A teacher for Ilza

I brought Ilza back to her room and said Hira, while leaving, that I´ll be in school for the next hours.

I went back to the dorm. Kira and Lina greeted me, they were learning.

"I´m back and I have to tell you something." Me

"Welcome, what is it? Something bad?" Lina asked worriedly.

"Depends on the viewer. I´m going to live in the first wall." Me

"Why? I heard the security there is bad." Kira

"That won´t be a problem. I rescued a friend out of slavery and we´re currently staying at an orphanage near the city wall. I´ve bought us some property and we´ll live there in seven days." Me

"Why so suddenly? Did we do something wrong?" Lina asked worriedly.

"No, you didn´t, it´s just that I´m not allowed to live with my friend, who is not a student, on the school ground." Me

"We´ll miss you," Lina said sadly.

"And your cooking," Kira added.

"You can live with us, the house will be quite large." Me

"Are you sure? I mean we would be four people." Kira

"Well it´s 2000m² so it should be big enough." Me

"How the hell did you get 2000m² inside a city?" Kira

"I bought houses." Me

"Are you rich?" Kira

"Kinda." I said and she went quiet.

"So do you want to live with me?"

"Can we think about it?" Kira asked.

"Sure, but I need your decision till the next week, I have to design the building." Me

"It isn´t built yet? And you want to move in?" Lina

"I´ll build it with magic." Me

"But a spell that could build complete houses is at least Tier 9." Lina

"I didn´t mention it before, but I´m able to cast spells without incantations." Me

"WHAT?....what?" Lina first screamed but repeated it with a red face.

"D...does that mean that you don´t need the spell Tiers?" Lina

"Yes, I just have to understand and imagine what I want. I need more mana if my knowledge lacks." Me

"No wonder you´re in the A1-Class." Kira

"I have to go now, I must inform my home-room teacher Malinda. " I said and left.

The receptionist gave me directions to her house, it´s on the campus.

It´s a normal sized house for one person.

I knocked and Malinda opened, a few moments later.

"Oh if this isn´t Clair, what do you want? " Malinda.

"I did not know who I should inform, but I plan to live outside of the campus. And I have a question to you." Me

"Please come in and explain why." Malinda said and I followed her inside to a living room, which was more like a, messy, library, dozens of books were laying on the ground, almost everywhere.

"I´m sorry for the mess, I searched for something." Malinda.

"It´s okay," I said, and sat down.

"So, why do you want to leave the dorm and what question do you have?" Malinda asked, while she puts some books away.

"I have a friend with whom I want to live outside." Me

"A boyfriend?" She asked, smirking.

"Nope, I´m not into guys." Me

"That will come with time." Malinda

"I don´t think so. Anyway, she´s not a student and as such, she can´t live here." Me

"So it´s not because of your roommates?" Malinda

"No, I offered them to live with us." Me

"And?" Malinda

"They think about it, but I feel that they´ll decline." Me

"Why?" Malinda

"I think, they don´t want to be a burden." Me

"Hmm, and the question?" Malinda

"My friend is an elf and I wanted to ask you if you could tutor her a little in magic. I will pay." Me

"Why me?" Malinda

"Because you are partly an elf and you are unprejudiced." Me

"How do you know that I am an elf?!" Malinda

"Your status." Me

"My status? From where do you know my status?" Malinda

"From a skill, here °Show Status Malinda Lilia°" I said and she could see her own status.

"That..., how?" Malinda

"That´s a skill called identification." Me

"I know that skill, but it should not show you the status of other people, at least not with so many details, it even says, that I´m single. How high is your skill level?" Malinda

"I´ll say it, if you agree to teach my friend and if you stay quiet about this." Me

She ponders about my conditions but agreed.

"My identification skill is on LV 10," I said and she was frozen.

"Miss Malinda?" I asked but got no reply.

"Great the same as my parents." I said and began to poke her cheek. She came back after my fifth poke.

"Did I heard right? Ten?" Malinda

"Yup." Me

"How? What else can you do? Is your status, you showed me even correct?" Malinda

"Hm not really. The headmaster will summon me next week." Me

"I know, the other teacher were astonished by your skills. D...don´t say me, they´re all on LV 10." Malinda

I gave her a wry smile and she fell down, unconsciousness.

"Oh, for fucks sake...." I said and changed to Dex because it´s easier to move her in this form.

I picked her up and laid her on her bed as she regained her consciousness.

She saw me and shouted.

"Who are you?! Where is Clair?!!"

"Well, that went wrong," I said.

"Who are you?" She said and began, to concentrate mana in her hand.

"Let me explain." I said and dispersed the mana from her hand.

"How? What did you do to me? Why am I not able to focus my mana?" Malinda

"Cause I moved it away, let me explain." I said and changed back to Clair.

"Clair? What are you?" Malinda asked, completely not knowing what happens.

"It would be easier if I show you my status." Me

"I know your status." Malinda

"No you don´t, show status, show status to Malinda," I said and we could see my status.

Name: Clair / Dex Schmiedehand

Gender: Male/Female

Age: 23

Level: 1356 (next 50%)

Profession: Student, Savior

Rank: G

Titel: Holocaust bringer, Jaw dropper, The one Who does as He please.

Health: 3.000.000 [HP: Regeneration 1.000/sec]

Mana: 999.999.999 [MP: Regeneration 100.000/sec]

Stamina: 50.000.000

Stamina: Regeneration 10.000/sec

Strength: 150.000

Intelligence: 200.000

Agility: 175.000

Wisdom: 210.000

Class: Whatever you want

This something was brought in this world by the true god and it´s here to please him with his actions. You may pet and hug it as you please.

Race: Aeron

Oh, I gained a few titles.

