
Clair POV:

We dropped Maltar at the palace of Nahar off and flew to my parents.

"Where are we going now?" Rin'Tu asked.

"We'll visit my foster parents, I want to play with my baby sister. Or do you want to go back? A clone can bring you," I said.

We were flying in a stone house, which must look ridicules from outside, and were playing UNO cards. Still, it's comfy.

"How long do you intent to stay?" She simply asked and gave Ilza a +4 card.

Ilza simply smiled and put another +2 on it.

"Only a day, we're going to fly back tomorrow morning," I said with a frown and picked six cards.

"Then it's okay," she said and got a +2 from Lilia, which turned into a +4 for Ilza and a +8 for me. But this time, I could retaliate and gave Lilia a whooping +10.

"Uncle Drull, you sure you don't want to play with us? This game called UNO is really funny," Rin'Tu asked.

"No, I don't like this game," Drull said and continued to read a book.

"He once got a +20, initiated by himself, since then he never played again," Ilza said with a laugh.

"Say Drull, how did you meet Rin'Tu?" I asked curiously, I don't really know Drull's past.

"The first time I met her, she was laying in a crib and sucked on her thump," Drull simply said.

"Okay, let me reformulate the question. Why is an Arch Demon a friend of the high elfs?" I asked.

"Demons and elfs weren't enemies at the beginning. We even were on friendly terms. As for why I know the old queen, well my parents were once the ruler of the demon race and naturally had a connection with the elfen royalty. I met her at my third birthday party, she almost looked like little Rin, just more dignified. My parents were so good friends with her, that I even called her aunt," Drull said.

"How were humans back then?" I asked something different.

"My father told me that they once were really strong and came from a far away place.

They waged war against the elfen and demons at the same time, and almost won against the elfen. I don't know what the beastkin or dwarfs did, but the original dwarfen home town isn't inhabited anymore.

Dad said even he was only a child as it happened and the humans lost their strength during a two hundred years long war. He said that they simply didn't get reinforcements and had to fight with what they had.

Well at the end they were subdued by us. The high elfs used them as workers and sometimes toys while we used them mostly as cattle," Drull spoke completely indifferently as he told us some really interesting things.

"Then, what about the gods? They must have been around at the time, why didn't they do something?" Lilia asked.

"I don't know, dad never mentioned them, I only met Siria because I stole her booze," Drull said.

"Yeah, that time mom said I should never be as stupid as Uncle Drull. He and dad were drunk and snug inside Siria's temple. Well they got caught, dad said he could flee through a window, but Drull was lost," Rin'Tu said.

"Lost my ass, he tripped me," Drull said, but not in an angry way.

"Couldn't we ask them?" Ilza suddenly said.

"Ask whom?" Lilia asked back.

"The gods," Ilza said as if it was obvious.

"You can't simply ask a god," Rin'Tu said.

"No, she's right. Let's ask one of them," I said and took Philoro out if my inventory.

"..t of here...wait a moment, where is Siria?" The orb said the moment he got out.

"That is Philoro!" Rin'Tu screamed in shock.

"Yes, I'm the mighty god of void and space. Might it be possible for you to break this orb?" Philoro said.

"You are the reason for the death of my parents, why should I release you?!" Rin'Tu shouted.

"I think that was a no. Well, strange being, what do you want this time?" He then asked.

"We want to know something about the time humans, who once started a war against the high elfen and demons," I said.

"Why should I tell you?" He said grumpily.

"Because I might release you," I said with a smile and Rin'Tu, as well as Lilia looked at me with a shocked expression.

"Really? Do you speak the truth?" He asked sceptically.

"Yes," I said, still smiling.

"Okay, I'll tell you then. I don't know, we weren't on this planet at that time," Philoro said and shocked everyone, well not me. I simply don't care enough to be shocked.

"Weren't the gods here since the beginning of time?" Lilia asked with raised eyebrows.

"Nope, our contractor came into this world, around 4 thousand years ago, and summoned us eight. He then sealed us into the ley-lines of this planet. These ley-lines let us travel around the world, they help us to grow and even allow the mages to use us as an amplifier for their magic. They would have to control the mana on their own, if we weren't helping them with each spell they cast.

Our only goal is to grow into mid-level-deity elementals. Master will then pick us up.

However master can't control our nature and this allowed me to try my plan to destroy the world.

