Student council meeting

Clair POV

The last four months were quite eventful. Drull got into a fight with something, he didn´t want to say with what. Lilia and I had some dates and a few more night plays. Ilza learned to shoot with the bow and I managed to create cola and a few new runes, I´m almost able to make a teleport rune. It´s able to teleport non-living things, the rest dies so far.

It also seems like the people in Turonis like me more and more. Mostly because I rebuilt the slum district. It got destroyed after Drull´s fight, must have been someone strong, he was really battered.

I had to heal a few hundred people and gave them food for 2 weeks. Drull got an earful from me for destroying the slums. But now the town looks a loot better. There were a lot of people who asked me to make them new houses, which I did, well a clone did. And a clone is me so I could say I did it.

Anyway, the baron is surprisingly quiet after my slum-renovation and even Mr. Chubby keeps his distance from me.

Oh and apparently the cult from the Cold Goddess changed its name and rules. It seems like a few people were against the name Cold Goddess. It´s now called Church of the Caring.

They choose this name as they saw me, their Goddess, caring for the normal people and even slaves. It´s also one the main rules, to care and help other people.

I saw their symbol.

It´s a gold circle with 7 orbs in it. 6 of these orbs represent an affinity and each has its representing colour. These six orbs are circular around the seventh.

The seventh orb is white with green dots in it, this one is supposed to represent me.

A hammer crossed over a sickle is over the circle, while a sword crossed over a bow is under it.

They represent crafts and martial arts.

It also has its own commandments but they are not exactly as the commandments out of the bible, I think they are better.

1. Help other people, if they need help, even if it´s not much.

2. Every sentient being is fundamentally the same and has the same rights.

3. You should not harm, hurt or hinder other people.

4. You should try to do your best whenever it is possible.

5. You´re allowed to protect you, your property or other people in times of need or harm.

6. There is only one supreme god, the Goddess of Care.

7. You´re allowed to do whatever you want as long as you don´t break one of the commandments.

I kinda like these rules, except the sixth, this rule will bring me trouble.

This whole "Only one God-System" always brings war.

And the funny thing is that the other rules are sounding pretty good, but it´s possible to read the rules with a large margin of interpretation.

Someone, who is not a member of the Church of Caring, is theoretically breaking the rules.

Now you´re theoretically allowed to "protect" yourself from the possible harm that would come from this none believer. He has practically no rights, as long as he doesn´t accept me as his supreme god. They also think that I´m someone above the other 6 deities, as I´m able to cast every element, but accept them. So it´s possible to believe in all of them with me on top, the orbs represent this. This helped by converting them.

Luckily for me, no one noticed this loophole and most of the people are following the other rules.

The whole religion is quickly growing under the common folk, to the annoyance of slaveholders. Slaves are, as long as they are believers of my religion, not allowed to exist, as they have the same rights as other people.

And these slaves are now frequently kidnapped from their owners. And new people, who look exactly like these slaves, keep popping up. But they have no slave marks or wounds and as such aren´t slaves.

This does not happen because a bunch(1000) of clones are freeing them, nope that´s not the reason.

These clones, disguised as priests, are also not going to other cities, starting to convert other people, definitely not.

Oh, I also got this skill, out of nowhere.



You want that other people to believe in the same things as you? Then convert their believes out of them. Flush their believes with your own happy ideology. LV: 0

I surely don´t know from where....

Anyway, other new things are my growing weapon collection, the earnings of the chicken butcher, a few toy "inventions" like Siedler von Katan and my proficiency in building sand castles. Uri and Siril also got friends, one day Uri came to me with Siril asking to play, we often play around.

I taught them how to read and to cast some magic, I watched Ilzas lessons and imitated them.

The dragon valley village is doing fairly good, a few of the villagers formed couples and some even are already pregnant. They tried to developed their own church of Dex. I stopped that and showed the the Church of Caring. They quickly converted to this church.

I think that´s it.

I´m currently in the school at the student council house, sitting on my chair and waiting for the other members. It´s the first time, after the entrance ceremony, that I´m here.

I had no work, as this Baldrich guy made all my things like he said. He might be arrogant but stays to his words.

Well Ley said it´s a meeting about the tournament, which will start next week.

The door opened and I saw Hilde coming inside.

"Oh, the goddess is already here," she said in a playful tone.

