The Dungeon

We´re eating dinner and Ilza happily talked about her training,

"...and than Gerd said that I learn really fast." She said while eating a chicken curry dinner.

"That´s good," Lilia commented and put her chicken on the side of her plate.

"Do you not like chicken?" I asked and eyed the small mountain of chicken.

"It gets too much," she said and looked up, at my almost drooling face, "you can have the-" She said and I took the chicken faster than she could see.

"It´s really fascinating how much Clair likes chicken, " Ilza commented.

"Yeah, " Lilia said while smiling wryly.

"Is there a problem?" I asked with a blissful face.

"Well you eat nothing except chicken," Lilia

"Oh I eat more, like potatoes and... apples and … rice," Me

"Yeah and chocolate, " Ilza commented.

"I think you´ll get fat, " Lilia mused.

"A plump Clair?" Ilza asked shocked.

"No way, I´ll just use magic in such a frightening case." I said shocked, " Anyway, Lilia is there a way for me to stay away from the lessons for a week?" Me

"Why?" Lilia

"I want to see the bottom of the school dungeon," Me

"You mean the 50th LV? " Lilia

"No further down, I mean the real bottom," Me

"Oh, okay. You´ll have to inform your homeroom teacher and he/she´ll inform your teachers." Lilia

"I expected a little more," I said a little down.

"More what?" Lilia

"I mean from my intentions to go deeper than the 65th LV," Me

"Should I say more? I mean you´re way too strong, there is nothing that could harm you," Lilia

"True, well then, Lilia I´ll officialy inform you, that I´ll go for the next week into the school dungeon." Me

"So tomorrow I have to run from teacher to teacher? Great, but don´t forget that you have to take the tests you´ve missed when you´re back." Lilia said in a half annoyed tone.

"Sure," I said and we continued our dinner.

Next morning, the dungeon entrance:

I´ll go as Clair, my absence would be strange otherwise.

"So see you in a week, " Lilia, who was standing next to me, said.

"Yup, look over Ilza for me," I said and went inside,

"Sure," She shouted from behind and then turned around.

The first twenty rooms were rather easy, I already had mapped the way.

And I mostly ignored the traps and just played with the monsters, who tried to stop me.

I tested a few new things, like playing with a war hammer, battleaxe, throwing knifes, mana dispersing and my favourite, a red death laser out of my eyes. The last one had a drawback, I was blended for a few minutes and my vision had a red tone for half an hour.

I also got a few skills.


Hammer Mastery

Squish your enemies beneath your mighty hammer. But beware of slippery pulps of blood and bones. LV: 0


Axe Mastery

Chop your opponents down like twigs, or just hack some firewood. Both might help in dire situations. LV: 0


Mana Zone

Disperse your mana around you, you can frighten your enemies or might be able to squish them under the pressure.

Higher LV´s will grand the ability to attack single opponents with your mana and boost morale of your allies. LV: 0


Laser of Death

You want to have Superman's cool laser eyes, but without his stupid costume? Then get your red death laser eyes of ultimate destruction. Higher LV´s will grand different modus operandi with the Laser of Death. LV: 0

Naturally I levelled all of them to the max and tried the Laser of Death for a second time.

I hadn´t the redt sight and could shoot in a few different ways, two small laser bullet shots, a long laser shot that continues as long as I fuel it with mana( 300/sec), rapid fire like the Gatling Laser from Fallout and the most and destructive way, a giant, red beam of destruction. It burned a hole in the wall and the monster was vaporised.

This thing is funny.

The Mana Zone was also cool, I got it as I tried to disperse my mana only at one opponent. Normal monster pissed themselves and flew, as they were hit with my Mana Zone of 100.000 mana and were squished from mana over one million. They only left a pulp of red liquid not even bones remained. But I had to stop, because the walls began to crack.

One positive thing from the Mana Zone is, that I´m able to take the dispersed mana with me, while walking. Normal mana disruption filled an area around me and stayed if I left, but this mana followed me. Almost like the intimidating killing aura from games.

And so I used six hours to reach the 20th floor. It might take less time than anticipated. I mean I already reached almost a third, of the deepest reached floor.

There were no people who rested, so I made something to eat for myself and moved on, I had chicken wraps.