Sadly Siria and the others used a lot of their mana and even the mana of the high elfs to seal me inside this stupid crystal. I've told you what you want, now free me," Philoro said.

"Hmm, I said I'll think about freeing you. I'll tell you the result at a later time," I said, still smiling the same smile, and put him back into my inventory.

"I knew it, this was the smile, Master uses when she is about to do something cruel," Drull said and began to laugh.

"But if it's true what Philoro said, then aren't the gods in reality only some summoned elementals?" Rin'Tu asked incredulously.

"Yeah, what did you thought they are?" I asked.

"Don't know, gods?" She said shyly.

"Nope, just some slightly strong elementals," I said.

"Slightly strong?!" Rin'Tu exclaimed stunned.

"Yeah, they only rank at the bottom rank of deity-class elementals," I said.

"I think my common sense is dying," She said while grabbing her face with both hands.

""I know how it feels, "" Drull and Lilia said at the same time and Lilia even patted her back.

"Origin, we have arrived at your parent's village," the clone, who's flying us said and landed the house.

"Well then, let's go out," I said and went to my parents house.


"Coming!" The voice of my father sounded from inside and shortly after the door opened.

"Oh, Clair. You're earlier than normally, what brings you here?" He asked and gave me a hug, before letting us in.

"Who is it?" My mom asked from inside the kitchen.

"It's Clair and her friends," dad said and led us to the living room, where Lily was rolling around.

"She's already able to roll, she's three months old isn't she?" I say excited and picked her up.

"Guhu!" Was her reaction and she smiled at me.

"Yes, some times it gets hard to hold her back. You just have to sit her down and the moment you don't look she's already a few metres away," dad said while laughing.

"Hi sweety," mom said as she came out of the kitchen.

Each of us said hello and that was the moment mom and dad noticed Rin'Tu.

"Sorry to forget to introduce ourself, my name is Kurt, this is my lovely wife and the little one in Clair's arms is Lily," dad said with an embarrassed smile.

"Good day, my name is Rin'Tu," Rin'Tu said in a friendly tone.

"You're so pretty, you elfs have it so good to be naturally beautiful. Us humans simply age too fast," mom then said.

"You flatter me," Rin'Tu said with a smile.

"Rin'Tu are you also a companion of my daughter?" Dad then asked.

"No, I'm just accompanying them for today," she answered.

"Yeah, we have to bring her back to the palace tomorrow morning," I said and put my finger in Lily's mouth, she's already used to it and starts to gnaw on it.

"Palace?" Dad asks.

"She's the elfen queen," I simply said and started to tickle Lily, who laughed excitedly.

I then sat down and started to play with her and some wooden blocks.

"Queen?!" Mom asked in shock, but I was already too occupied.

"Eh yes," Rin'Tu said a bit taken back.

"You don't have to behave in a different way, I'm not officially here as of now," she hurriedly added.

"Yeah, little Rin is just like us," Drull said with a grin.

"But, but...," mom began.

"No buts, look even Lily behaves normal," I said while using Lily like a puppet to dance.

"She's a baby," mom said as a counter argument and I wasn't able to retort.

"Uncle Drull already said it, you really don't have to behave any differently than normal," Rin'Tu said and even grabbed moms hands.

"O..okay," mom finally said and the others went into the kitchen to drink tee while I played with Lily. Babies are funny, they can't fight back, hehehehe.

An hour later Lily fell asleep and I brought her to her crib. After that, I went down to the others and we spoke about our journey and their daily life. Most of their content was about Lily and a few things their friends did.

We cooked together and had all in all a good day.

A clone raised the house and we began to fly back while playing monopoly. And it came as it has to come, Drull flipped the table over and said that this game is stupid.

That and a few dozen kilometres before the tree line the clone suddenly informed spoke to us.

"Origin, there is a small army of around two thousand in front of us, their direction is probably the forest. They have carriages, I think they are slavers. What are your orders?" The clone asked.

"An army?" Rin'Tu asked and looked a little worried.

"Stop for a moment," I said and then turned to Rin'Tu.

"They are only two thousand, there is nothing to fear," I said to her.

"Ähm Master, even small fry can become deadly. And small fry in such a large quantity is such a case," Drull said.

"Really? I mean, they are probably mostly under a ten thousand in their stats. How can they become dangerous?" I asked.

