The Orphanage

I left a note for Kira and Lena and went to Hira, nobody tried to rape me this time.

These citizens are strange, I would surely try to abduct a girl like me, especially in this environment.

I reached Hiras shack and knocked on the nonexisting door.

"Hira are you home?" Me

No answer.

Are they out?

I went inside and sat down on one of the chairs.

Might as well do something, I could try the maximum of enchantments on one object.

So I started to enchant the table and I was able to write 50 different enchantments on it, it could now float and shoot a laser out of it legs if a demon came inside this shack, it´s also nearly indestructible.

Hira came with Siril back, the moment I started to enchant their chair.

"Young miss you´re already here," Hira said, happy to see me.

"We bought some food." She continued and explained their absence.

"No problem, how do you do Siril, were you a good kid?" I asked Siril with a smile.

She in return hid behind her mother and nodded.

"Ähm miss, I think I forgot your name." Hira said a little worried, she didn´t want to look unfriendly.

"No, I forgot to say it yesterday. My name is Clair." Me

"Just Clair?" She asked a little confused.

"Yeah, why?" Me

"You´re not a noble?" Hira

"No, how did you know?" Me

"I heard that noble children introduce themselves with their full name and it´s always a name out of three or more words," Hira explained.

That´s why Mr. Chubby said his full name, I thought he´s arrogant, ok he is....

"Well, I assure you that I´m not a noble. But there are more important things, could you show me the orphanage? But first we need some clothes for you, how are your measurements?" Me

Hira looked like she wanted to say more about this topic but did not.

" I don´t know, I never had clothes made for me," She said with a sad voice.

"No problem, please let me take them and I´ll make some clothes for you. But I have to say beforehand, they won´t be something special. I would need more time for something special." Me

"That´s no problem at all, it´s already generous of you to make something for us, you really are god given," She said.

"Then let me begin with Siril, could you come here? " I said and reached with one hand for her.

She came slowly in front of her mother and I could start.

It took me three hours, but I managed to make something decent.

Siril now wears a little white dress and Hira wears pants and a blouse.

"These clothes are really good, I saw rich merchants with worse clothes," Hira said with a happy voice and looked at her daughter who started to spin in a circle since she got her dress.

"Ok now let´s go to the orphanage." I said and Hira led the way.

It´s a run down, large building on the city-wall. It has a large, partly broken, wooden fence and a little garden with vegetables, growing inside of it.

We went behind the fence and could see some children playing on a yard, they were of mixed races, but I couldn´t see any elfs.

"You think Siril would want to play with them?" I asked Hira, but she said that she would let her rather stay at her side.

The children noticed us and ran inside, shouting something like, " Alina a noble girl has come.".

We walked to the entrance and a woman in her thirties came out, she was not pretty but at the same time not ugly, a normal woman with brown hair, slender and moderate breasts.

"Good day, may I know what a noble like you brings you here in this kind of district?" She greeted us.

"Hello, my name is Clair, may we come inside?" Me

"Of course, how rude of me. Please come inside? We only have water but do you want some? " She asked.

"I have some tea leafs." I said and gave her a bundle.

"I´ll make some then." Alina said and brought us to a large table inside.

The insides were plain and the furniture looked like they were used for decades.

It took her 20 minutes to make the tea and she only brought one cup.

She placed it in front of me and poured the tea inside.

Why´s there only one cup?

I looked down and Alina asked.

"Is there a problem with the cup miss Clair?"

"No, not that but why is there only one cup?" Me

"You want to drink out of more?" She asked a little confused.

"No, I mean why am I the only one with a cup, where´s yours, Hiras and Sirils ?" Me

"You mean that we can drink with you?" Alina

"Yes I do, so could you please bring three more cups?" I asked and she brought three more.

All three of them drank slowly and showed a happy expression, I left my cup untouched.

"This tee is really good, it´s seldom for me to drink tea." Alina said and noticed that I´m not drinking.

"Is there something still wrong?" Alina

"No, I´m just not good with hot beverages. I once drank nearly boiling water and am not able to drink something hot since then." I explained.

