
Clair POV(Real One)

Silence fills the whole arena. Everyone is looking at the 15 year old elfen girl, who is standing in a completely demolished arena.

"Good job Ilza," I scream and begin to clap, which was supported by my group. And soon the whole audience clapped and cheered for her.

"Contestant Bose, how were you able to survive such an onslaught?" The announcer asked and gave her something like a microphone.

"Uhhm.. I noticed the magic and dug down into the ground, were I was spared from the attacks. And I came back up as I noticed that the tremors stopped. I know it´s not really brave...," She says a little downhearted.

"It´s the opposite, no one expected that both fighters were some kind of demons. You were wise to do that. There is a saying, "why fight when, someone ells will do ?". So I´m happy to give you the price money of 100 gold coins, " The announcer said and gave Ilza a large pouch.

"Thank you," Ilza said and hurriedly left, embarrassed to all the attention she gets.

We met her outside where she´s surrounded by a crowd of people. She noticed me and jumped in my arms.

"Save me Clair," She says and clothes her eyes while hugging me.

"Look it´s the Cold Goddess," Someone said.

"You´re right!, so that was her apostle?" Another one said and I gave a smile to the crowd.

"Sorry she´s tired, we have to excuse us," I said and we began to walk to our house, a few tried to stand in our way but I made an invisible shield that pushes them away.

"Kira, Lina and Gerd do you want to eat with us? "I asked them.

"That would be nice, right Kira?" Lina said.

"Yes, I really miss your cooking," Kira agreed.

"I have to make something for my brother, sorry," Gerd declines.

"He can also come, just say that I invited him," I said grinning.

"Okay, then I´ll be off," Gerd said and walked back to his house.

"Do you not want to see the other fights?" Kira asked.

"No, it´s not necessary, we don´t have friends in these fights and the tournament is quite boring,"I said and everyone else nods, except for Lina.

"Boring? What about the awesome fight in the finals?" Lina asked.

"Well it was okay," I said, Kira and Lina just choke their heads.

The free for all and king of the hill fight is busted, now that Reaper Dex showed he´s a dragon/demon.

And the pet-fight is not really necessary to see. I bet Huru Three will kill everyone else with one paw sweep.

We reached our home and I made some drinks, while the others went to the hobby room with the billiard desk.

We played a little and I got the memories from the little Dex.

The tournament was quite boring, the first enemy taunted him but his pet was smashed into a pulp by Huru Three. He won every other fight, because his opponents forfeited. And the finals were also boring, a drake was his enemy. The monster terminology said that a drake is some kind of dragon, just dumber and not as strong. It looks like a miniature western style dragon, well it got killed as Huru Three bit its throat open, it died by blood lost.

Little Dex got the price money of 20 gold coins and a discount in every animal food shop for the next year. He also got ambushed by a few guys that wanted to get revenge for killing the drake, well they´re dead now.

But what should I do with the Hurus, now that they have no worth? They kinda look like rabbits, can I eat them?

Gerd and Rufus finally came and I asked the group what they wanted to eat, Gerd, Rufus, Kira and Lina said that I should decide. While Lilia, who came after the tournament, said she wants to eat something without chicken and Drull, as well as Ilza, said that it doesn´t matters.

So I made pizza, in a few different versions, Margarita, Hawaii, Diabolo and so on.

Each of us had a pizza on our plate and I said, while raising my glass,

"Let´s celebrate the end of the tournament and bring a toast for Ilzas victory, please dig in."

""Cheers "" Everyone else.

Ilza blushed and said, " I wouldn´t have been able to reach the finals without Clair and Gerds help."

"Nonsense, you´ve worked hard," Gerd said.

"Yes, you can be proud, now eat," I said and we began to eat.

"This so called pizza is delicious, " Gerd said.

"Yeah, like everything that is made by Clair." Lina

"God how I missed your cooking." Kira

"It´s good to eat something else, chicken just lose its taste, if you eat it everyday." Lilia

""That´s not true, "" Dex and I

"Guys, I´ve brought some liquor, do you want something?" Gerd asked and showed a bottle.

