A Walk Through Nahar With Culinary Specialities

Clair POV:

We quickly reached the enemy base near the border fortress. Not much happened while we were gone. The fortress was still under siege and the destroyed siege tower was not completely dissipated.

"Well, how do you want to kill them?" Crypto asked slightly amused.

"I thought I should play Zerg rush. You know. Maybe two or four hundred thousand golems who simply run at them and trample them to death, without any weapons, strategic or other normal means of warfare," I said and Drull began to laugh.

"That's hilarious. Just imagine their face when they see that a flood of enemies comes at them," he then said as he came down from his laughing fit.

"Well then," I began and put four hundred thousand infantry golems behind them, in the rest of the forest.

"Go my minions and rip them apart!" I shouted and the golems began to run forward, while I flew back to our vintage point.

"What about your "I want to play some strategic games with my golems"? This isn't strategic at all. Come to think of it, the last fight and the fight against the heroes weren't as well. Didn't you set your rules for this war?" Commented Drull as I stopped next to him.

"Screw the rules, I'm bored of strategic fights. Golems aren't as good as I thought. They lack the moral, humanity and simple diversity. I will give them the Magic Academy after this battle. The next armies will be eradicated by us or in a funny way," I said.

"Didn't take you long to overthrow your own rules," Drull said smiling.

"That's how she was and apparently still is. Wanting one thing and then dismissing it in the next breath," said Crypto and watched the tree line, which started to shake.

"And they noticed them," said Drull after a moment and we saw the first line of golems who came through the tree line.

The HAS troops tried of defending their lines but were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer mass of golems. They might cut a few golems down, but those who followed after them didn't care and simply climbed over the destroyed golems.

"It's certainly a Zerg rush," Crypto said. He then saw a soldier who was hard pressed against two golems. He smirked and threw a stone at him. The soldier got hit and the stalemate was turned to the advantage of the golems. Which then literally ripped him apart.

"Evil," Drull said and then added, "I like that."

"A few of them are able to hold out," I said and pointed to a few soldiers and magicians who were in a circle formation. They cut the golems down like weed and began to move towards the side of the moving mass of running golems.

"They try to move out of the flood, may I?" Drull asked and I nodded in agreement.

He then pointed his pointy finger at the mage and began to conjure a spell.

"Drubendral, Gott der Dunkelheit und des Todes, verschlinge meine Feinde und werfe ihre Seelen in den ewigen Fluss der Verdammnis,[Schatten verschlinger],"

The moment he finished a black ball shot from his finger directly at the ground under the magician of the defending group. The magician looked down and saw a shadowy circle which then suddenly engulfed him completely. A death wailing scream came from inside and the engulfed magician flailed around. He then fell to the ground and the shadow receded from his body. At least from what was left of his body. It lacked any and all muscle, fat or other flesh. Only a pale skeleton remained.

This naturally broke the concentration of the group and one of them was overwhelmed and killed shortly after. The whole let more of the golems inside and the now had to fight on more than one side. That, of course, was their doom and one after the other died a gruesome death of either being ripped apart or hit to death.

"Nasty,hehe" Crypto said, a bit jokingly and shot a lightning bolt at a fleeing soldier.

A few more on the side managed to flee from the moving mass of golems. But those were killed by us in a game of "who kills the fastest?". I lost.

The last soldier died half an hour after the start of the attack. And I activated the rune for the regeneration. 75 thousand of the previously destroyed golems reassembled themselves and were then put in my inventory.

"Let's say hello to the commanding defender," I then said and we flew over to the fortress, where we were greeted by slightly nervous soldiers. Understandable, they saw a savage rush of golems who killed their enemies without the slightest care for their own allies or well-being.

Zeher came quickly and bowed in front of me.

"Miss Clair, it's good to see you and even better for your ...help... against our problem," he then said and bowed again.

"Hi, yeah. Thought you might want to get rid of these unwanted guests," I said and he smiled wryly.

"Eh yes. Thank you. Ähm, I don't know how I should ask this, but is there a problem or why are you already back?" He then asked a little unsure. He didn't know how he should pronounce the question of our early return.