The next floors were a loot more interesting, the monster began to have more intelligence.

A group of monsters under the 21th floor had one boss, which gave orders, but these here could think for themselves and even tried to ambush me.

They were greeted with a copper coin, I mean I have to reward them for their courage to attack me.

Sadly they were not able to catch it, even when three tried to catch it, successively.

It just made pfft, splash, splash, splash and tomp,tomp,tomp. And they all laid down, sleeping peacefully.

There were two new major features, a floor boss on each floor and the monster had cores.

I dismantled each new monster ones and took every good piece of it, and they began to have a coloured stone next to the heart.

It had a different colour with each different monster, they resemble the magic affinities,

brown=earth, green=wind, red=fire,blue=water, yellow=light, black=darkness but there was none for void. Are there no void monster?

The colour also changed from each other, even if they have the same affinity.

It looks like the colour gets brighter according to the strength of the monster. But it was a small difference with these monsters I only noticed as I dismantled one of the floor bosses.

Each of the floor bosses looked strong and had "good" equipment, it ranged from gauntlets, over battleaxe to wands.

They had a unique form, there was a giant, white wolf on the 23th floor or a black fary like thing on the 25th floor.

They resemble the monsters on their floor but were larger and had a few unique traits.

I tried to talk with the fairy, but she attacked me without saying a word, so I cut her wings off and dismantled her alive. Rudeness must be punished....

It took me 7 hours to reach the 30th floor, it has a rest place, but there were no people.

Each floor gets larger and has more tricky traps.

I made something to eat, previously arranged chicken teriyaki with rice, and built a small hut to sleep.

I had a normal dream, some monster tried to kill me and I had to run, while they killed the people around me. My dreams are always like that, even back in my old world. There were some minor changes with the monster or the environment but the story is almost always the same. I´m somewhere, walking or talking with people, then some monster come and I have to defeat them or hide. And they are always in a half lucid dream form. I´m aware, that I dream but I don´t change the content.

My nightmares are the real problem for me, it contains math.... I have to sum some numbers up and when they hit 100 it flashes bright and it begins again. The dream does not even stop when I´m awake, I have to be in a lit room.

Anyway, my dream was rudely interrupted by a group.

"It sucks that we were not able to beat the floor boss." ???1 Guy

"Yeah, let´s try another tactic tomorrow." ???2 Woman

"Hey Maik, there´s a hut."???3 Woman

"Huh? You´re right, why is there a hut in the resting area?" Maik?

Dammit, am I not even able to sleep?

"Hey Ron, look if there´s someone inside." ???5 Guy

"Why do I have to do it?" Ron?

"Because you´re our assassin." ???7 Woman

"Dammit, okay." Ron? Said and I noticed a person who tried to sneak inside.

I sat up, the blanked covered my upper body and looked at the entrance, and then a guy came inside. He was in a crouching position and wore a leather armour, with a dagger in each hand.

He might be around 174 cm, has black hair and a slim stature.

He looked at me, startled.

"Hi," I greeted him.

"Hi," He said back, still startled.

"Ron, who´s inside?" ???7 Woman

"Äh, a girl." Ron shouted.

""A Girl? "" All of them asked confused.

"Dude?" I asked.

"Yes?" Ron

"Is there something you want?" Me

"Äh... could you please explain why you´re here?" Ron

"Sure, but first, could you please go out?" Me

"Why?" Ron

"Cause I have to dress." I said while looking in his eyes, he got red and hurriedly left.

"What did she say?" ???5 Guy

They tried to whisper but I could hear them clearly with eavesdropping.

"She said she´ll come out." Ron

"And where is she?" ???1Woman

"She has to get dressed." Ron said in an embarrassed tone.

"You saw her naked?" ???7 Woman

"Ähm no, she was covered by a blanked." Ron

"Good for you." ??? 2Woman

"How does she look?" ???5 Guy asked excited.

"Young but cute." Ron

"You think her party was killed by the last boss?" ???1 Guy

"Don´t either that or she´s alone here." Ron

"Pfft, as if, we´re on the 30.5th floor. There is no way one could be here alone." ???5 Guy

"No way for us students, a teacher might be able and adventures of the A-Rank." ??? 2 Woman

"Yeah but Ron said she´s a young girl, there´s no way that she´s a teacher and it´s unlikely that

she´s an A-Rank adventurer." Maik

"True, either way, let´s make our camp. I´m tired." ??? 3 Woman said and I heard them moving.

