A bath and town

Three days later we reached the first town. It was a rather small town, but it had walls.

They are 5 meters high and don´t look like a real a defense line.

This will be my first time in a town of this world, in my old world I mostly disliked cities.

They were too noisy and hectic. They also smelled too much pollution.

I think the towns here won't be like my old ones.

We reached the towns-gate and had to wait in a line to get permission for entry.

A few minutes later it was our turn.

"ID-Cards and name your reason for trespassing." Guard

"Sure, here you go. We want to sell some of our wares and then continue to move to Turonis." The caravan leader said and gave him the collected ID-Cards.

"Entry will cost 10 copper each person and 2 silver for the goods." He said while looking at the ID-Cards

The caravan leader gave him a pouch with money and another guard begun to count.

We got our cards back and were allowed to pass.

Inside it looked exactly like a description of a town from the medieval time.

The streets were dirty, the buildings were mostly made out of wood and only a few had stone parts.

There even are some beggars.

"Clair we will search an inn and rest for the day. Tomorrow I have guard duty so I can´t accompany you, please stay in the inn. I don´t want you to get abducted. " The caravan woman said.

I should remember her name, but I am pretty sure I won´t see her again.

"Sure" Me

We went deeper into the town and reached a large building with a sign.

"The fat cow" was written on it.

So this is our in? Looks okay.

It was completely out of wood but in good condition.

The caravan leader told some of the guards to fed the horses and walked inside. I followed him.

It was bustling. There were tables occupied with people who were drinking and eating.

A bard sang a song and the waitresses were running from table to table.

A counter was in front of us with a door behind it.

And a staircase led upwards.

We reached the counter and a young woman not older than 20 greeted the caravan, leader.

She had brown, shoulder-length hair, and was a little chubby, her face was not really pretty but also not ugly. A typical chubby woman without make-up if you would ask me.

"Hello sir, how can I help?" Young Woman

"Good evening, I´d like to have a room for 15 people and two single rooms," He replied

"Also a place for your slave?" She said while gesturing in my direction.

Here it is, the rumored racist human. I was already wondering when I´ll see them.

"She is not a slave, she is a free elf. " Caravan Leader

The young woman showed a quick face of detest and said with a business smile.

"Is that so? Then that will be 20 copper for two rooms with 8 beds, 30 copper for one single room and 50 copper for the room for this."She said and pointed against me.

They even charge larger sums? My life surely will be interesting with these kinds of people.

Dex will surely have a lot of work in the future...

"Why is the room for her more expensive than my room?" Caravan leader

"Isn´t it obvious? I have to burn the sheets." She said.

"You surely jest." Caravan leader.

"Do you want the rooms? If so pay or get lost." She said in a way that made it clear that she won't say anything anymore.

"Tch, here you go." Said the caravan leader and gave her two silver coins.

The young woman took the money and shouted.

"Ilza come and show these guests their rooms!"

A few moments later a girl came running. She was around 14 years old and had blond long hair, a slender frame, and a cute face. Her breasts were A cup. And above all she had long pointy ears like me.

"You called mistress?" She said timidly.

"Yes, show them their rooms, two 8 bedrooms and two single bedrooms, also this elf is not a slave so she is higher than you." The young woman said

"Yes, mistress," She said after a quick bow.

So she is a slave? I am a little interested in her story.

"Is there the opportunity to bath?" I asked

"There is but it costs one silver for you." The young woman said with disgust.

"Here, and could this girl help me?" I gave her one silver.

"Ilza prepare a bath after you have shown them their rooms,"She said.

"Yes mistress, please follow me. " Ilza

We went to the first floor and Ilza showed us our rooms. My room was the last one and it was a small room with a single bed and a small wardrobe.

"I´ll knock when the bath is finished." Ilza said and left after a bow.

I lay down at the bed and had to wait for 30 minutes until it knocked. She surely had to gather the water and heat it without magic.

°Knock knock° "The bath is ready mistress." Ilza said behind the door.

I got up and followed her.

We went outside behind the inn to the stables.

Is there a bath?

We reached a small well and Ilza said with dropped shoulders.

"The mistress said I am not allowed to show you the normal bath, sorry"

"Ho?" Me

Ilza flinched and looked like she expected to get hit.

"If that is so, we just have to make a new bath ourselves." Me

"Heh?" Ilza raised her head questioningly. " You won´t hit me?" Ilza

"Why should I? This was not your fault. " Me

"B..but how will we make a bath for us?"

"Easy, with Magic" Me

"Magic?!" Ilza

I walked to a free place and conjured a 3x3x1 meter large hole. I then changed the walls to a smooth, polished black stone and filled it with hot water. One meter around the bathtub was changed into wooden planks. And after that I conjured 4 3 meter high walls around our bathtub, one wall had a door.

For the finishing touch a roof.

"See easy."Me

I turned around and saw Ilza with an opened mouth.

"Come, or the water gets cold," I said while grabbing and pulling the stunned Ilza inside.