"We already solved the problem of the enemy army. No survivors," I said with a wave of my hand.

His eyes went wide and he spluttered something. It took him a few seconds until he was able to speak normally.

"A...are you sure Miss Clare? You mean you defeated an army of a million soldiers of the best army in the whole world in under a month? And what about the heroes?" He then asked.

"Most of them are now under my care and will be sent back to their respected world. This here," I said and pointed at Crypto before I continued, " is an acquaintance of mine.

"Nice to meet you, Mister?" Zeher then asked with a smile.

"My friends call me Crypto, you may call me Deathangel," Crypto answered with a grin, totally absorbed into the chance to call himself aliases.

Zeher looked a little bit offended but swallowed his pride and then said, "Nice to meet you Mister Deathangel, my name is Zeher von Xaldro."

"Well Zeher, I think we are finished here, so my companions and I will head back to Nahar. Or is there something else?" I then asked.

"No Miss Clair, we will be able to manage on our own. Thanks again for your help," Zeher said and again bowed.

"Don't mind it, I will also take my golems with me," I said and then gave the command for my golems to assemble behind us.

"Of course, Miss Clair, have a good journey," Zeher said as I put the golems back. We then sprouted wings from our backs and took off, while Crypto stayed on his rock. It might not have been necessary for him to fly but it looked cool nonetheless.

We reached Nahar a few hours later and I thought it might be good to show Crypto the town.

"So this is Nahar, your capital?" He asked as we stepped through the city gates. The guards quickly let us through and bowed to us. They even asked us if we want a coach, which we declined.

"Yes, took me and a lot of people a couple of years. It's still not finished. But we already have an underground city for dwarfs and other beastkin who like to live underground. It's almost like the city we built in Minecraft," I said and Drull looked confused.

"You mean that one we completely built per hand because there wasn't a creative mode?" Crypto said amused.

"Exactly that one. Anyway, this city was once the home of the dragon population of this planet. The first thing I did was killing them," I said and Crypto frowned.

"Why? Dragons are cool," he asked.

"Most dragons are only arrogant fools," I said.

"You just wanted to get the EXP from their death," he said with a smug grin.

"That as well," I said, replying with my own grin.

We walked along the streets and people greeted us whenever they saw me. Some even began to pray.

"You really brainwashed them, amazing how they behave in your presence," Crypto said in German so that no one can listen in on our conservation about me manipulating my citizen.

"Yes, I did didn't I? And I think I did a good job with that," I said, also answering in German.

"Master, could you please speak in a language that I'm able to understand?" Asked an annoyed Drull.

"Sure sure," I answered and we continued our way to the palace, where Kyli probably currently does her work.

We grabbed some food on our way and ate while watching the hustle and bustle of the city.

"What's that giant house there?" Crypto asked and pointed at one of the largest buildings in Nahar. It is a 20 story building, large enough to encompass two city blocks.

"That's the orphanage. A lot of the slaves we freed hadn't any family left," I said.

"Heh, you always liked children, even if you didn't show it. You treated them like equals, which mostly only meant that you are unfriendly in your tone," Crypto said and began to laugh.

"I only treated the snot nosed and clingy boys like that. They are annoying. Girls are way better in that field. They aren't as dirty and look way cuter with puppy eyes," I answered.

"ah, so damnTrue," he replied.

"I don't know why, but I simply feel no desire to protect or help males. Child or adult doesn't matter. Probably one of my only sexist sides. Heck, I even ate a boy," I said and spoke the last part in German.

"I'm still annoyed that I didn't get any of that," Crypto grumbled.

"Hmm, then let's change that," I began and then said in Pralara, "Drull could you fetch us a human child? Preferably with the same conditions as last time?"

He smiled and just answered with a bow, before taking off.

"Have you just asked what I think you did?" Crypto asked, with a very expecting manner.

"Yup, today we have some fresh meat for dinner," I said.

"This city is too clean and there aren't enough crimes for a medieval city. Lichtstadt was way more... dirty," said Crypto as we reached the palace.