"Is that so.... Then may I now know why you´re here?" Alina

"Ah yes, I want to ask if you could employ Hira and take her and Siril in." Me

"May I know the reason, why you want to give away your maid?" Alina

"Oh she´s not my maid, she has currently real no home and I thought I could help her and her daughter. And I think your orphanage is a good place to stay for them. I´ll teach her sewing and tailoring, so she could help with an income. " Me

"May I know how long you know miss Hira?" Alina

"I met her yesterday." Me

"Then why do you want to help her? It´s not normal for a noble to do such a thing." Alina inquired and Hira looked at me with the questioning look she had since yesterday.

"There´s also the problem with the money...." She further said.

When does Hira understand it? I do this out of a whim and I like to play with kids, that´s the reason for the orphanage.

"First of all I´m no noble, I´m not even human." I said and took my beret off.

"I knew it, you shmelled different." Said Siril, who then got a little chop on her head from her mother, for speaking with something in her mouth.

"Don´t be rude." Hira hissed.

"You´re an elf? And a free one on top of that? " Alina said confused.

"Yes I am, is it so unnatural to be free as an elf?" Me

"Yes it is, nearly all elfs are slaves and are born as a slave. And those who have freedom try to go to the Schwarzwald." Alina explained.

"Well, I´m not really normal as you might see by my doings. " I said with a smile.

"And for the reason, I saw her and wanted to help, after I heard her story." Me

"That´s all?" Alina asked not believing me, but Hira nodded with a wry smile.

"What was that about the money problem?" I asked.

"Well time was not nice to us and I had to borrow money from a moneylender. I were not able to get the money until now so this might not be a good place for them to stay." Alina said sadly.

"How much?" I replied.

"Huh?�� Alina

"How much do you owe them? And are they normal moneylenders or might they try something if you give them the money?" Me

"Äh, they´re part of the Bloodray Gang, they´re not really friendly." Alina

"And why did you ask them?" I said wondering why she had not asked someone else.

"There was no one else who would agree to lend money to an orphanage. They think I can´t return the money and will enslave some of the children for compensation. I was able to delay that, but I don´t think I can do it any longer.

It happened 3 years ago a former orphan, who was able to earn money as a merchant and gave us some of that, died. I´m in debt since then. " Alina

"How were you able do delay them?" I asked and she gave me a sad smile to which I raised an eyebrow.

"First I sold the little things of worth we had but this did not last long. And I had to sell myself..."She began to cry a little but continued," And the last time they said that it would not be enough anymore,

I have to take one of the older girls with me the next time." She was now completely crying.

I waited a few minutes and asked.

"And how much do you owe them?"

"Three whole gold coins..." She said without any hope and Hiras mouth opened in disbelieve.

"Not more?" I said without any emotions.

"Eh? Y..yes that´s all." She said not knowing what I mean.

"If it´s just that then I can give it to you but you surely wouldn´t get away from the Bloodray Gang, they might raid you when you want to give them the money. What would you do then?" Me

She thought for a moment and realized that I´m right and then began to cry again.

"Do you know where they have their hideout or something like that?" I asked.

"I only know their house for their usurer. It´s in the Raker Street." She said.

"Could you describe the way?" I asked.

She did and I thought I could find it.

"What do you plan?" Hira asked me as I stood up.

"I´ll visit and "persuade�� them to get out of business," I replied.

"You can´t they have over 200 men and some of them are magicians. " Alina shouted, trying to convince me to stop.

"No problem then, could you please take care of Siril and Hira for the time I´m out?" I asked and left, not giving her the chance for another word.

I found the location rather easy, two thugs like people were in front of the entrance.

I already changed my appearance into Dex with his mask and black armor and am currently thinking which weapon I could use.

Maybe daggers? But the blood is annoying. A broadsword? Too large and smashing someone is boring. I liked scythes, but the problem with them is that they are not good in narrow environments.

Maybe a scythe for broad fighting and mana pistols for indoor fighting?

Mana pistols didn´t exist, but I could build one with the right enchantments.

Anyway I don´t have them now and I should use a weapon, it doesn´t feel good to cut through flesh with your hands. Maybe a holy or legendary sword out of my inventory.... It took me some time, but here it is.

Rasmus [One-handed Sword]

This legendary sword was forged thousands of years ago, it is a mighty sword which could cleave mountains, so it´s said.

Durability: 200.000

I took it out and.

"So you´re my new master?" ???

"You´re the sword aren´t you?" I asked.