" You have to undress or else your clothes will get wet," I said

"Huh? What? Oh, yes. Wait, how did you make this you had not conjured a spell. I don´t know much about magic, but I heard you had to conjure if you want to cast one." Ilza

"I don´t need to do that, I just imagine what I want and then infuse this image with mana in order to cast the spell. Now undress." I answered.

"Okay," Ilza said shyly.

I got undressed and looked up to Ilza. She was thin but still pretty if there weren´t so many scars, all over her body. Her back looked like it was wiped.

"From where do you got these scars?" I asked

She looked like she remembered some, not so great, memories and said.

"My old master often hurt me for fun. And after many years of torture he sold me to this inn."

"Do you want to heal them?" I asked

She looked into my eyes and said.

"Sure I want them to heal, but I have no money to ask a healer."

"If that is the only problem, then today is your lucky day. " I said and imagined her scars to disappear.

Normally I have to have at least a little understanding of the things I want to make or else they won't work properly. Good that I know the skin.

Scars are a product of the damaged leather skin or dermis, it is the second skin layer from us. We have three skin layers. The first one which is mostly out of dead skin cells is called epidermis and is for protection, then the leather skin or dermis, which more or less feeds the epidermis. And the third one is the subcutis, this part has most of the neurons and blood capillary's.

So I just have to imagine that the dermis changes into the epidermis.

I don´t have to understand everything, this is already enough.

The scars began to retract and the normal skin was now in place of the scars.

"See? You look good." Me

Ilza began to touch her body. And then began to cry.

"Hick, how... hick... how can I thank you, mistress? Hick" Ilza

"A bath would be enough, and don´t call me mistress. That´s creepy call me Clair" Me

"Hick, okay C...Clair...hick...thank you." Ilza

We got into the water and I gave Ilza shampoo that I had conjured.

She began to wash my hair and body with soft strokes.

Hmm feels nice to get touched

"Your skin is so soft Clair. "Ilza

°Purring sounds°

"And your hair, how is it possible to be so silky?" Ilza

°More purring sounds°

"So, finished. Please dive Clair" Ilza

I was a bit disappointed that she finished so quick but did as she said.

I resurfaced and saw that Ilza wanted to exit the tub.

"Where are you going?"Me

" The mistress said that I have to go back when I finished cleaning you," Ilza said with a sad face.

"Nope, you´ll stay. It´s your turn."Me

"But the mistress will get angry if I stay any longer. " Ilza

"No problem, I´ll talk with her. Now sit down."Me

She slowly sat down and now it was my turn to wash her.

Fufufufu, this will be fun.

I began to put water over her head and stroked the shampoo in it. My hands did not stop on her head.

I reached further down to her breasts and began to massage them slowly.

Nice, firm but soft at the same time.

Ilza began to quietly moan but said nothing. So I continued my journey further down. Now reaching and caressing her tights.

Still no movements from Ilza. I moved my hands near her vagina and She began to tremble.

I looked in her face and saw that she looked like she is turned on. But also afraid?

Seems like she got raped, what a turn-off. I´m not interested when the other part not agrees.

So I stopped and continued to stroke her hair.

"W...why did you stop?" She asked.

"I´m not interested when you don´t like this. Now dive" I said.

"Thanks." She mumbled and dived.

We stayed a little longer and then got dressed.

We walked back inside, the young woman noticed us.

"Where were you Ilza, you surely did not need so much time for bathing a single girl." The young woman said angrily.

"That´s not her problem, I wanted to bath longer in your fine bath.

It was so good, that I did not want dirty it and made one myself, you can have it as a payment for occupying Ilza for a longer time than necessary." I said, my words were full of sarcasm.

"How could your bath compensate me for the loss of a working slave like Ilza?" She said.

"Just look for yourself it is in the backyard." I said and walked to my room.

"If not I will have you pay 1 silver," She shouted after me.

I entered my room and went to bed.

The next morning I was woken by Ilza, who said.

"The mistress was stunned as she saw your bath and said to me that I have to treat you like a lord from now on. I think you impressed her. "

I yawned and said.

"Good, I hope she is friendlier from now on."

"I was instructed to wake you and bring you down for breakfast."Ilza

"Okay" Me

I got dressed and walked down, where the woman from the caravan noticed me.

"Good morning Clair, sit down and eat." She said and patted at a chair next to her.

I sat down and began to eat while listening to their chatter.

Something about their work today.

I think I´ll go to the market and buy some fabrics and a hat. I don´t want to constantly hear that I am a slave. And the only difference from me and a normal human girl are my ears... and my hair, power, age, memories, as well as wealth but that, is not important.

Maybe a beret...

My thoughts were interrupted by the caravan woman who said.

"So Clair please stay inside, such a cute girl like you would surely get abducted."

"Yes, yes"I answered half-heartedly.

The hired guards stood up and walked outside, and left me behind.

I waited a few minutes and walked to the young woman.

"Was the bath good enough?" Me

"Yes, it was and if you want to take another bath it would only cost 50 copper," She said, now completely friendly.

"How generous, I wanted to say that I´ll go out to the marked." Me

"Have a nice trip " She said with a business smile.

I went back to my room and changed in a black goth-lolita dress with many frills.

Ok now I look like a noble, at least I hope I do.

