What else happened as we traveled back

During the trip back:


"Who is that elfen girl? I never heard of her, someone so strong can't stay unnoticed for long. Is she from Schwarzwald?" I asked my spy master, he had the order to get information on every participant.

"And why did our teams loose so utterly? And on top of that four teams are dead, how do you expect me to explain that to their parents?" I added while looking at the headmaster of Malindor.

"My lord, we don't know the origins of the elf named Clair, the only thing we could find out in this short time, is that she suddenly showed up at the last entrance exam from Turon. The son of the local duke got embarrassed by her, his father also handed in some reports about a cult that came up.

They call it the Church of Carring and apparently this Clair is their goddess. She rebuilt the slums, healed the crippled and some say that she's even freeing the slaves. But we have no clear eyewitnesses about the last part.

The cult stands for equality between all races and even social standings. The baron asked for help against this Clair, she's starting a revolt, so he says. He said that a troop he had sent was killed, they sent a few A-Rank and more than a dozen B- and C-Rank adventurers. None came back.

There are also some rumours about her guards, they are made out of stone and have high fighting capabilities. Our enchanter told me that it would be possible to make them but not this strong and lifelike, they simply lack the necessary knowledge and most of all, the mana. I request permission for assassinating her," my spymaster said.

This will turn in quite a headache, maybe I'll have a new girl today, a 10-year-old would be good. The last one already lost her will to struggle. I have to stop giving them to my wife, she's breaking them too fast.

I refocus on my spymaster and say, " Permission granted, her wish for the dragon forest clearly stated her goals. We have to stop her before she can establish a new kingdom."

��Dear, you think she can manage the dragons?" My dear wife asked, in a worried tone, from the side.

"Of course not, nothing can kill all these dragons, but she might be able to establish a small city on the outskirts," I said and caressed her hand in an attempt to reassure her worried face. Which quickly worked.

"So what about our teams?" I asked the headmaster after looking into the beautiful eyes of my wife.

"It seems like they were killed by other students, we've found traces of many fights, most of them were from monster but some showed signs of our and other teams," the headmaster says. He's the only SS-Rank adventurer I'm able to order, all the others are under this stupid country agreement.

"What do you think is the reason for so many losses?" I asked him.

"I think the Ecus teams grouped together and took them out," he said.

"Why them and for what reason?" I asked out loud.

"May I speak my lord?" My spymaster asked.

I motioned him to continue.

��My lord, my spies are telling me a strange behaviour of the Empire, they are arming for war," he said.

"That's nothing new, they are in a constant war against the demons. We're even sending them supplies so that they keep them at bay," I said.

"That is indeed true my lord, but they are conscripting more men than normal and we lost sight of the Raska Elite Unit," he said while bowing his head.

"How did you loose some of the most known and strongest soldiers of the empire?!" I shouted.

He flinched and said," I'm terribly sorry my lord, but I don't now, my spies sent me the report of losing them, after a meeting with the empress," he said bowing even deeper than before.

"Then search them dammit, I'll make you responsible if you're not able to find them," I said.

Now I'm sure, a 10-year-old.

"Of course my lord," he said and hurriedly rushed out.

"I'll also be off then, I have to adjust our lessons so that the next year will not be such an utter defeat," the headmaster said and also left.

"Dear, I'll be out. I have to vent some stress," I said to my wife and left, searching my personal slaver. I feel like I have forgotten something but can't point it out. Well, I will remember, for now, I have to visit a sweet young girl.


Max Mustermann POV:

"Rits, prepare for depart, I'll go send my report," I said and Rits saluted.

Now alone I took a crystal ball out of my dimensional pocket and put mana into it.

A face of a young woman came into view.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Captain Mustermann here, I'm sending my report," I said.

"Ah yes, I'll bring you to her Majesty," She said and the picture moved.

"Why the majesty?" I asked, normally I report to one of the generals.

"She wished to receive your next report in person," I heard from the woman who's caring me.

I saw the interior of the palace until the woman knocked at a door, they are the personal chambers of her majesty.

"Sir Mustermann is reporting my Lady," the woman said. The crystals are not able to listen in on conversations that are more than 3 metres. A door or wall would obviously block any sound.

The woman opened the door and places me on a table, she then excused herself and said she'll waiting outside.

I heard some rustling and the empress sat down in front of me.

She looks quite young, but that is because she has a lot of mana. She has black long hair, a symmetric face with beautiful dark-brown eyes, which are showing intelligence, resolve and knowledge. Her lips have a beautiful red and her body is slender but also shows a hard training in the past.