"Seriously, do you know who instigated this?" I asked in a defeated tone, but not really caring, as I already accepted my "godhood"

"Hm, I think it was a girl, she said she saw godlike strength, as they came out of the school dungeon." She said, while sitting down.

"And do you believe in the stuff they say?" I asked her.

"Don´t know, I saw one of your swords and my [Identification] skill coudln´t see through it, all I could read was " This sword was forged by a godlike master smith". It was indicated as a Tier 3 weapon. So maybe," She said while shrugging with her shoulders.

"Most of my Iron swords show this, that and that they grand some status boni," I said.

"Seriously?" Hilde asked baffled.

"What?" I returned the baffled question.

"Weapons which grant status boni are regarded as master class weapons. Each of them is at least Tier 3" She explained in one breath.

Tier 3 would mean that it´s a really good weapon. There are 5 Tiers for weapons.

The materials, effects, fame and quality of a sword determine the Tier of a weapon. A sword out of Tier 1 iron can be a Tier 3 weapon, if it´s forged by a well known master smith. But it can´t become a Tier 4 or 5 weapon. Tier 4 weapons need a story behind the weapon, high quality materials, a well known master smith and a really good quality.

While Tier 5 weapons need to be sentient, so all of my sentient weapons in my inventory are Tier 5 weapons. Sentient weapons are automatically Tier 5, as they have the qualifications.

You need high Tier materials, at least skill level 9 in forgery and one out of two conditions for a sentient weapon.

1. a special Tier 10 spell chanted by the smith, of any affinity, that binds an elemental to the sword, the affinity sets the character of the sword and its properties. A light affinity elemental will grant a quicker healing for the wielder, while a darkness affinity elemental will make the inflicted wounds, by the sword, harder to heal and so on.

2. you fuse a beast core, which is at least SS-Rank(X-Rank monster exist but are hardly hunted, as they are too dangerous, for example every dragon), with the metal while you forge the weapon. The produced weapon will then have some kind of sentience.

All sentient weapons are able to level on their own but they have to kill for that.

A beast core weapon just has to kill, while elemental sentient weapons have to either kill their opposing element( Fire dies by Water by Stone by Wind by Fire while Light dies by Darkness and vies versa.) or they absorb the mana of said opposing element. They have to be in a place with a high mana density to do that.

I already made a few sentient weapons, just for the lols. They leveled fairly quickly as I gave them a mana area with mana manipulation. The magic beast cores from the dragons were too annoying to use, as they complained non stop about their death.

"You really made a Tier 3 weapon out of iron?" Hilde asked me again, ripping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, it was just some junk I quickly made, the stats came automatically," I explained.

"Seriously, that is really hard to believe, if I hadn´t seen the weapon. This makes it easier to believe that you are some kind of god." She said while shaking her head.

The door opened mid-sentence and Ley came inside.

"Morning," Ley said as Hilde finished her sentence.

"Morning president, look the goddess came before you," Hilde said grinning.

"Is it true? Are you really a god?" Ley asked me, with hopeful eyes, ignoring Hilde´s teasing.

"What is a god for you?" I asked in return.

"A god is someone, who´s above other people in everything he does." She said.

"Then I´m not a god," I said and she looked sad, but also confused.

"But you are above everyone in everything you do?" She said, arguing against my words.

"Only skill wise, I also make mistakes and does not know everything. Nothing is perfect, something perfect must be bad and good at the same time, as it has to be perfect. Which is not possible," I explained.

"Then what is a god for you?" She asked me.

"A god is something which is so strong in something, that it´s not possible to explain or compare it with normal things," I answered and she smiled.

"So you are a god by your definition," She said.

"Well I´m able to explain my strength and skills, so I don´t think I´m a god," I answered.

"But everyone else would think you´re a god if they follow your definition, as we are not able to explain it or compare it with someone else," She said.

"You might be right if you say it that way," I said.

"So you said yourself that you are something godlike if we try compare you with us. Which makes it more logical to worship you as something akin to a god," She said, coming to her conclusion.

"Well everyone is allowed to believe in what they want," I said, giving up. Everything I said gave her more reason to believe that I´m some kind of god.

"Now you´ve done it," Hilde said from the side.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"You agreed to be something akin to a god, the Church of Caring will take this as something akin to a verification from your side to be their god." She said smiling.

"See Ley, I made a mistake," I said in a defeated tone and Hilde began to laugh.

The others came shortly after, Alfred who´s still looking at me with lust. Now I know how women feel when they see someone creepy....

