Getting Ilza

My flight didn't last long, I reached the city before sunrise. I landed near the walls and retracted my wings. Then changed into something noble like with a hat that hides my ears.

Then I walked inside and to the inn where she worked.

The insides were like last time and the counter was occupied by the same woman.

"What can I do for you at such a late hour?" She greeted me with a smile and is that a lewd look?

"I heard that you own an elf-slave, I´d like to buy her," I said.

"Sorry sir, I don´t own her anymore, I sold her last week to a brothel." She


"Which brothel?" I asked.

"It´s the Lewd Nymph sir, you´ll see it if you walk this street up, then left, right and at the end of the street." She said and described the way. I thanked her and left, walking to the brothel.

It´s a large building with two bodyguards in the front.

I went inside and saw a few, almost naked girls, appraising themselves.

The counter was occupied by a middle-aged woman, who might be the bawd.

I walked up to her and she smiled at me.

"Good evening sir, what can I do for you, or better "with" you?" She said with a wink.

"I´ve heard that a slave named Ilza works here, I´d like to buy her," I said.

"I´m sorry sir, she was brought, by a noble, yesterday. He took quite the liking in her." She said.

"May I know the name of said noble?" Me

"I´m deeply sorry sir, but we don´t speak about our customers." She

"But my friends here, were saying something else." I said and put ten gold coins on the counter.

Her eyes went wide, she leaned forward and whispered.

"He´s the duke of this city, a really nasty man, quite the sadist."

"I have another question, could you than give me a girl which has "worked" with him?" Me

"He only uses slaves, they have not as many rights, as normal employees. I think Guria was his girl before Ilza came. That would make 5 silver." She said and I gave her the money.

"She´s in the third room." She further said and pointed to a door.

"Thank you." I said and went inside that room.

I went inside and saw a human girl under a blanket.

She noticed me and hurriedly stood up.

"Hello master, what can I do for you?" She said while bowing deeply.

"Hello, I have some questions for you." I said and she looked puzzled at me.

"You don´t want to lay with me?" She asked confused.

"Yes, I´d like to know more about a slave contract from you, as well as something about the baron. Could you please explain to me, how a slave contract works?" Me

"Äh, okay master. A slave contract is an enchantment which is sealed with a blood contract. The owner put some blood on the slave enchantment and then you have to obey the person, who owned the blood." She said.

"What happens if the owner dies?" Me

"Depends on the enchantment, you could be free or paralyzed, you might even die." She

"Okay and what´s about the duke, I heard you lay with him." I asked and she shivered.

"He..he is creepy, he liked to hit and strangle me, I thought, I might die. But I think all of this, was just something minor for him, truly a creepy man." She

"Are you allowed to have money?" I asked.

"No sir, why would you ask?" She

"Then do you have some kind of illness? " I further asked.

" sir," She said, but looked to the side.

"Come on, don´t lie." Me

"Y..yes sir, I have an itching in my crotch." She confessed and looked down.

"Okay, then here is your reward, for answering me." I said and began to chant a Tier 6 spell.

"Siria, Göttin des Lichts und der Heilung, erlöse dieses Opfer von quallen mit deinem reinigendem Licht und Heile es[Schwere Heilung]!"

Her body began to glow, in a white light and she let a surprised "kya" out and squinted down.

The light dimmed down and she looked, surprised, up.

"Eh? That felt warm, what was that?" She asked looking up to me.

"That was a Tier 6 spell, which should have healed your itching." I´ll take my leave now, have a nice day." I said and left the stunned girl behind.

I went outside and asked the nearest passerby for directions.

It´s the largest building in the town.

After what I heard, I think Reaper Dex, has to visit this duke...

I ran over the roofs until, I found the described building. Aaannd there were guards.

How should I do this? Fighting my way inside, or sneaking inside, searching for Ilza?

As I´m a really nice person, I´ll first sneak in. It might be that he did not hurt her.

-Well, I sure hope he did not.

I sneaked through the staff entrance inside and bypassed half a dozen guards.