"Sure," Lilia said and each of us got something.

"For future parties and an interesting live," Lilia said.

""Cheers "" Everyone ells.

The bottle was quickly emptied.

"This liquor is kinda weak isn´t it?" I asked. Felt like 15%, not more.

"Why? It´s the strongest thing you can get." Gerd

"You want to say that the people here don't know of distillation?" I asked.

Isn´t that known on earth since 600-900 B.C.?

"Distillation? What is that?" Lilia

"Whoa, really?" Me

"Come on, what is distillation?" Drull also asked, now interested.

"It´s when you heat the liquor and separate the different alcohols from each other, making the liquor stronger." Me

"But isn´t that poisonous? I heard that it can make you blind or even kill you," Lilia

"That happens when you drink the poisonous alcohol, you need to keep ethanol and separate the methanol." I explained.

"Methanol, Ethanol what are these?" Gerd

"You know the feeling you get when you get drunk?" I asked and pointed at the bottle.

"Yes, it feels funny and you might get a headache at the next morning or even losing your memories." Gerd

"That´s because ethanol is some kind of poison, it interferes with your brain and makes this kind of feeling. It´s not really harmful if you only drink once in a while and not overly much. But methanol is something else, it can easily kill you. Ethanol is produced while you make liquor, the reason it does not get stronger is because it kills the bacteria that produce it." Me

"What are bacteria?" Rufus asked, looking at his drink with worry.

"Really small live forms, they can make you sick or healthy, they are almost everywhere. Anyway, methanol is produced when you heat the liquor, the gas of ethanol and methanol rises and then condenses itself. You have to catch the ethanol and mix it again with water or juice." Me

"Does it taste good?" Ilza asked.

"Yeah, wait a moment, I made some a few days ago." I said and fetched a few bottles out off the cellar. I even have some fruit mixtures.

I got back and gave each of them a glass.

"You have to drink it in one go," I said and drank 3 decilitre in one go. It´s 75% high absinthe.

They all sniffed at it and began to cough.

"This stuff smells strong," Gerd

"Drink, " I just said and refilled. I drank since I��m 16, Germany is a great country.

Everyone drank it at once and each of them coughed.

"This tastes awful, how can you drink that so easily? It burns like fire." Ilza said and quickly drank something else.

"hahahaha....Got you, that is some of the hardest stuff you can make," Me

"Meanie," Lilia said between her coughs.

"I´m already feeling it," Rufus said and looked at his hands.

"This is some good stuff," Drull said and Gerd agreed.

"Yeah, this stuff makes you drunk really fast. Here something diluted, its with berries." I said and gave them something else, it only has 30%.

Lilia nipped cautiously, but then drank more.

"It´s way better," she said.

Everyone else also began drinking the berry mix, while I drank two more shots of absinthe. I had to lower my poison resistance or I wouldn´t become drunk.

Everyone got cheerful and at some point Gerd and Drull began to sing.

"I forgot I made something special for this kind of event," I said and ran upstairs.

I tried to invent a rune powered music player. I had to play the music, while I infuse mana into it, but it then records the music. I also practised my magic, so that I can make the sound of the instruments without them. I mean music is just a vibration of air. I got this skill.



Sing and fill the hearts of your listeners with emotions, make them sad, happy, hopeful or even angry. Music is one of the best things invented by humanity. LV: 0

It took me a lot of time until I was able to make the right sounds. I even had a small army of clones helping me. I´m now again able to hear all my favourite songs, from IDM to medieval music.

I fetched my music rune and ran back to the party, Drull and Gerd were still singing like crap.

"Here, one of my new inventions," I said and put the rune devise on the table.

It´s just a red block with a few runes. A record rune, a play rune, an adjustable volume rune and a magic battery rune.

It´s almost like a jukebox.

"What does it do?" Ilza asked.

"It records sound, I made some music and recorded it with this thing," I said and activated it.