I got dressed and went out, there were, as I already heard, 7 people. Three women and four guys.

Each of them did something, two cooked, three build tents, and the other two waited in front of my hut.

It was a woman, around 23 years old, 165 cm tall, slim, brown hair, she wears a leather armor and a bow, on her back.

She´s pretty but not as good as Lilia or me, I would say upper mid class.

The other person was Ron.

"Hi," I greeted them and the other five came over.

"Hello, my name is Rina, this is Ron. " Rina said, and these five are Maik, Marie, Kai, Rinko and Lora." She continued and pointed at them.

Maik, a guy with blond hair, tall and sturdy, he wears a plate armour.

I knew him, it´s the guy from the first day. Why is he here? Wasn´t it three weeks ago, since I last saw him?

Marie, small girl, looks timid, has a robe and brown hair.

Kai, as tall as Ron, wears a chain mail and has red hair.

Rinko, taller than Maik, and with more muscles. He also wears a robe.

And Lora, a little chubby, as tall as Rina, also in a robe.

"My name is Clair." Me

"Clair? You mean the student council seat number one Clair?" Rina asked.

"Yup," Me

"I knew it, she looked familiar." Maik

"I liked your speech," Marie said and I gave her a smile.

"Why are you here in the 30.5th floor? Were is your party?" Marie asked worried.

"I´m alone," Me

"Funny, I thought I heard you´re alone. That´s the exact same thing, this guy three weeks ago said." Maik said and looked around, he saw his comrades looking at me, unbelievingly.

"How did he look?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"He had white hair like you and was an elf like you." Maik answered.

"So you´ve meet my brother?" Me

"You´re brother?" Rina asked.

"Yes, he said he wanted to look at the dungeon before I go inside and yesterday he said I´m allowed to go inside, because the monster are all weak." Me

"Weak?..." Rinko asked quietly.

"Yeah, and I have to say I agree." Me

"You think the monsters here are weak?" Kai

"Yup, so why are you here?" Me

"Don´t change the topic, there is no way, that a first year is able to reach the 30.5th floor, alone on top of that." Marie said, not believing me.

"It is as I said, nothing more nothing less, so why are you here?" Me

"We tried to beat the 33th floor boss, but he´s too strong, we´re trying since last week." Maik said, not noticing the glare from Marie.

"Is he so strong?" Me

"Yeah, he has six arms, each has a different weapon and he changes his tactics periodically." Ron

"Thanks for the info, well then. I´ll go and continue my dungeon dive. This whole thing is interesting." I said and turned around but stopped," Oh and do you know what these cores are?" I asked and took an almost orange core out.

"This is the core of a strong fire monster, where did you get it?" Lora asked surprised.

"From a floor boss, what can I do with them?" Me

"You can use them as ingredients for alchemy, forging, monsters will become stronger when they eat cores, with the same affinity." Rinko

"You´re also able to sell them, this one will get you 30 silver." Ron added.

"Thanks, here you can have this one, as payment for the infos." I said and tossed the core to Maik.

"Then have a nice day." I said and tried to go to the stairs, but was stopped by Marie.

"You can´t go alone, what happens if you get wounded?" She said, trying to convince me.

"No problem, I can heal myself." Me

"But you´re not strong enough." She further said.

"I reached this floor, one or two or more wont be a problem." Me

"But...but you´re just a small girl." She tried, now without real arguments.

"As I said, there is no problem." I said and walked past her, she tried to grab me but I evaded and said while leaving, " You can either wait until he re spawns or come after me."

"Please wait!" Marie pleaded, I ignored her and kept walking, the others were too stunned to do something.

The way down was more interesting, but the boss monster on the 31th and 32th floor were dead and the core and some small parts were gone. It looked like they´re dead for more than a day.

They must have killed them. And how fast do these bosses and monster re spawn? I have to ask someone later.

The 33th floor had mostly four armed ogre like monster. They were clumsy and slow but had a good wums, when they managed to hit. Around 300 points in strength, I would say.