"You´re less freaked out as my last master, why?" Rasmus

"Cause I know many stories about a speaking legendary sword, do you have any powers or are you just a speaking sword?" Me

"Just a speaking sword? I´m special, I CAN speak. Are you stupid or wh..." I didn´t let him finish and put him back into my inventory.

Stupid thing calling me stupid...

It seemed like I had no choice and took my old hand made sword out.

I sneaked around the house and found a backdoor, which I lockpicked.

Now inside I searched for someone who looks like he has something to say but found no one on the floor.

The boss is in movies every time in the highest floor in the last room of the corridor, let me try that.

I sneaked upstairs and found a room and two thugs were in front of it. Looking like they are standing guard.

I threw two daggers at them and both daggers went up to the hilt into their skull.

Then I walked to them and collected both daggers.


Usurer POV

I was going through my notes, thinking about my normal work as my door suddenly burst.

And a man, wearing black leather armor with a creepy mask, came in.

"Hello dear customer~ " He said.

I´m here for a little request, may I know the location of your boss?" He then asked.

I couldn't comprehend this situation and said.

"Who are you, How did you come in here and where are my guards?"

"Well I sneaked in and two of your guards are here." He said and picked Keil and Fred from the hallway up, each of them in one hand and both had a hole in their head.

Now more frightened I asked.

"What do you want from me? Money? I don´t have money, I am only doing the accounting and money lending."

"You haven´t listened haven´t ya? I want to know from you the location of your boss." He said trying to sound intimidation, which worked.

"I..I... I can´t say it, he would kill me." Me

"Well either I kill you after torturing or he kills you but I think the second option is less likely." He treated.

"He... he should be at his home, in the second district, a... a large villa with two stone lions on the entrance," I replied frightened.

"Thank you, you´ve earned a death without pain," He said cheerfully.

"Why I said what you wanted to hear," I asked while backing away.

"You see, it´s a funny little thing, it´s simply because you´ve seen me." He said and everything went black...


Dex POV:

Too easy but what now? If I kill their boss then they might reorganize. I think I´ll kill him and see what happens, it´s more fun this way.

I sprinted over the houses to the second district and found after a few moments the right house, it was a house or more like a mansion with a giant garden, two floors and a stable. Some guys were patrolling in the garden and 4 more were at the entrance.

It was not night, just evening, so I couldn´t sneak past them.

I jumped over the garden on the roof, near a window, and sneaked inside.

"What a coincidence that there was an open window," I said while removing the glass out of the window.

The interior was luxury with many highly ornamented furniture.

His work must be well paid.

I sneaked out of my room and tried to find someone with eavesdropping.

But had no luck with this floor so I went down to the first floor.

On which I only found some maids making nasty remarks over their employees.

But I found out that they´re currently eating on the ground floor.

To which I then sneaked. I found the possible eating room, there were 12 people inside.

I kicked the door open and began my introduction.

"Good evening lady's and gentlemen, I´m your new guest mister Reaper."

Two guys on the sides of the door unheated their swords and tried to kill me, but I simply flicked their foreheads and broke their necks.

Now I looked through the room and saw sitting on the table, a woman in her mid twenty´s, a young boy, three men and a girl in her late teens. There also were 4 more guards on the other side of the room.

Six other guard looking men were now warier and didn´t rush at me but had their swords still unsheathed.

All present people looked surprised.

And one guy from the table stood up, he could be the boss because he sat at the top of the table.

"Do you know where you are?" He asked trying to look menacing.

"This is the mansion of the boss from the Bloodray Gang isn´t it?" I asked and tilted my head.

"Yes, it is," He said thinking I´m now frightened.

Not fulfilling his expectations I said.

"Then yes, I know where I am." Me

"And what the fuck are you freak doing here?" He now shouted angrily.

"Well I don´t agree with your work and wanted to consult with you." Me

"Da fuck?" He replied.

"Well you see, I don´t like rape and slavery and you practice it. So here is my offer, you stop with these things and I leave. You can continue to smuggle and selling drugs, but these two are a no go. Do you accept my offer?" I said businesses like.

"Why should I? Guards, kill him. " He said and the four guards closed in on me.

"Not nice, I come and present you a small offer and you try to kill me. " I said like a kid.

"You´re crazy." Was his reply.