It began to play the recorded music and everyone was silent.

The music stopped and I saw that they had cried.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"That was beautiful, which instruments were that?" Lilia asked, and wiped her tears away.

"Magic," I simply said and the next song began.

We kept drinking and listening to the music.

"Clair," A drunken Ilza said and sat down on my lap.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I want to give you the hundredthsh gold coinsh," She said drunken.

"You don´t have to, " Me

"But I wash only able to win becaush of you, and even that wash only poshible becaush I hid." She said, now drunken and almost crying.

"You can have it, you´ve earned it. You wouldn´t be able to control the runes without your own effort and training." Me

"Really?" She asked and looked up.

"Really." I said

"Thanksh," She said and I patted her head to which she got quiet and then fell asleep.

Lilia looked at me and got red, the moment I looked her in the eyes.

The party kept going until only I was awake. Ilza was on my lap, Lilia slept while sitting, Drull on the desk and Gerd hugged his brother.

I changed into Dex, stood up, carried Ilza to her bed and then walked back to Lilia.

I picked her up and walked to her bed. I put her down and wanted to leave but she suddenly hugged me and said,

"Don´t go," She pulled me down and hugged me.

"I love you," she then said and kissed me.


At first it was only a normal shy kiss, but she then poked her tongue against my lips and pushed threw.

Seems like she´s not as drunk as I thought.

She searched for my tongue and quickly found it, our tongues entwined each other and played some kind of game.

This kept going for minutes until she moved away and looked in my eyes,

"C..can I?" She asked shyly and I nodded, to which she began to undress me.

She pulled my shirt over my head and slowly moved her fingers through my hair, down to my neck and over my chest. Caressing my abs, while looking in my eyes.

We began to kiss again.

I also pulled her dress over her head and could see her breasts, neatly packed inside a bra, which I made. It´s one of these black half shells bras, half see through and with frills.

I unhooked it and her slightly tanned breasts are now fully visible.

They have the perfect size, not too small and not too large, they stand on their own and her nipples have a beautiful pink colour.

I stopped the kiss, to which she gave me a disappointed groan.

I bit her lower lip a little, then moved down with small light kisses. Along the side of her neck, over her collar bone and then in circular motions from the bottom of her breasts further inwards.

She began to moan and I reached her left nipple. The moaning increased as I softly began to bit and suck on it, using my hand to caress her other breast.

Her breasts are squishy, yet firm, you wouldn´t think she´s over a hundred years old, more like 20. Just her face shows a little age. But only as if she´s some kind of older model, almost like a 32 years old Heidi Klum, just much prettier.

Her moans get louder and she tried to touch herself, which I stopped by holding her hands, with one hand, over her head. Still caressing and licking her breasts.

Her hips began to move from one side to the other and her breathing got faster, with shorter intervals.

I kept going until I was sure that she´s almost at her climax and bit her nipple a little harder, while twisting the other. She screamed and came, her hips pushing upwards and her hands tried to free themselves, with almost flailing movements.

I moved upwards and kissed her, which she tiredly replied. I did this until she calmed a little and then moved back, skipping her breasts with a few kisses, going further down with a circling motion over her navel, while stripping her off of her pants, reaching her soft thighs. They´re soft, not chubby, firm but not hard.

I caressed them from the insides, kissing and stroking them, moving a little inside but then again out. Never reaching her pussy, only moving at the sides.

She began to get restless and tried to move her hips to my head, but I kept evading her inner field, debarring her the feeling, she wants it so much.

Until she finally grabs my head and pushed me directly at her sanctuary, I smirked and began to lick along her lips, moving in circles, but avoiding her clit. Sometimes over both of her lips, then through the slit, working on almost her whole pussy, but never at her clit. Her juices flowed like a little creek, they tasted a little salty but also sweet, all in all quite good.