If he tortures his slaves, then they surely will be in a cellar.

So I searched for one and as expected, I found one. It had some locks on the door, but I quickly opened them.

The way down was lit well, with glowing stones.

Light enchantments?

While I walked down, I could hear people talking, so I stayed cautious and listened.

"Hey, that new girl sure looks good." Guard 1

"Yeah, but not for long, Duke Brunugan is a master of his art." Guard 2

"You think we could fuck her, before he really starts?" Guard 1

"Don´t think so, he just gives us the leftovers." Guard 2

So he did nothing too serious to her? Good for them. As I already know, that these guards conducted rape, I´ll kill them.

I broke their necks and it kinda looked like I used telekinesis.

I can´t say it enough, this thought based magic is cool, as long, as I can imagine it and posses enough mana.

I searched their body's for keys and placed them like they were sleeping.

Then I opened another door and found a larger room with many prison cells.

Females from 8 to 30 years were in them, some reeked of dead, other quivered uncontrollably as they saw me. All of them had wounds and some of said wounds were really nasty.

There´s this torture method, which is mostly used on women. The woman get hooks jerked inside their breasts and they then get hanged up. The hooks pierce the flesh and they often tear the breasts apart.

And it seems like this baron did this with some women.

Okay, it´s settled, I´ll try the bloody eagle with him.

"Hi, someone here who´s not insane from all the torture?" I asked them but mostly got repetitive excuses and pleadings to not hurt them as an answer.

"You´ll see, I search for an elf girl, she came yesterday. I could release you in exchange for some information. " Me

A beastkin woman who has many whip marks and no ears came to the front asking me.

"Do you speak the truth? You´ll release us?" Beastkin Woman

"Yes, I will," I assured.

"I might saw the girl you´re searching, they brought her in yesterday to the torture chamber, the master begins with whipping us so she should be alive." She said and pointed to a door.

"Thanks for the info but there´s one problem with your escape." I said and she asked frightened.

"What? I´ll do anything but please free us."

"The problems are the guards in this house, they´re mostly alive, I have to discharge them before we can go, so you´ll have to wait a few minutes. Is that ok?" ME

"Yes, yes, we´ll wait." She

"Good, then here are the keys, I´ll search for Ilza and be back when I found her." I said and walked to the torture chamber.

The torture chamber was, well a torture chamber. But not the good one, which has it things well in a good order and cleaned. Oh, noo not this one, blood on the ground and on the walls was the least thing to worry.

There were women without legs and arms who probably bleed to death, an iron maiden, a pyramid, countless hooks, a nail board, which had some remains of skin on it, and many other things.

And in the middle of all of this was Ilza hanging on a rope.

Her back was turned to me and it had deep red whipping marks.

I walked in front of her, turned to Clair and woke her up.

"Please...hick...don´t..hick..." Ilza

"Hi, I won´t hurt you Ilza. The opposite I´m here to free you." Me

"Hick... what?... Clair?... are you... an illusion?" Ilza

"Nope, let me heal you." I said and repeated the Tier 6 spell, she was completely healed and I cut the rope.

"You´re really here? °Sob°" Ilza

"Yup, let´s get you out of here, but first show me your slave symbol." I said and she slowly moved, showing me her belly, which had a mark.

This looks like an enchantment that forces the wearer to obey any command of the blood owner.

But it luckily does not have the rune which kills the slave if the owner dies.

"Good your slave enchantment is not one of the dangerous ones, come," I said, picked her up and walked back to the cages.

All of them are now open and a few woman were standing outside, but most of them couldn´t either walk or got insane from the torture.

They looked at me not knowing who I´m.

"Oh, right wrong form." I said and changed back to Reaper Dex, which stunned Ilza.

" Please stay still for a moment, I´ll heal you." I said and healed them in a mass heal, it uses double the mana for each person but is much faster than healing each of them at a time.

They all looked stunned at me.

"Sorry for the missing limbs, I´m currently not able to let them regrow. And I´m also not able to give you your sanity back. Do you have some kind of leader?" Me

The ear-less, beastkin woman came in front and said.