I turned around a corner and in front of me was a larger clearing with a red ogre in the middle, it has six arms, red skin and was 3 meter tall. Its left hands had, from top to bottom, a spear, a hammer and a sword. The right hand, also from top to bottom, has a spear, an axe and a sword.

"So you´re this strong enemy?" I mused and walked in front of it.

It grunted and tried to stab me with its left spear. I jumped up and evaded, but its other spear came from the side, so I turned my body mid-air around and also evaded this one.

But its onslaught did not end, its axe came horizontally.

I used it as a launching pad and jumped higher. It looked furious, at me and tried to hit me with its swords in a cross formation.

There were a few ways to evade, but I wanted to try something else.

I took a sword out of the inventory and blocked his swords, which worked, but its hammer came from the side and I was hit.

A loud °Bang° was heard and a dust cloud exploded from one wall.

It smashed me inside the wall. And its hit was pretty hard, I lost 10 HP.

Must be around a thousand points.

I came out of the wall and looked at it. It had a stupid look of confusion on his face. It seems like it is too stupid to realize what happened.

I picked four pebbles up and aimed at its spear, axe and hammer hands.

Four quick throws, four bangs of breaking the sound barrier and a stunned look of the ogre was what followed.

It saw me flickering and heard four loud bangs.

Its weapons made clattering sounds as they fell down and it looked at them. Then at its hands and realized, that they´re gone.

It began to scream in pain as its body realized the loss.

"Oh, was this too much? Sorry" I mused and strolled to it.

It looked at me, a face full of pain, then fear as it managed to connect my flickering and its loss of hands.

It tried to swing its remaining two hands at me but I stopped them with my bare hands, which made it more frightened.

"Let me give you a real swing." I said and bitch slapped him. His cheekbones broke, and he flew to the side, a louder bang with a larger dust cloud erupted.

I moved the cloud with magic away and saw the ogre, dead and embedded in the wall. His skull had my hand print.

"And here I thought I hold a little back and he could fight back...." I said disappointed and ripped his core out with magic.

"I don´t need the rest, the core is enough." I said and moved on.


Marie POV:

We were eating as Ron asked, "You think she´ll be alright?"

Yeah I also am worried.

We came back from our daily attempt to kill the 33th floor boss and found a hut with the student council first seat in it.

This girl, Clair, I first saw her at the entrance ceremony, her speech was heart moving and I could not bring myself to look at her with disdain, even if she´s an elf.

She was just so convincing, I don´t know why but I simply want to support her.

And here she was, this small, cute and loveable girl. Inside the dungeon, at the 30.5th floor and alone.

She even said that the monster are weak.

"Don´t know, you think she´ll be okay?" Lora answered after a long pause.

"I think she doesn´t know that the monster get significantly stronger after each rest room." Maik

"What? You mean we´ve let her go into a floor with monster who has twice as much strength as the monster from the floor before?" Rina asked or nearly screamed, but Maik just nodded.

"You thing she´ll be okay? Lora asked again, now more worried.

"If it´s true what she said, she´ll have no problems with a normal monster, as long as she evades larger groups, but the boss on the 33th floor will surely kill her." Rinko said and I got pale.

There´s the 33th floor boss, it´ll rip her apart.

"We have to rescue her." I said.

"Why?" Kai asked.

"I think we have to support and help her," I just said and the other nodded.

"Yeah, I want to see her dream of our school." Maik

"Dream?" Kai

"Ah, I forgot, you were not at the entrance ceremony, her speech was brilliant. I just feel that I have to support her." I said and the other nodded. So they´re feeling the same.

"Says the person who´s mostly against non humans." Kai

"I know but I think she´s right, it would be better to get along." Me

Kai sighed and said, "Okay, let´s hurry, we´ve lost a few hours and we´re more than one, so we have to be more careful." Kai said and we all got ready.

It took us not more than ten minutes to get ready, we´ve left the tents.

We got in a formation and began to follow her.

It took us not long and we found a monster, it was dead and had a hole in its chest and head.

The chest looked like it got turned inside out, with the rips bending outside. And the head has two small holes on each side, we could see through it.

"What do you think Lora?" Ron asked.

Lora is our monster expert, she dismantles them skilfully and knows the weak points of many different monster.

"Looks like something went through its head with a high speed, killing it instantly. And the core was extracted from the insides, might be some kind of magic." Lora said, as she finished her inspection.