Currently, she's wearing a black nightgown and I'm almost able to see through it. Her ample boso...

"My eyes are up here Max," the empress said with a smile and brought me out of my train of thoughts.

"I'm terribly sorry my lady," I hurriedly said while getting red.

"I know you since you were a child, you think I never noticed your interests?" She mused, making me redder.

Indeed, I know her almost all my life, she personally picked and trained me and my teammates. I was born into a small family, we had not much but were also not poor. I and one of my teammates were in a training facility for children, every child has to absolve a training course. We were really good and one time a young and beautiful woman came inside. The trainer was extremely formal and friendly to her, the exact opposite of his normal behaviour.

He spoke with the beautiful woman and then pointed at me and my friend. The woman came over to us and introduced herself as the empress. My friend and I were slack awed, of course, we heard of the empress but never did we think that we would ever meet her.

She gave us the opportunity of becoming the best soldiers in the empire and my friend and I hurriedly agreed.

From then on we trained, we were sent to a special training facility and had the best trainers in the world. We grew stronger and stronger, solving one mission after the other, always under the constant watch and care of the empress.

Thanks to her I was able to give my family a better life.

"Earth on Max, you there?" She asked and again I was ripped out of my train of thoughts.

"My lady I never understand what you mean with earth on Max. You're always saying that when I'm in my thoughts," I said with a red face.

"Fufufu, maybe I'll tell you someday. So what exactly happened? I just heard that a special individual has requested a meeting with me in four years. My generals had agreed for me, as I was...occupied," she asked.

"I've met a young elfen girl named Clair, she won against us in the tournament and asked me for a meeting with her excellency after her graduation, "I reported.

"Don't call me that when I'm present, call me by my name," she said.

"Yes my lady," I answered but she just stared at me.

"Yes Miss Yuikina," I added and she smiled.

"So their team defeated yours," she then said.

"No Miss Yukina, SHE defeated us. Rits team as if she was dancing and my team with a single strike," I said truthfully.

"Hmm, has she done anything else?" She then asked.

"Well, she seemed like a child, my conversation was... unconventional for the lack of words," I said.

"What do you mean?" She inquired.

"Well, her teammates threw her at us and she hugged me, arms and legs clamping around my torso. I motioned my teammates to stab her but she climbed around my body as if it was natural. All this while talking," I said a little embarrassed.

"PFFFT, she did what?" She asked, hardly containing her laughter.

"She hugged me," I said again, feeling the redness resurfacing.

"A moment please," She said and left the screen. A few seconds late she came back with a plush animal.

"Did she hug you like that?" She asked and put the animal under breasts like it was hugging her.

"Yes Miss Yukina," I said with my head down.

"Hahahahaha, she hugged you like a koala," she said, no longer able to stop the laughs.

I had to wait a few minutes until she could continue a normal conversation.

"Miss Yukina knows what she did?" I asked.

"Yes, she's something like a hero," she said and I was baffled.

"A hero? Aren't we the only ones who know how a hero is summoned? And I heard it's extremely costly," I asked.

"That is the thing I'd also like to know, a hero summon is very hard. How did she beat you?" She asked.

"Well she jumped a little and then sliced all of my team in half with a Nodachi," I said, again embarrassed.

"So it's a Japanese like me, but the name doesn't match. When did you say will be the meeting exactly?" She asked.

"In four years after the school tournament, we will bring her directly after," I said.

"Good, you'll also attend the meeting. That will be enough," She said.

"Yes, my lady!" I said and the crystal turned clear.

"What have I done?" I question myself as I walked back to my troop.


Religious Zealot POV:

I hurriedly walk through the halls of the glorious main Church of the Church of Light. My destination is the office of the grand cardinal Pavloros.

I'm passing countless, marvellous statues of legendary heroes and grand cardinals.

Two guards were in front of the large wooden door, unmoving and vigilant.

But they let me pass without even looking at me, they already know me for a long time.

After giving the door a few knocks, I step in and was greeted by the divine aura of his eminence.

His eminence is a man in his late seventies, his hair is already grey, but he hasn't lost any of his powers. He's one of the few magicians that can cast Tier 10 magic in 4 attributes and it's said that he's as strong or even stronger than an SS-Rank adventurer.

"You're back, are the rumours true?" His eminence said as he looked up from a batch of sheets.

"Yes your excellence, they are indeed true. A dirty elfen whore dares to establish a new religion with her Holiness under her in ranks. We must exterminate these sinners that dare to go against her Holiness!" I said determinedly.