"Thank you and I would be something like the leader."

"Good, here´s the next problem, what do you want to do with these women who have not enough sanity to do something?" I asked and they all looked worried.

"I think there are a few possibility's. You could carry them, but that would slow you down and none of you look strong enough. Then we could let them here, which will kill them, because they´ll find this place, the third way is, that we end their suffering with a quick death. What do you want?" I said.

They all looked sad and spoke about the possibility's until their leader said.

"It´s extremely sad, but we can´t take them with us."

"Okay, then I´ll give them a quick and painless death, is that right with you?" I asked and all of them gave me a slow nod.

So I killed them by breaking their neck and rupturing some blood vessels. Then I burned all of them to ashes in a blink of an eye. Some of the women and children began to cry, but no one said anything.

"Then onto the next thing, I´m able to bring you out via a tunnel." I said and their faces lit up.

"But first I have to kill this baron, he´s too much of a bastard to be left alive. I´m going to block the entrance to this room, leaving you safe. I´ll be back, please look after Ilza for me." I said and sealed the entrance with a stone wall before I left.


Ear-less beastkin woman POV:

I was a beggar since birth and life was hard, my family often had not enough money and I lost more than one sibling during childhood.

My life changed as I was begging near the market, the baron took a like to my appearance and said he will employ me.

At first I was happy, to be no longer a beggar, but this happiness vanished in the first night, they took me to the cellar. In it I were caged, with half-dead women, and the guard said, I´ll soon be like them.

I was frightened and pleaded for mercy, but they just cuffed me and the baron began to whip me.

The following torture was cruel beyond thinking, he once cut my ears off saying that they´re too pretty for me.

Yesterday they brought a new girl, a pretty elf. She won´t stay pretty.

I don´t know why or how I kept my sanity, but now I think it´s good that I still have it.

A man with a creepy mask came down and we thought he´ll torture us next, but he didn´t, he said he´s searching for the elf and will free us in exchange for her whereabouts.

I told him where she is and he gave us the keys.

Hope flamed up in me and I began to free the other girls, some were to broken to realize what happened and some were to hurt to move, but there were a few like me who might have enough strength to escape.

A girl and the elf came back, she´s pretty, something I´ve never seen but where is the man with the mask I thought, but then the girl said something about a wrong form and changed her form to the man.

He even healed all of us, but he was not able to regrow my ears.

He said he´ll rescue us, but he first had to kill the baron. I was frightened that he might leave without us, but he also left the elf behind, so he surely will come back, won´t he?


Back to Clair POV:

How should I do this? I think I´ll also kill his family, they did nothing to stop him and they surely know what´s in the cellar. But I don´t know to which extent, so they´ll die without pain.

I walked upstairs and sneaked through the house, while killing everyone who looked like a noble.

The maids were kept alive.

I finally reached the room of the baron.

He was sleeping next to his wife.

Oh, I know what I´ll do.

I blocked the air around her head so that she has a small air bubble around it. I did the same with the room, if there is no air then there´s no sound. I then snapped the neck of his wife, ripped her head off and moved it in front of his face.

I splashed some of her blood on his face and he woke up, looking directly at the ripped head of his wife.

He began to scream and notice me, his face full of fear.

"What did you do? Why? Who are you? Where are my guards?" He said bombarding me with questions.

"Good morning, I´m here for a slave you brought, her name is Ilza, you whipped her yesterday and I found her in your torture chamber.

Man am I impressed, really. So many different things you have in there, but there´s one thing I´d like to show you, it´s something called Bloody Eagle.

Don´t get me wrong, I don´t have something against you, you can torture as much as you like,

there´re just two things, which are a no go for me and this is rape and slavery.

On a second thought, you are a slaver and a rapist. Sorry, now I do have something against you. Then again, it´s just if you do something against people, whom I like.Aaaand you hurt someone I like, so I´ll hurt you, you´re free to stop me if you can." I said cheerfully.