"What is fast enough to do something like that?" Rina asked a little pale.

"Don´t know but it´s small," Lora

"I´ve found something," Ron said, he looked at a hole in the wall.

"It´s just a hole," Rinko said.

"No, there´s something inside." Ron said and pokes with his dagger inside of it.

It took him a few moments but he managed to get it out.

"And what is it?" Kai asked.

"A bended copper coin?" He said puzzled.

" A copper coin?" Lora

"Yes, here, " Ron said and gave it Lora, who looked at it.

"It´s large enough for the hole in its head." Lora

"So you mean it got killed by a fast copper coin?" I asked.

"This or something else, but the direction of the corpse and the hole is matching." She said.

"That´s a waste of money," Ron said. He´s from a poor family and had to not much money.

"Yeah," I agreed, "but we have to move on." I further said and we began to move.

We are at the 33th floor and saw many more of these corpses, all of them had a single hole in their heads and no core.

"This is crazy," Lora said, shaking her head.

"Yeah, I´ve counted more than two hundred monster, that are two silver." Ron said,only thinking about the money.

"Yeah, but if she sells the cores she´ll get more money back, it might be cheaper than a bow." Rinko

"But have you ever heard of an attack with money? And I mean not a simple coin flick, these attacks are strong enough to make holes in the wall." Kai

"I think she said the truth about the "weak" monster." Maik

"This is crazy, you think she´ll be able to kill the 33th floor boss?" Lora

"Don´t know, these monster are strong but this boss is good at evading ranged attacks." Rina said.

True, we didn´t manage to kill him because he evaded our range attacks and aoe attacks were a no go with our front line fighters. And on top of that was his high strength.

We reached the boss room but, there was no boss in the middle and also no Clair.

"Hey, there." Ron said and pointed at a hole in the wall with the boss in it.

We ran to it and our jaws dropped simultaneous as we saw it.

"W..what is that?" I asked.

Lora walked up to it and looked at it´s head.

"There´s no hole," so she used something else?, " is that a hand print?" She asked more herself than us.

"What do you mean?" Ron asked and walked next to her.

"Fuck, that´s a hand mark on his head." He said.

"Hey Rinko how strong do you have to be to do something like this?" Lara asked our fist fighter.

He looked at the wound and looked troubled.

"More than what her body looks like, this was not an attack with technique." Rinko

"What do you mean?" Kai

"I mean that she just slapped this guy." Rinko said and it took us a few seconds to realize the meaning of what he said.

"There is another hole on the other side, it´s smaller." Rina

"You think she got hit?" I asked worried.

"Don´t know, let´s look." Maik said and we walked to the other hole.

It´s empty, no blood, just a hole with the size of Clair.

"I think I´m more afraid of her than of the monster." Rina

"Not just you, she must have more agility and strength than all of us." Kai

"Did you noticed?" Lora asked.

"What?" Me

"The boss lost four of its hands." Lora

"How?" Ron

"Don´t know, and I think I don´t want to learn." Lora said a little pale.

"You think we should continue?" Maik asked what we all thought.

"I mean they are going to re spawn tomorrow and we might not be able to get back, if we walk any further." He continued. True the bosses spawn once a week, and the minions once a day.

"But what about Clair?" I asked.

"We all saw that she´s strong enough to get back, I think we should head back to the surface." Maik

But...but.....he´s right.

"Okay, let´s head back, I´ll wait for her at the surface." I said and we walked back. I was still worried but accepted that she can manage herself.


Clair POV:


A fireball exploded behind me.

I´m at the 39th floor and am currently fighting the boss. It´s a large red lizard, which spits fireballs and fire walls.

It´s funny to evade them, while stepping closer and closer with each attack.

They look so desperate at the end.

The lizard opened it´s mouth and a ball of fire began to form, I rushed the last few meter and closed its mouth with force.

The fireball exploded in its mouth but it was resistant to heat.

It tried to claw at me but I cut it´s feet, with wind magic, off.

How should I kill this one? The last one was squashed with mana, the one before that fried with electric. He´s fire, I could pump him full with water.

Yeah lets do that.

I began to fill his mouth and stomach with water, he looked frightened and his red scales them a little pale.