Liria the blonde bombshell.

Baldrich, the snobbish fat guy who was so nice and did all my work.

Plinch the beastkin with rabbit ears who sits as far away from me as possible.

Tirin the beastkin tigress.

One of the two who were at the vacation as I were introduced, his name is Jore he´s a human in his twenties, has black hair and is muscular. He´s one of the third year warrior A1-Classes.

And finally Walt, who is a blonde human who looks really normal. I think he was one of the guys who asked me out.

"Good, now that everyone is here, let´s quickly come to the main topic. The school tournament will start next week and it´s expected that the student council takes part as a group. Does everyone remember how the tournament will proceed?" Ley said as everyone sat down.

"I´m sorry but could you quickly explain? Is it like the tournament from 4 months ago?" I asked.

"No, it works different, the school tournament is a group fight tournament. The students are allowed to form groups out of 2 to 10 each school will hold a small tournament to determine 5 groups that will represent their school. Each group has to have at least one student out of each year, this if for the encouragement of the lower classes. One of these 5 groups is mostly the student council of each school, as they are the strongest and best of the school.

The 20 groups will then fight in a kind of survival game against each other. The rules forbid alliances between teams. Each team then has to find something or build something specific in the area and the fastest 14 teams will fight against each other in a tournament. " Ley explained.

"Why are we going to search for something inside the area? And are we allowed to take other teams out?" I asked.

"This part is for non fighting participants. The thing the teams have to search or sometimes even build aims to show the proficiency of the crafting course in the school.

And it is not explicitly said that we have to kick other participants out but it is a common thing. This part of the tournament is the hardest and most dangerous, as there are beasts in the area. And it even happened that the students of other schools actively tried to kill other teams. It´s a common tactic for the Malindor Academy teams do kill other teams, " Ley said with a scrowl.

"So then we aren´t allowed to form our own groups?" I further asked.

"You are right, it is forbidden," She said.

"C..couldn´t we m..make an exception?" Plinch asked in a frightened tone.

"Why Plinch? Is something wrong? You look pale," Jore asked worried.

Plinch looked at me, but quickly averted his eyes as he saw me looking at him.

", it´s just...," He began but then got silent.

"Plinch is everything okay?" Ley now also asked worried.

"I think he´s frightened of something, he smells of fear," Tiri said.

"Oh...." I said and all of them looked at me, except Plinch.

"What?" Ley asked me.

"Well, I have a title that let rabbits and their related animals felling fear from me," I said with a wry smile and Hilde burst into laughter, while Ley´s mouth was open.

"S.. so you don´t want to kill me?" Plinch asked still worried.

"Nope, it just happens that I got this title as I pursued some fluffy pelts, " I said.

"Some?!" Ley asked loudly.

"You have to do something countless times, again and again, if you want a title. "Some" is an understatement. I heard you need to kill at least 10.000 animals while hunting to get the title Hunter." Tiri said baffled.

"That explains why I couldn´t find any rabbits...." I said with a stern voice and Hilde fell from her chair from all her laughing.

"So Plinch now that you know that Clair won´t kill you," Ley said and I added, " as long as you don´t have a fluffy pelt", to which Tiri hid her tail.

"Let us come back to the topic, no Plinch you are not allowed to form your own group, we all will be in the same group," Ley said, trying to end this topic.

"We don´t need Clair anyway. I think she can´t even fight," Baldrich scoffed.

"True I never saw her in any fight and did also not hear of any fights," Jore added.

"Well there was one fight," Ley began, "It was in her first casting lesson, a group of 3 upper-class men had a sparring match against her. They lost in under 10 seconds."

"You knew of that?" I asked.

"Sure, I tried to keep an eye on you, so that you won´t get bullied but no one came after your little fight," Ley said with a smile and she rose in my evaluation.

"We´ll see," Baldrich said.

"Then let´s discuss our formation and start to form a training plan for our teamwork," Ley continued with the meeting.

"I think Tiri, Jore and I should be at the front, we are more like heavy fighters and could take the attacks head on," Alfred suggested.

"Agreed, then let´s put Plinch and Walt at the mid section. Walt is skilled with the bow will Plinch uses daggers," Liria suggested.

"" Agreed,"" Plinch and Walt said.

"Baldrich and I will then be our mages, while Liria will be a reserve," Ley said.