I went down and outside, in the direction where I think the market would be.

Most of the markets of medieval time were in the middle of the town, so I think I´ll go there.

Many people looked at me, first with curiosity and then when they were near enough to see my ears with disdain.

Some were whispering things like.

"How could an elf afford such a dress?"

"She has to be the slave of a noble"

"She sure looks cute"

"I would like to have such a slave, I would entertain her all night fufufu."

I think I ignore the last sentence.

On the roadsides were some buildings with signs, mostly inns, a few had weapons or books as a sign.

After a 10 minute walk, I saw a sign with a needle and spool on it.

This has to be a tailor.

I walked inside and was greeted with finely sorted rows of fabrics and clothes.

The shop owner noticed me and said.

"How can I help you?" But then he saw my ears and said.

"By the looks of your dress you have money. If not you can leave."

"Oh I have money, but do you have what I want?" Me

"I am the best tailor in this town, an elf like you could not imagine how good I am."He

"Then I need fabrics, 4m² in red, 6m² in black and 1m² in blue, green and white. I also need black knitting wool. "Me

"This much would cost a gold coin." He said not expecting me to have so much money.

I took one gold coin out of the inventory and flicked it accurately in his hand.

"Here" Me

"You have a dimension pocket?" He

"Why not?" Me

I won´t hide my inventory from everyone, too much work.

"Why not? These things are extremely expensive, small ones with a storage of 10m³ cost more than 50 gold."He almost shouted.

"And?" Me

"And he said, your master must be rich."He

I said nothing, as he falsely accused me as a slave.

"So do you have those fabrics?"Me

"Yes wait a moment I bring them, you don´t need me to deliver them if you have a dimension pocket do you?"He

"Yes, that won´t be necessary" Me

He brought the said fabrics and knitting wool.

"Here, give your master my greetings." He

I stored the fabrics and wool in my inventory and walked outside.

I found down the road a small park with a bench and sat down.

I took the wool as well as two knitting needles out of the inventory and began to knit a beret-like hat. Just larger. It has to be large enough to hide my ears.




A perfect skill for old grandmothers. Knit your own socks and gloves like an old lady. LV 0

I finished the beret in half an hour. A LV 10 skill is extremely good.

What now?

I should I look for books, weapons, and leather?

I continued my shopping tour, the people now just looked curious and said things like.

"Is that a noble?"

"She looks beautiful"

"I wish my daughter would look so good."

I found a smith, but his weapons were not interesting. Mostly normal swords and armors.

The leather shop was better, I got a few good pieces and the owner treated me like a noble from the beginning.

Currently, I´m standing in front of a bookshop.

Nothing to loose

I thought and walked in.

The shop was small, but there were shelves with books on every wall. Further back was a small counter with an old woman behind.

"Hello, I am looking for some books." I greeted her.

"Oh my, what a pretty young lady. Most of the noble kids aren´t interested in books. How can I help you, do you look for something specific?" Old Woman

"Something about magic with every Tier, then smithing, alchemy, history, geography, and cooking." Me

"That are a lot of books, this won´t be cheap and I only have magic books until the third Tier. Higher ones are not allowed to be sold."

"How much for them then?"I asked

"I must say that it would cost 30 gold coins, for all the books I have with these themes." Old Woman

I gave her 30 gold coins and she gave me a large pile of books, at least 30.

I stored them in my inventory.

"As expected of a lady with so much money, you even have a dimensional pocket."

I said goodbye and walked back to the inn but was interrupted by 4 guys.

"Hello young lady, do you want to have fun with us?" Guy 1

"We promise it will feel good" Guy 2

How cliche like.

"Nope sorry, I am not interested in an ugly man like you." Me

"Look here little miss, you have two opportunity's. Either you come with us, without trouble and we will be friendly or you struggle and we won´t be friendly." Guy 3

"No, you have two options, let me go or I´ll scream" Me

"No one will hear you, and even if someone hears you, they won't help." Guy 4 said and tried to grab me.

"Oh then that makes it easy" Me

I grabbed his hand and broke his fingers.

Then I kicked the balls from guy 1 and 2 while jumping.

The fourth guy stood there with an opened mouth, looking down at his in pain screaming, friends.

"H..hey, please spare me, I won't do it again."Guy 3

"Sure you will not because I will crush your balls as well," I said and kicked him.

The first 3 guys had now a bloody crutch and the fourth one a broken hand.

I stepped over them and walked back to my inn.

It took me some time to find the right shops and it was already evening as I reached the inn.

The caravan woman was sitting on a chair and run to me right after I walked inside.

"Clair I said you should not go outside." Caravan Woman

"Nothing happened, I hid my ears,"I answered.

"Even then..." Caravan Woman.

She brought me to a table and sat me on her lap.

We ate in this position and then went to sleep.

The next morning I was again waked up by Ilza.

"Morning, I wanted to say goodbye and thanks for healing my scars."Ilza

"Morning, you don´t have to. It was easy for me."Me

"No can do. I thank you from the bottom of my heart."Ilza said and gave me a quick hug.

"If you say so..."Me

I got dressed, ate breakfast and we left the inn.