It tried to move away, but I kept him locked. It then fainted and shortly after that died as his stomach bursts from the masses of water.

I extracted his core and moved to the next floor, it was a save zone. It took me 8 more hours to get here. This dungeon is time consuming. But if I take into account that they needed more that 7 days to reach the 30th floor and were not able to kill the 33th boss in six days, then I should be fairly fast.

I made a new hut, some chicken with potatoes and went to sleep.

26 hours with 5 hours sleep to reach this floor, I have to be faster or I wont be back in time, I have three or four days left before I have to rush back.

I slept for 4 hours and began to rush down, killing the small fries by extracting their cores and ripping them directly out form the bosses.

They got stronger, they are almost twice as strong as the bosses ten floors over beneath them.

I needed 5 hours to get to the next save zone. I also learned something new about my regeneration, they only work outside of a fight, I only noticed it at the 48th floor, because I used the Laser of Death almost without a pause from the 40th floor till then.

So that´s why the monster aren´t regenerating during a fight, interesting.

The safe room of the 50th floor had a sign with a note on it.

"Whoever reached this deep, be wary of the coming monster, they are a lot more stronger than the monster before. The school will not take credit for any deaths."

"Good, from here on it might get demanding." I said and continued my dungeon dive.

I have to say, the monster further than the 50th floor are... mediocre.

They are not really stronger, stat like, they are more intelligent.

There are real tactics and they react in a better way. The floor bosses were even able to grunt a few minor words like. "Kill girl," or " Eat, eat, eat". I needed 7 more hours to get to the 60th floor and ate something, a few apples.

And so I continued my dungeon dive, slaughtering the enemies without a care, by ripping their core out and eating a little in each save zone.

40 hours later and I was at the boss from the 100th floor.

He´s a demon, even his status says that.

Name: Drull

Profession: Floor Boss

Age: 3040

Class: Arch Demon

Title: Guardian of the ancient dungeon.

Level: 500

Health: 1.200.000 [HP regeneration 300/sec]

Mana: 9.000.000 [MP: regeneration 1.000/sec]

Strength: 95.000

Intelligence: 97.000

Gender: Male

Agility: 90.000

Wisdom: 94.000

Race: Demon

This ancient demon was trapped by the lost race, 2500 years ago. He is a powerful demon, with the sole purpose of guarding his floor. Please don´t feed him.

He´s 2m tall, has a white skin with two horns sprouting from his head and red eyes. His hair is as white as mine.

Oh strong, a lot more stronger than the bosses before him.

"Hey you, why are you so much stronger than the 99th floor boss." I asked, not expecting a good answer. The best of them was able to say "Why is little girl so strong?".

"Na endlich, ein Besucher, du glaubst gar nicht wie lange ich warten musste für einen einzigen besucher."The demon said something.


Language of Pralara

This forgotten language was once used by the demon race. LV 0

I maxed it and asked, "could you repeat that?"

"Oh you´re even able to speak Pralara. I said, finally, a visitor. You don´t know how long I had to wait for even one visitor." He said in a happy tone.

"Nice to meet you, ähm do you know what´s behind you?" Me

"Nope, sorry. And I´m not allowed to let you through, these damn high elfs trapped me inside of this fucking dungeon." He said apologetically.

"No problem, then there´s no other option than to fight you." Me

"Are you sure? You´re strong, I know that, you reached this floor. But I´m not one of these mindless floor bosses from before." He asked.

"You´re really friendly for a demon." Me

"Well I don´t want to lose my first guest since 2500 years." He said with a wry smile.

"You know, I´ll fight you with my full force." I said and wings sprouted from my back, my hands formed into claws and my skin got scales.

My transformation finished and I´m in my dragon-elf form, black scales with red lines, claws, wings, two horns and red eyes.

The demon whistled and said interested,"What are you? A dragon? No dragons are not able to change into the form of an elf. And you fell stronger than a dragon, I killed one once. Hey, how high is your level?"

"What do you think?" Me

"Hm... more than 450 that´s for sure, 520?" He estimated.

"Nope, I like you, I think I´ll free you." Me

"Hahahahahahah, funny. You have to beat me first. And I have almost the highest possible stats a body can physically handle, not even dragons are stronger than me." He said between his laughs.