"Clair, you´ll be our trump card, the other schools wouldn´t think that a first year could do anything so we´re not going to let you fight in the representative rounds,"Ley further said.

"True, normally a first year is not strong enough to really matter," Tiri muttered.

"And what about Hilde?" I asked.

"I´m from the crafting course, I´ll participate in the survival round and will keep your equipment in check," Hilde said.

"But is Clair really up to the task? I mean she is a first year," Liria said worried.

"I´m sure Clair would be able to fight against all of you," Hilde said grinning.

"You sure? Let´s test that out," Tiri said with a grin.

"I agree, she has to be able to hold her ground against us for at least a minute, if she wants to get into such an important position," Baldrich said with a mocking smile.

"Hey!" I said, not wanting to get pulled into this but was ignored.

"What do the other say? Those who are for this raise your hand," Ley asked and most shrugged with their shoulders, while Hilde, Plinch, Baldrich, Tiri and Liria raised their hands.

"Who is against this?" Ley further asked and I was the only one who raised her hand.

"Good then let´s go to the magic arena," Ley said and all of them stood up. I tried to say something but Hilde pulled me along, not stopping to laugh until we reached the arena.

"So let´s say two against one, a mage and a front liner would do," Ley said, as we reached the arena and changed into our clothes.

Baldrich, who wore a robe and uses a staff and Alfred, who wore chain mail and uses a longsword walked to the middle of the arena. I wore my leather armour, and with two black katanas. (

"Okay these are the rules, everything is allowed if you want to take the other one out. Baldrich and Alfred will have to make Clair hors de combat while Clair has to hold her ground for a minute, " Ley said.

"Am I allowed to win by fighting or do I have to dodge for a minute?" I asked.

"Both would do," Ley said.

"Then let´s begin, FIGHT!" She screamed and the fight began.

Alfred rushed at me and tried to cut me, which I dodged. But his move was a bit off, it seemed like he just tried to cut my clothes. Baldrich then used wind swords, which I blocked with an earth wall. But it seemed like these were also only for cutting my clothes.

"Hey do you only intent to cut my clothes?" I asked them and both had a creepy smile.

I looked to Ley but she only looked at me apologetically.

I sighed and kept dodging their futile attempts, until Baldrich got angry and tried to attack for real with a fire blast, which I blocked with a water wall.

The minute was quickly over. Baldrich and Alfred were not able to hit me once.

"Winner is Clair," Ley announced and Hilde clapped.

"That..°Huff°...she...°Huff°...hasn´t fought back once." Alfred said trying to get his breath back.

"She had reason to fight back, her winning criteria was to only dodge for a minute," Ley said with a grin.

"But we don´t know if she´s able to fight, sure she can dodge but that does not win a fight," Baldrich said.

"Isn´t it enough? You both lost," Ley said.

"No!" Alfred retorted.

"What do you say Clair?" Ley asked me.

"I could fight but I would not hold back against them," I said.

"Then let´s do it again," Baldrich said and Ley just shook her head.

They got back in position, Ley shouted "Start" and two heads flew in the air, followed by two °thumps°

"What happened?" Ley asked looking confused, while Alfred and Baldrich were rebuilt.

"Da fuck?" Tiri said.

"What was that?" Walt asked.

"I cut their heads of," I said.

"I didn´t see you draw your sword," Ley said confused.

"You just have to do it fast enough" I said.

"Fast enough? My agility is around 12.000 how much faster are you? If I´m not able to see something," Alfred asked a little frightened.

"Not of your concern" I simply said.

"That," Hilde commented.

"How many people could you attack so fast?" Liria asked.

"A lot," I said.

"And how much is a lot?" Walt asked.

"Don´t know, enough never did it more than 30 times," I began and everyone got pale and had an open mouth.

"You´re kidding," Hilde asked, now not laughing.

"Nope, anyway, let´s train. I think you all, against me would be good," I said and they got a little paler.

"I´ll hold back, you wouldn´t learn anything if I simply crush you," I said with a smile and we began our training.

Three hours later all of them laid at the ground, not strong enough to move. At some point I even dragged Hilde in, she had to learn to protect herself.

"Good, then let´s meet here tomorrow at the same time," I said and began to walk away, while listening to the pleas of mercy of my fellow teammates.

The following week consisted of training with the student council and spending time with Ilza, who is staying in Turonis. Lilia will come along as a teacher.

My team won first place in the representative tournament and we´re going to depart tomorrow....