"There are spells, that inhibit or disturbs the magic of your enemy, such an army will have a few that are capable of such a thing. If we are hit by a mana disruption effect we'll be strongly weakened. You already know, but all strong people use mana to strengthen their bodies. Either through [Mana Manipulation] or [Bodyenhancement]. If the mana inside of you gets disturbed it will weaken your body.

The effect is not permanent and it also depends on the strength of the enemy, but it still affects you. And an army this large will be able to weaken me to a strength of 30.000 and this is far from invincible. Especially when they attack en mass. Runes will also not work," Drull explained.

"Then I'll go alone," I simply said and switched into the Reaper Dex gear.

Rin'Tus eyes went a little wider but she staid silent.

"Didn't you listen?" Lilia asked.

"I did, but any magic that I deem harmful doesn't have an effect on me. You can test it, Drull attack me with a spell," I said.

"If Master wishes so," Drull said with a grin.

A dark red, almost black ball, that kinda looked like a solar eclipse shoot out of his hand and hit my chest. The others sprung behind the couch in search of a cover and got ready for the blast, however, nothing happened.

"Drull, that was a fucking Tier 8 spell, do you want to kill us?!" Lilia shouted from behind the couch.

"Calm down, I knew that it won't have an effect," Drull said as if nothing has happened.

"But you didn't know that nothing happens to my environment," I said with a smile and Drull suddenly started to sweet profusely.

"Drull!" Lilia shouted again and hit him with a pillow. Her runes were activated and the hit had enough force to bash him against the wall.

"Uncle Drull!" Rin'Tu shouted and run up to Drull, who already started to stand up.

"Hehe, it's too much fun to tease you," he then said.

"So you're going down and do what?" Ilza then asked.

"I'll ask them nicely what they want and then eradicate them," I said.

"You mean you eradicate them if they want to enslave elfs," Lilia asked.

I didn't answer her and jumped out of the door. We still were a few kilometres above the ground and I had a nice view over the terrain below me. Green marshes under and behind me, and a tree line of giant trees in front. The whole horizon was clad in trees and just a few dozen kilometre in front of said tree line was indeed an army. Most of them was clad in leather armour, a few hundred had steel armour and around a hundred wore robes. Some even had horses, but most of them were walking on foot. The few who were riding had visibly better equipment and it was evident that they are the commanding officers.

I used a little bit of wind magic and glided over them and then landed approximately 300 metres in front of them. They already noticed me and a few hundred arrows were pointed at me.

"Who's that guy?" A soldier asked his neighbour. Eavesdropping made it possible to listen in to their conversations.

"I don't know, but his mask looks creepy," his neighbour said and a dozen or so people around him nodded. Seriously, my mask looks awesome, it does, doesn't it?

Then someone in a slightly better armour stepped in front and shouted, "Who are you?!"

"Who are you and what do you want with these caches?!" I shouted back and ignored his previous question.

"I asked first," he shouted back. Is he a child?

"Fine, I'm called Reaper. Now you," I shouted, the distance to each other is simply too large to speak casually, my throat will surely hurt after this.

"We are the task force of Earl Buno, we are here to gather goods," he shouted back.

"What kind of goods?" I asked, still shouting.

"This and that," he shouted vaguely.

"Oh come on, you can tell me," I shouted and it seems like my [Persuading] skill works because he shouted.

"Well you know, elfen and monster, but mostly elfen."

But I think his superior didn't like it, that he answered me, so he got pulled back and a new one, who had an even better armour made out of chain mail, stepped in front. He even had a blazon.

"My name is Halvo of Grurro, step aside or we will force you aside," he said, also shouting.

"Can't do that, you see, I like elfs and so you have to die," I shouted back.

His face turned into an ugly frown and he shouted, this time not to me, but to his underlings, "Attack!"

The foot soldiers started to move forward and made small trembles.

At the same time, a hundred arrows flew at me, and a strange blue barrier enveloped our surroundings. I felt like I do with every harmful spell, that it will influence me in a, from my side deemed, bad way. So I willed it to not affect me and it did not.

The arrows came nearer and would soon start to hit me if I hadn't raised an earth wall to block those who would have hit.

"He's a mage, how can he still conjure spells?" Someone shouted over the thundering sound of hundreds of marching people. He must have a really loud voice.