He was frightened and tried to say something, but could only reply "Wha?", followed by painful screams because I grabbed him and forced him on the knees, I took a dagger out of my inventory and began to cut on the left and right side of his spine.

It was really hard to find the thing I searched because blood sprayed in my face.

I healed the ruptured vessels while I cut him and the result was a clean cut through his back.

I finally found the object of desire, his lungs.

I carefully pulled them out of his back, while not damaging them. He´s still alive and I don´t want to kill him.

You know these poisoning air producing monsters in Dead Space? Now he exactly looks like one. His lungs were still breathing air in and out and he got unconscious during the procedure.

It´s called bloody eagle because the lungs which were pulled out of the back look like wings and there´s normally really much blood. It is an execution from the Norseman.

I cleaned myself, removed the sound barrier and put an enchantment on the door which lets it explode in an hour.

I sneaked back to the cellar and found the girls, they were delighted when they saw me.

"Good, follow me I´ll make a tunnel." I said and moved the earth out of my way.

I produced a tunnel and closed it behind us, leaving no evident of our escape.

We walked for a whole hour until I began to move us upwards.

The sun already rose as we came out on a field near the town.

I turned to the woman, there were 50 who came with us.

"There are two possibility's for you, the first one would be that you´ll get some money from me and you can go your way, and second would be, that I help you to move to another place, where you can build a village. Please discuss this under yourselves, Ilza could you please come for a moment?" I said and they began to talk while Ilza came up to me.

"I´m sorry that I didn´t help you earlier, the things they did to you are not common from where I come." I began and apologized.

"I already thought that you're not normal, what are you? But thank you nevertheless." She said.

"Well I´m something different, I´m able to change my appearance into that of a girl, boy, man, woman and dragon or something between," I said with a wry smile.

"That would be hard to believe if I haven´t seen it. Why did you come back?" Ilza

"I realized my mistake and wanted to buy you and employ you as a caretaker for me, not as a slave, but as a normal person. But if this woman wants to build a village you could also join them." I said.

She pondered about the things I said and said with a smile.

"You´re the first person in my life who was really nice to me, you healed me and even rescued me from a certain gruesome and slow death, I´d love to come with you."

I smiled a real smile, which seldom happens and said.

"Thank you, I´ll buy a house for us when we´re back in Turonis but I have to help them first."

She smiled and nodded.

The ear-less beastkin woman came to me and said.

"We want to thank you and I want to ask you something.

Are you a god?"

"I´m not, I just have a real high level, what do you want to do?" I asked

"Most of us were beggars or slaves, we have no family, only three want to go and the rest of us would take your offer, building the village," She said.

"Do you want to be in a place that´s remote of other people, or somewhere near a village?" I asked.

"As remote as it would be possible," She said.

"There is a place that I know, I´ll make a stone house, please go inside, I´ll have to fly us there." I said and conjured a hollow stone block, large enough for all of them and enough air to be inside for 6 hours.

"Please get inside, I´ll have to close it because I´ll fly at a really high speed. And the three who want to go, please come to me." I said and they did it.

"Here are hundred silver for each of you and some clothes, have a nice life." Me

They started to cry while thanking me. They said that this much money would not be needed, but I said that I have much more.

We said goodbye and I flew with the stone block to the dragon valley. It´s remote, large and safe when I make some guards.

We reached it midday, it´s no longer torched, but green and I explained to them where we are.

They were worried in the beginning, but I assured them that the dragons are dead and that I´ll build guards for them.

I asked them what kind of houses they want and conjured it like they wanted.

I also made the furniture and daily tools.

The next thing were a field for farming, it already had fully grown plants on it.

I gave them some clothes and extra food.

They got 10 guardian lions which were stronger, than the lions at the orphanage, and made a large wall around their village, the fields are inside.

I asked if some of them know how to forge, tailor or other things.

And it seems like most of them have basic knowledge in farming and basic things, but no one could forge, so I gave them an ore and forging book.

They never stopped to thank me while I did all this.

It took me the whole day, to finish everything and Ilza and I will stay for the night....