Once again she began to become restless, moving her hips and trying to push my head to her clit. I finally granted her, her wish and sucked her clit up in my mouth, licking and nibbling on it a little, her moans began to become louder and she came again, but this time I didn´t stopped, I kept sucking, while moving a finger inside her. She came once more and even squirted a little. I stopped and moved back up, looking in her slightly unfocused eyes, a stupid grin on her face.

"That was...good," She said, still grinning.

She then raised her head and gave me a kiss, but separates shortly after. She pushed me down and moved on top of me, her hips directly over my erect shaft.

She grabbed it and made a few up and down motions.



Control your libido, get hard when you want and as often as you want. Be the king in the bed and show them who´s the real boss. LV: 0

I have to max that thing, fast. And why did I not get it as I slept with myself?

Anyway, Lilia moved my spear to her entrance and slowly lowered herself down on it.

She´s almost as tight as I, and it feels good like hell. Warm and wet, her folds were clamping down at me.

She starts to moan and moved up and down, her breasts jiggling with each move.

I hugged her, brought her down and started to kiss her, while also moving my hips in sync with her.

Muffled moans were coming out of her sealed mouth, our tongs in a twisting fight.

Our hips moving up and down, faster and faster. She loses her strength but I kept going, she starts to cramp, clutching on my penis. I lower my skill and come the moment she comes, shooting my already dead mini mes inside of her. Her body looses all strength and she slumbers down. Lying still on my chest, she tries to regain her breath, while I´m inside of her.

"That was awesome," She tiredly said and started to caress my chest. I stroked her hair and we both felt asleep.


The next morning I woke up by the groans of Lilia.

"Hmm," She says.

"Moring" I said, while smiling and her head snapped in my direction.

"D..Dex, did.. did we really?" She began.

"Well yes, kinda" Me

Lilia got red and mumbled, " Was I good enough?"

"Oh you were, but I´ll give you the question back."Me

"You have to ask? I never felt this good, that can´t be only because of the petting skill. Where did you learn that?" Lilia

"Well, intuition," I said.

"If that´s intuition, then I don´t want to know how skill will feel," She says.

"Good that it was good, I´m not really knowledgeable with other women," Me

"I heard you practising on your own," She said a little red.

"Well yes, but that doesn´t count, I felt both at the same time, now I had to react." Me

"And boy you did react," She says.

"So, why did you not made any moves on me until now?" Lilia

"Ähm, cause I didn´t know how?" I asked more than said.

"What?" Lilia

"Well I never really was in a real relationship, so I don´t know how I should start one." Me

"Is that true?" Lilia asked baffled.

"Kinda," I said.

"So there´s something that even you are not able to do?" Lilia

"Hm, yeah kinda. I´m not all knowing." Me

" you think we c..could...." Lilia began but stopped mid sentence.

"Could what?" I teased her, this time fully knowing what she wants to ask.

"We could be a..a couple?" She asks and closes her eyes.

I kissed her softly and said, " If your good with an inexperienced me."

She smiled and said," Thank you."

"But you also have to live with my girl form." Me

"But your girl form has not the necessary equipment." She pouts.

"I can make the lower half," I said but she choke her head.

"That´s not the same, I mean your muscles, the form of your body." Lilia

"Okay, I´ll stay in my male form when we´re sleeping with each other. But you have to serve as my hug pillow, I need something soft." I said.

She grinned and kissed me, while whispering, " of course."

We kept lying down for another half an hour, snuggling with each other.

We then got dressed and moved down, to the war zone we left yesterday.

Drull was now on the ground, he must have fallen down, while Gerd and Rufus were still hugging each other.

René was around them, already cleaning the mess we left. She noticed us, looked at Lilia, then at me. She then smiled and gave Lilia, who just smiled, a thumps up.

We went to the kitchen and I began to cook.

"Did you have a good night master?" René asked teasingly.

"Yeah, it was... eventful," I said, smiling wryly.

"Good to hear, please treat miss Malinda good, she´s an important friend from mistress Clair, "She says in an earnest voice.

"More than you think, more than you think," I replied while making pancakes....