"Then why are you here?" I asked.

"Hmpf, a fucking contract between the high elf queen and me. She got me as I was drunk. I signed a contract to guard her dungeon. Thought it was a small dungeon and didn´t read the small print. Over read that I have to guard it as long as it´s not completely raided. And here I´m stuck in this dungeon. No one´s able to get past these 79 floor bosses nonetheless less me." He said angrily.

"Good, then do you agree to serve me as long as I want or am alive, if I manage to free you?" Me

"Ha, I like you. Deal if you manage to beat me and raid this dungeon than I´ll serve you for the rest of your live or as long as you want me to stay at your side." He said amused.

"Good, I want to make this quick, we can have a spar afterwards." I said and hit him with my mana zone.

"Oh impressive, 5 million mana? That is more than your average dragon. But I have to attack you, now that you initiated the attack, sorry." He said and tried to attack me.

I didn´t want to kill him but I think I have to hurt him a little.

I kept the mana rising, and he tried to cut me with a sword out of flames.

I coated my body with mana, via body enhancement, a skill I never used since I got it.

His sword cut down at me but was repelled by my enhanced scales.

"Impressive," He muttered and began to chant.

"Sorry," I said and cut his arms and legs off. I also ripped his throat out and cauterized all of his wounds.

This happened in under a thousandth of a second and he looked at me not knowing what happened.

My body enhancement pushes my stats 10% for each level, so my current strength is over 300.000 and my agility is even at 350.00.

"I don´t want to kill you, so I had to make this fast. I´m sorry, please wait a moment, I´ll be back in a minute. " Said and walked past him to the door.

He tried to move but was not able to do something without his limps and chants did not work without a throat.

The next room was different, it was not white like the other save zones, it was black but I was able to see.

An altar was in the middle with a stone hovering over it. It´s as large as a skull and purple.

I walked to it and touched the surface.

"Who are you?" A masculine and ancient voice shouted in my head, in my native language.

"What´s up? I´m Clair." I thought.

"Clair? You´re different than any being on this planet." the ancient voice kept shouting,

"Well, I said my name, now say you yours and please tone down a little you´re loud." Me

"I expected an other reaction, my name is Piloro, deity of the void and space. And I can feel that you carry my affinity. Are you a disciple of my art and want to release me? If so then destroy this stone." Piloro said a little quieter.

"Not really, I just came and wanted to look what´s on the bottom of this dungeon, why are you trapped?" Me

"These cursed high elfs sealed me with the help of the other 7 deities. They didn´t want to accept the natural cause and stopped me from keeping the natural flow." Piloro

"And what is the natural flow?" I asked.

"Everything that sprouts from nothingness has to come back to nothingness, that is the natural flow." Piloro

"So simply said, you tried to destroy this world." Me

"Not destroy, setting it back to it´s natural form." Piloro

"Well I don´t think I can release you if you want to do that, so I´ll just take you with me." Me

"Wait, I can give you power bejond your imagination." Piloro said, trying to resque himself but I simply put him in my inventory and walked back to the demon.

Who still was crippled.

"Hi, do you know when you´re able to leave this place?" I asked him.

He nodded.

"So I took the thing that was inside the next room, is your contract fullfilled now?" IO further asked and he nodded.

"Good, then next question, can I heal you with light magic?" Me

He shoke is head.

"What if I infuse darkness magic in you?" I asked and he paused a moment and then nodded.

"Good," I said and began to infuse him with darkness mana. He regenerated his throat and said,

"Thank you, I haven´t introduced myself yet, my name is Drull. And from here on I´ll serve you as long as you live or want me beside you." He said in a solemn tone.

"Let´s make a blood contract." He said.

"No need for that, I can give you a rune." Me

"A rune? Certainly there are such runes, then I´ll take a rune that´ll kill me if I do anything against you or harm you or your friends without your consent." He said and I gave him the required rune.

"Let´s go back, I have a tight schedule." I said as I finished.

"What do you mean master?" He asked.

" I said that I´ll be back at the end of the week and it took me more than three days to get here." Me

���Master, you want to say that you cleared this dungeon that wasn´t cleared in over 2500 years in less than four days?" He asked with an "are you kidding me?" expression.

"I did, so let´s get back." Me

"Yes master." He said and we went back....