"Indeed, we must. What about the rumours of her strength?" His eminence asked.

"The whore showed high fighting capabilities and a vast diversity in spells. I think we should send the first paladin corp. We must silence her in front of her false believers," I said.

"How is she viewed by the public?" His eminence asked.

"The public opinion is quite high. The duke of Turonis is unable to do anything as he fears revolts," I said with disdain.

"Hmm, it might become troublesome if we make it in public. Send the first inquisitor squad," His eminence said after thinking over it.

"Yes your eminence," I said with a bow and left.

The first inquisitor squad is our best team if it comes to killing some sinners, They are master of the dark and every one of them is at least as strong as an S-Rank adventurer.

This whore will pay, how dare she sets her Holiness in rank under her.


Clair POV:

The first thing I did as we reached our first night camp was making a clone of me. My clone has to attend this boring journey while I'll travel to MY dragon forest. Or how it's now called Forest of Aeron.

So I sneaked away from our camp and let my wings sprout. I had to start carefully and slow so that I don't get noticed. After a few minutes of slowly flying, I raised my speed and started to fly to the southern border of my forest.

I reached it by sunrise and started my work.

First I'll need soldiers and I don't like human soldiers, their moral, ethics and supplement are a hassle.

So I'll make soldiers that will be like the guards of my mansion. They'll just look different. These will stop any trespassers, this way I only need normal human soldiers at the gates.

The problem is I need a lot of them, a whole lot. And a clone has not enough skills for making them.

So I made a clone that will build the wall around my forest. This way I'll save time. My clones will be able to enchant the walls with self-cleaning and self-repair while indestructible and mana gathering must be done by me.

The order is a 100 metre high and 20-metre thick wall that encircles the whole forest. The clones are allowed to destroy and flat any obstacle in their way, I want a nearly straight wall.

The wall is white, decorated and has a gate every 200 kilometres. They'll also build a guard house and a village near the gates. All of them will get cleaning golems so that they won't get destroyed before they get inhabited. Each village will have five underground storage rooms with 1000 soldiers each.

Dammit that will be a lot of work if I want to have three soldiers every 200 metre and additional 5.000 soldiers at every gate, I think such a large army will be looked upon with utter fear.

So my soldiers aren't allowed to look as menacing as my current guards. I need something that says, "Hi, I'm the good one, but mock me and you'll regret it".

Maybe a three metre tall, broad man, in a full-body and white plate armour. He will wield a large bow with an enhanced quiver and a longsword.

I'll make three clones for the armours, weapons and quivers. The clones will be able to enhance them with self-repair, self-cleaning and durability. While the quivers will be mana supplied.

And 100 directly controlled clones will build the soldiers. They maintain their skill LV when directly controlled. This way I'll make 100stk. a day and 38,4 million in the four months I've planned for this.

The soldiers will have the same runes as my soldier of the mansion. Only, this time, I use mithril and not rock for the materials. Mithrill is nothing else than iron that fused with a lot of mana. Mithril is sturdier than iron and conducts mana way better. That and it is white.

This mana fusion is replicable with [Mana Manipulation] or this time by [Ultra ultimate high Mana Manipulation].

A few hundred clones have the order to conjure iron. Another few hundred will then fuse it with mana and carry it to me, where I make the original soldiers.

The whole procedure of building the soldiers, enchanting them and the walls, as well as placing them in the right distance, took me four months and it was way more boring than the travel. Constantly building and enchanting, for four whole months.

But in the end, I managed to build a wall that surrounds the whole dragon forest and around 38,4 million soldiers. At first, it seemed like it will take way more time but I was able to gain a new skill, as I tried to write more than one rune at the same time.



Do two, four, six or more things at the same time. Be like a good mother, with a newborn that finds sharp things funny. LV: 0

This made things way faster.

Four months later, with almost no pause, I made my way back to Turonis. Leaving a giant white and highly decorated wall, with a gigantic army on top of it, behind.


Clair's Clone POV, time as they reached Turonis.

"We've reached our destination," the coachman said and I left my coach.

A lot of people were standing at the sides and were greeting us and congratulated us for winning. Ilza came also running.

"Clair, you're ba.." She began but then turned from me to Lilia and bulldozed her over.

"Ilza why aren't you greeting Clair? And please, a little less stormy," Lilia said as she received Ilzas hug.

"Hi Lilia, where is Clair?" Ilza said with a smile and Lilia made a confused face.

"What do you mean where's Clair, she's right there," Lilia said and pointed at me.