All four of them rushed at the same time, but I didn´t move, and none of them reached me. All four fell to the ground, now screaming and holding their legs.

"What? That was magic. What did you do? " Asked one of the sitting guys.

Oh, a mage.

"I broke their bones. Okay now that you don´t agree I am troubled with a little problem. How should I kill you?" I said and the boy, as well as the woman, looked frightened.

"Mikel, Lucios, the one, who kills him gets a promotion." Said the boss.

They both stood up, one wanted to chant a spell and the other one unsheathed his sword.

"Sorry guys I´m not interested in you." I said and ruptured a few blood vessel and cells in their head, killing them instantly.

Now even the boss was frightened.

"P..please spare us." He pleaded.

"I could but why should I? I mean you tried to kill me first." Me

"Then...then let my children and wife alive." He pleaded for them.

"Sorry, no can do. They saw me and surely want to take revenge. But I´m nice and don´t let them see you dying." I said and killed the children the same way I did it with the men from before.

"Noooo!!!" His wife cried and he fell down.

"Why? What did I do to you? I don´t even know you." He said.

"You did nothing to me, but there is the possibility of your gang to do something." I said and killed his wife by breaking her neck.

He started to cry and rushed at me with a sword. But I sidestepped, grabbed his hands and broke them.

"Normally I would kill you extremely painful but today is one of the days in which I´m niece." Me

"How is this niece? You killed my friends and family without me even doing something to you." He shouted.

"Oh this is not counted in being nice, I mean I´ll kill you without torture. " I said and strangled him to death.

"Okay my businesses here is finished, it was nice to do business with you, mister? Oh, I forgot to ask him how he is called. Well not important, back I have to go." I said and left.

I changed in an alley back and went inside of the orphanage. Where I saw a bunch of kids eating a soup, Hira and Alina were distributing it. And Siril was sitting between the kids. There were 10 of them.

"Hi, I´m back," I said.

"Clair, I was worried, it seems like you came to your senses and did nothing," Hira said relieved to see me unhurt.

"Oh I talked with the boss of the Bloodray´s but he didn��t agree with me so I had to "convince" him," I said.

"Alina, could they stay here?" I asked.

"Yes they can, the work is easier with two people and they seem friendly," She said

"Good, how much do you normally need for a month?" Me

"Need what?" Alina

"Money." Me

"20 silver for all of us," She said.

"Good here are 3 gold for the debt, in case they come to collect it and another 10 gold in silver and copper coins." I said and gave her a big sack out of nowhere.

"You have a dimensional pocket?" She asked perplexed.

"Yes I do, is there something left for me?" I asked pointing at the soup.

"I... I don´t know what I could say...." Alina said looking at the sack.

"You could answer my question. But well it´s not important, I borrow your kitchen, I´ll make a cake for us. " I said and left, searching the kitchen.

I found it and began to bake a cake while hearing the kids asking.

"Alina, who´s that girl?"

"She looks like a noble."

"Why has she pointy ears?"

And she answered.

"That´s Clair an elf, she came with Hira and Siril and helped us with the money problem. You have to be friendly to her, okay?"

""Yes "" they said in unison.

I finished my cake and it now was baking, so I went back to the eating room.

"The cake will be finished in 30 minutes and there is enough for all of us." I said and the children cheered.

"What will you do now?" Alina asked me.

"I plan to come every afternoon and teach Hira sewing, but I can´t come on the weekends.

I also plan to play with the children here, I might make some new toys for them."

"I have to ask again because I can´t believe it. Why are you doing this all for us? Do you want some compensation later?" Alina asked.

"Nope, I did it on a whim and thought it might be interesting." Me

"You spent so much money because of a whim?" Alina

"Money is there to spend." I replied and Alina suddenly began to cry.

"Hick.... you´re...hick...right Hira.... she is hick like an hick angel," She said between her tears.

The younger children did not know what happened and the older ones who understood our conversation also began to cry, which led the younger ones crying.

It took them the whole thirty minutes to stop and some of them were still sobbing as I gave each of them a piece of cake.

We ate in silence and I said after I was done eating.

"I´ll have to go, my roommates would worry if I get back too late."

"Are you sure? It´s dangerous outside at this time." Alina

"I´m good, see you tomorrow." I said and left.

I went back home and slept.