"Because your inhibition didn't work, stupid," I shouted back.

Then suddenly my earth wall was blasted away and a few dozen rays of fire flew at me. I evaded them, but they changed directions and were coming back.

"Homing rays of fire? Are you kidding me?" I asked no one special and dropped the temperature around the rays by a few hundred degrees. They started to wobble and then vanished one after the other.

The foot soldiers reached me and spears were coming at my body. I evaded them by jumping back, but they quickly surrounded me.

"Now you're going to die!" One guy shouted.

I threw a copper coin with [Coin Throwing] at his face as an answer. I didn't use too much force, so it didn't have the force to fly out of his head, however, it was still able to produce a round hole on his forehead.

He fell down and was instantly trampled by his comrades, who haven't noticed how I have killed him.

In order to evade their spears, I sprung upwards and then landed on the head of one soldier. But I didn't stay long and quickly jumped to my next foothold, also a head.

"You want to earn money by selling slaves? I'll give you money," I shouted, while jumping from head to head and began to threw coins at the soldiers around me. They rapidly started to fall and they started to notice what happens.

"We can't catch him," someone shouted and I quickly threw a coin at him.

"Hold on, the mages will surely cast an enhancement spell," someone else shouted and also got a coin. I mean I'm generous, I already spent a silver coin worth of copper on them.

Then abruptly the soldiers around me started to glow and I noticed that they all were clad in some kind of magic.

And I instantly noticed what this magic does, because my coins weren't strong enough to kill them anymore. They only knocked them out.

"Won't happen," I said and adjusted the strength.

They tried to hit me with spears, swords and some times even shields, yet none hit me. I was simply too agile and fast for them. This first turned into hate, then shock and after that fear.

Who would take it badly? I mean I was mowing down their comrades while jumping from head to head.

"My name is Gunter of Farun, fight me in a one on one!" Some guy in a golden armour shouted and quickly got a coin in his face. The coin only left a red mark and he grunted in pain before rushing in my direction.

He raised his sword and shouted his battle cry, however, he fell down with the second coin that flew through his head and killed three other guys behind him.

"He killed Commander Farun in two hits, he's too strong!" Someone shouted.

"RUN!!" A second soldier shouted and a few of them really tried to run. Well, the only change was that their hole wasn't at the front, but at the back of their head.

After that, they quickly started to flee and I run out of heads to step on.

I wasn't even five second on the ground, as a giant fireball flew in my direction. It was so large, that it will hit some of the soldiers. I quickly killed those who would also get hit, death by fire is way worse than instant death by a copper coin.

The fireball hit me and everything in a diameter of 20 metres.

The weakness with my skill is that I do get affected by the heat the fireball produces. I just don't get burned by its magic.

But with [Heat Resistance] on LV 10 I wasn't feeling the least bit uncomfortable or even hot.

The fire quickly died down and the surviving soldiers watched in shock as I came out, completely unharmed.

"MONSTER!" A slightly crazy looking soldier shouted and fell on his behind.

"You could say that," I said and turned the speed of my coin throwing up by a few notches. It now looked more like a small minigun and I even increased the strength enough to make them as fast as sound. So each coin made a boom sound and a small ripple of air, before killing one to thee soldiers.

From then on it didn't take much time and the whole field was filled with the bodies of dead humans. Those who tried to run away were either killed by a coin or through mana pressure, which I used on anyone who was further away than two kilometres.

I killed them all and then let my wings sprout, with whom I flew up to the still hovering house.

A gaping Rin'Tu, a smiling Drull, and a curiously looking Ilza greeted me.

"Where's Lilia?" I asked as I landed.

"She didn't want to watch, so she's in her bedroom," Drull simply said.

"You...you killed two thousand soldiers as if they were nothing," Rin'Tu said, still with an open mouth.

"It was, but felt like trampling ants," I said and walked to the bath. There is blood all over my body.

"Trampling ants," she repeated in a slight daze.

"That's my Master for you," Drull said happily.

"I'll help you to wash your body," Ilza said cheerfully and followed after me.

The later half of the day passed without events and we dropped Rin'Tu at her palace off. After that, we started to continue our way. Our next stop will be the Eisenberge in the south. I'm eager to see the dwarfen city, I heard they build it like real dwarfs do, inside a mountain.