I just smiled wryly and it dawned Lilia.

"Oh no she won't," she began but I motioned her to stop, by putting a finger over my lips.

"Let's speak inside," I said and we excused ourselves.

I closed the door and the first thing I saw was a pouting Ilza.

"Where are you?" She questioned me with teary eyes.

"When did you change?" Lilia also asked.

"Well, I~," I began but Ilza stopped me.

"Don't say I, you're not her. You might have the same body as her and even smell like her. You don't feel like her, your aura is different," she said in an angry tone.

"Well, my original and I are the same, except our skills and stats. We may differ after a lengthy period of time, but as of now I think exactly like my original," I said with a wry smile.

"But you're not her, you feel different, you lack something. So stop speaking as if you were her," Ilza demanded and I looked at Lilia, seeking for help.

However, Lilia looked at me while shaking her head, signalling me that I won't receive any help.

"Okay, Clair got the Dragon Forest as a price for the tournament. As of now she's building a wall around the whole forest and surely makes a lot of soldiers as guards," I explained.

"How large do you think is the Dragon Forest?!" Lilia asked shocked.

"Well I think the wall will be around 20.000km long and she will make 3 soldiers every 200 metres with 5.000 on each gate, whom will be every 200 km," I simply said.

"But that would mean she will build... 30.050.000 soldiers," Lilia said with a pale face.

"I think it will be more like 38 million," I said and walked into the kitchen, leaving Lilia behind. Ilza trots after me, still sulking.

"Are you crazy? That are more soldiers than there are people in the empire?!" Lilia screamed as she noticed our absence.

"They are more like guards. They have the order to stop any trespasser and will play the fighting force against any foe," I said as I began to prepare the utensils for cooking, but then notice that my original always keeps the ingredients inside her inventory, so that they won't go bad.

"What's wrong?" Ilza asked as Lilia walked up to us.

Lilia sunk down on a chair and said with a tired voice, " nothing, Clair just decided to build an army that could kill everyone on this planet."

"And?" Ilza asked, not getting the point.

"And? Do you think that is good?" Lilia asked tiredly.

"I think Clair would be able to destroy the planet without the army if she wants to. So these soldiers won't be any more dangerous," Ilza said while looking strangely proud.

"Is that sure?" Lilia asked me, hoping for a denial.

"Every clone has the capabilities to destroy the whole planet, each of us has enough mana," I said.

"I never thought you're that strong, I mean 999 million mana is much but it can't be enough to destroy the world," She said.

"Well we, my other clone-siblings and our origin, have more than 999 million mana. It's just not shown in the status window. We think that it's kinda broken and only shows until this amount," I explained.

"And what about your mana regeneration? Shouldn't that also be higher if it's true what you say?" She asked.

"We think the system is something like a programme that only does something when something specific is fulfilled. For example, our mana stops at 999 million so our mana regeneration also is only 10.000. We think the system would say 100.000 if it would count until 1 billion," I explained our theory.

"I think, I have to sleep over this," Lilia said and went upstairs. She left me alone with an upset Ilza.

I looked at Ilza, who gave me an evil smile.

"Come to think of it, the clones of Clair are also able to make clones aren't you?" She asked and I felt my imminent doom will come.

"Y..yes," I replied.

"Good, then make four clones, undress and come in my bed, I need a few hug pillows and you clones have to compensate for the lack of your real one. My Clair-Cuddle-Dose has to be refilled. ," she said and pulled me upstairs. The following hours consisted of group hugging and an almost satisfied Ilza. This continued until the real one was back.

Ilza hug dived her into a nearby house and my origin had to rebuild it.

A few clones were left behind, making streets, highways and lakes for the future. And we began to spread the rumour of the kingdom for everyone that believes in the Church of Carring. The Dragon Valley is the capital and connected with the streets through tunnels. The remaining 7.55 million soldiers are guarding the streets and highways.

Over the years more and more people settled in and the country began to grow, Origin( the name for the real Clair) simply made Kyli, the leader of the village, into the queen and gave her 8 clones, who are transformed, as bodyguards.

Kyli reluctantly agreed, at first, she declined with the argument that she's not worthy of such a position or has not the right skills.

She finally agreed as we promised to teach her all the necessary skills and told her that this country is for the ex-slaves and unfairly treated. We thought her everything that could be a necessary thing, like [Identification] and [Poison Resistance], and after four years she grew into a presentable Queen.

We even began to build a magic academy. All in all the following four years were enjoyable and our country began to grow....