Malinda looked over it and was silent. After five minutes she asked.

"What is an Aeron?"

"That´s your only question?" Me

"Of course not! There are many, too many." Malinda

"Well if you give me a blood contract that states that you´ll never speak or indicate my status, without my consent, then I´ll answer as many questions as you like." Me

"Okay!" She agreed directly after I finished.

"Good, then give me your arm, I´ll enchant it with the right runes, and you don´t have to worry, they will get invisible." I said and she gave me her arm.

I enchanted it with the right runes and put some of my blood on it. It began to glow, in a red light and then vanished.

"I heard of such an enchantment, the enchantment teacher Mrs. Toufee talked about it, it´s at least an LV 4 enchantment, but she didn´t say that it gets invisible," Malinda said, looking at her arm.

"You can make it invisible with an LV 8 rune." Me

"So what happens if I tell someone about you?" Malinda

"Nothing too serious, you´ll forget me and everything that involves me." Me

"Nothing too serious? That could mean that I forget whole years." Malinda

"Do you want it to kill you?" Me

"That would be better, if I break a promise as big as this then, only death could be the prize." Malinda

"Okay, I change it." I said and changed it to an automatic kill.

"Now it will explode and use your mana pool as fuel." Me

"Scary, I didn´t know that enchantments could be so dangerous." Malinda

"They can´t, normally.

You have to use LV 10 enchantments to write such specific orders, normal enchantments up till the 6th LV only strengthens something or does minor things. But you can make it more flexible with LV 10 runes, it´s something like, do this, when, but only if this or that happens etc." Me

"Interesting. You´ve said you´ll answer my questions." Malinda


"Then what is an Aeron, why are your stats so high, how is your level over 1300, who is this true god, why are you both genders and can I really pet you as I wish?" Malinda

"Aeron is a race I created. The true god, don´t know from where he came, allowed me to create this race and brought me with some powers to this world. My level is so high because I killed all the dragons in the dragon valley, which also would explain my stats. I can change my gender because

it´s something from my race and only pretty woman are allowed to pet me, so yes you can." I said and she really petted my head.

"I wanted to touch this hair, since I first saw you...." Malinda

"That´s the only thing you say after hearing all this?" I said a little taken aback.

"No, all this is too much for me. But all this does not explain why you have such a high skill LV." Malinda

"You know, that the summoned hero is able to select his own skill points, when he levels up, do you?" Me

"Yes but he gets only 1 per level." Malinda

"Well, in my world the heroes often get 10 points per level. And I am based on one of those, so I get 10 points each level." Me

"That would mean that you can raise over 1300 skills to the max level." Malinda

"Yup, I currently have 56 skills on LV 10." Me

"56.... I only have 8 skills." Malinda

"Languages are also part of my skill list, I can get for many things a skill. I even have one for petting." Me

"Petting? What does it do?" Malinda

"Did you speak with the mathematics teacher Mr. Guligo?" Me

"Yeah, he said, you raped a girl during class and then solved questions which he never could do alone, I thought he speaks nonsense." Malinda

"Well, I stroked Pias tail." Me

"You stroked it? You know that it´s a sensitive organ for beastkins do you?" Malinda

"I know it, now. Well my skill amplifies the feelings and you can get an orgasm by simple stroking.

But I stroked her tail a little too thoroughly. " I said with a smile.

"That is hard to believe." Malinda

"I can demonstrate it," I said with a grin.

"Äh... not now...." Malinda said and backed away.

"Well now you know some of my secrets."Me

"But there is much more I want to know." Malinda

"Then you have to move in my new house." Me

"Why?" Malinda

"Cause I don´t want to come here every day. And this new house will be much better than this one,

I´ll give you a library, way bigger than yours."Me

"...how much bigger?" Malinda

"As big as you want, you only need to say where I have to buy the books." Me

"Books are expensive.�� She said but I simply conjured a gold coin in front of her and said.

"I don´t think that´ll be a problem." Me

"How?" Malinda

"You´ve heard of the affinity for void?" Me

"Yes, it´s only a myth,... wait you´re saying that you have an affinity for void magic?" Malinda

"Yes and void is everything, as long as I know this, I´m able to conjure everything, it cost more mana if I don´t understand it but that´s not a problem." Me

"So you say that you can conjure whatever you want?" Malinda

"Yes." Me

"Then why are you in this school? You can do everything with this kind of magic and nobody could stop you with your stats." Malinda

"Where´s the fun, if you can have everything? I´m not interested in politics and the power struggle. And I don´t have the common sense of this world, I need to learn. I plan to stay here for at least a year." Me

"That´s really mature." Malinda

"Hey!, I´m 23." Me

"Oh right, I forgot. I´ll take your offer and move to your house, when do I have to come?" Malinda

"I will inform you in seven days, you don´t have to pack your belongings, I can put them in my inventory." Me

"Inventory?" Malinda

"Something like a dimensional pocket but without limits and the time does not move inside of it. I have a whole forest and hundreds of dragons inside of it." Me

"Hundreds of dragons?" Malina

"Show skill °Armagedon°" I showed her the skill and she made wide eyes.

"This thing is...." Malinda

"It´s an auto kill for everything, it killed something called dragon god, but I don´t think that it really was a god." Me

"This is such a wrong skill." Malinda

"Well, I have to go, if you have something to ask, I´m in the orphanage near the city wall." Me

"Äh yes, I also have to collect my thoughts." Malinda said and I left to the orphanage.

I said Ilza, that I found a nice teacher for her and that she´s going to move in with us.

Then I made dinner for everyone, some new toys and went to sleep, with Ilza in one bed.

I got this skill from the toy-making.



Carve whatever you like. Building blocks, horses or these creepy human-shaped dolls.