draw? Proof these idiots their wrong. You could also design sporty cars... LV 10


Poison Resistance

The perfect skill for kings and other influential people who often get poisened. And how funny would it be to see the culprit with a gaping mouth when you nonchalantly eating his poisoned food. LV 10



Your food is toxic and your girlfriends die on mass? No longer, be the chef of your dreams and make the best food possible. Or not, poison is good... LV 10



Your fingers will be the gods of pleasure, when you are petting something. Whether cats, dog, woman or other things who like to get petted no one can resist your fingers. LV 10


Coin Throwing

Be like one of these cool action movie guys and kill bad guys by throwing your coins at them. Is there a better way to waste your money? LV 10


Weapon Enhancement

You are able to spread your mana over your weapon , which makes it sharper and more durable. Almost all warrior skills have their foundation on this skill. LV 10

well, petting is good, but since I got the skill I am overdoing it with the masturbation. I also learned that it is not possible to have both vagina and penis, it is logical, we all were first female in the womb and the penis grow out of the clitoris and vagina.Well anyway I like the female body more, it is softer and feels better, but it sure is good to know that I can transform parts of my other body into this one.I got poison resistance while I cooked.... good that I tried it before I brought it to mom and dad, I had to increase the skill to 3 before it got better.But now I am famous for my food in our village.Alice helped me making a nice leather armor. It is a black armor with some red parts. It also has a hood attached. And movements in it are easy.(AutorNote just imagine this in black with a hood and for a 13-year-old girl.) am currently in school but the things we learned there were mostly boring, everything except history is easy.I also have made some friends, but most of the time they are too childish like for me so I just talked with them when we had school.Tomorrow is the day of departure, I have to go with a caravan.Mom and dad were flabbergasted when they saw my stats, I made all of my stats higher than 60.And mom started to cuddle me nearly nonstop since then.


" … ok that's it, have a nice day and see you next week, " Georg ended the lesson.

"Clair could you please come for a moment?" Georg

I stood up and went to him.

"Thanks, I wanted to say farewell. This is your last day in this village and it was nice to have you here. I am glad that you overcame the loss of your parents." Georg said with teary eyes.

"Thanks for taking care of me" I replied.

"Send some letters ok?" Georg


"Ok, then I don´t want to delay on you. Goodbye."Georg

"See you " I replied and went home.

At home I was greeted by mom and dad who said.

"Since this is the last day for a long time where we will be able to eat together, let´s enjoy it to the fullest. "Dad

"Yes, so sweety let us cook something special today, we know you like chicken, so we bought one from the neighbor. What kind of chicken dish do you want? "Mom

"Really, cool, ähm I think roasted chicken with potato wedges would be great. " I replied with a dashing smile, that shows my white teeth.

I learned that there is no dental hygiene in this world, so I brush them with magic. I just imagine the disappearance of every non-teeth part on my teeth and also colored them unrealistic white.

We cooked together and talked the whole night, I mostly sat on the lap of mom and she stroked my hair.

I have now waist long silvery-white hair. It would be a hassle to dry them without magic.

"I can´t get enough of your silky-smooth hair sweety it also smells really good."Mom

Do they? There is no shampoo here so I am only able to wash them with water while separating the fat from the hair with magic.

"Oh I have a brilliant idea, today we will sleep together. "Mom

"And where do I sleep?"Dad asked

"Of course in the forge, where else?" Mom rebuked.

Dads shoulders dropped and he mumbled something like "why can´t I sleep together with Clair?"

He was ignored by mom and continued to stroke my hair.

"Ähm, why can´t daddy sleep with us? I asked, obviously in a timid tone.

"Because he is snoring."Mom said

"I don´t mind."Me

Dad looked pleading to mom.

"Hhaa, ok you can, "She said to him, " but if you take to much place, I will kick you out" She warned him.

Dads eyes glistened and he said.

"Sure, sure, then do we want to go to bed?"

"Not jet I want to cuddle" Mom said and pressed me against her breasts.

hmm soft...

We stayed like this for one more hour and then got to bed.

Mom used me as a hug pillow and dad had a delighted face while he slept

The next morning we ate breakfast and walked to the caravan, which will depart in a few minutes.

I had a backpack, which was currently carried by dad, it contains some clothes and a little amount of food.

I noticed some other people standing there:

Kyle, who married Catrin

Alice, still looking sleepy

And Georg

"Hi, do you wish to say your goodbyes to Clair?" Mom greeted them

""Yeah/Yup"" All.

They all wished me the best luck and hugged me.

"Are you ready?" Asked a man, who is the leader of the caravan.

"Yes" Me

Mom squatted and hugged me one last time while crying.

"It was a great time with you sweety, send some letters and eat enough, also don´t get near boys and sleep enough." Mom

She continued to say things I have to do or can´t do until the caravan leader started to draw attention by coughing.

"I have to go mom" Me

"Sob... yes.... sob... have a nice trip sweety?" Mom said and released me.

I climbed into the carriage and waved while we departed.

The trip will last a month, I heard. We have to pass a few villages and towns on our way.

And in the second week, I was woken by noises of clashing metal.

- Who disturbs my nap? Bandits? Good, I wanted to try something, but the caravan people would be in my way, I think I´ll wait and see if the bandits will win. If so I can experiment if not I can continue my nap....