"That's because they live under constant surveillance. Well they do, the moment they leave their house. There are hundreds of golems, who're watching them and hinder them from most crimes," I answered in German.

"So basically a smaller version of a police state?" He asked back.

"Kinda, we aren't interested in any planned attempts of rebellion or such things. We're simply watching them. You can compare it with London. Cameras everywhere, we just have the means to use the input and don't have to watch the actual crime," I answered.

"But aren't your golems relatively weak?" Crypto asked and looked at one of the golem guards.

"Well, they do look better than those whom I already saw," he then added.

"These golems are way stronger. All of them have stats that are way over Drull's. And they are lead by normal guards, encase misunderstandings occur. They do fail sometimes, but nothing is perfect," I said and we stepped inside.

Rilo was already waiting for us.

"Good afternoon Miss Clair, I hope everything went well?" She asked with a friendly smile.

"Hi, yes everything is okay. Could you led us to Kyli?" I said with a wave of my hand.

"Of course," she said and then walked further inside. We followed her silently.

"She's in her working office," Rilo said and opened the door that leads into said office.

"Thanks. Hi Kyli, are the heroes already here?" I asked while walking inside.

Kyli was behind her desk with a lot of paperwork in front of her.

"Yes, they are. They are currently inside a mansion and are waiting for you," Kyli said and looked at us with a slightly tired smile. She then noticed Crypto and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, this is Crypto, one of the heroes and my best friend, whom I know from my old world," I said and gestured to him.

"Nice to meet you," he said.

"Likewise, my name is Kyli. Clair here put me into the position of Queen of Aeron," Kyli said.

"She must've been too lazy to do it herself," Crypto said, instantly smirking.

"It seems so, sadly I only realized that after I got the position," she said with a wry smile.

"Come on, you like it to be on top," I said with a laugh. And she got red as she interpreted something else into my words. She then looked at me, who had a knowing grin and said,


"But, from slave to Queen. Both positions are somewhat alike. They both require an unhealthy amount of work. Well at least I don't get physical abuse as a queen," she added after a short pause and had a sad smile at the end. Crypto raised an eyebrow in question.

"I freed her from slavery and built a village for her and other slaves. Said village then turned into Nahar. She was the village leader, so I thought she could as well be the queen," I answered and he nodded.

Kyli only grumbled something inaudible to my statement.

"Anyway, we killed the army that was marching towards Tragon. Anything new?" I asked and tried to change the topic.

"Not much, there are some reports about marching orders from HAS towards Solo. But this army won't reach the border of Solo for a few more weeks. Turonis was attacked once more, but the assailants were quickly killed by our guardian golems. They will most likely change their plans when they get info of their lost army and the loose of their heroes. How did you do that by the way?" Kyli.

"Simple, I showed them that I'm way too strong for them. Most of them might have wanted to cross worlds. But none of them, or at least the minority, is prepared for a war that isn't even their cause. They are simple civilians who got some power. No soldiers. This would have been different, if they had more time to train and brainwash them, but the fact is they haven't. The simple prospect of peace and a return was enough to sway their allegiance. But I had to kill the old hero, he was a lost cause," I answered.

Kyli shrugged her shoulders and then said, "Meh, don't care. Those heroes are only a liability, the sooner we get rid of them the better. Don't take offence Crypto."

"None was taken," Crypto said with an equal shrug.

"Where is Drull?" She then asked.

"He's fetching some groceries. Is Lilia still at the Magic Academy?" I answered.

"Yes, she really likes to teach," Kyli.

"Yeah, more than our journey. What about Ilza?" Me.

"Don't know, might be at the orphanage," she answered.

"Okay, we'll visit Maltur. Crypto has to eat some of his curry chicken," I then said.

"Have fun," she said and looked at her paperwork with utter disgust.

Crypto and I both laughed at the misfortune of Kyli and left to see Maltur.

Maltur established a restaurant in Nahar, it's well visited. Thanks to his cooking skills and partially because it is a known location where I like to eat. Celebrity advertisement.

We walked inside and were greeted by the smell of different chicken dishes. The restaurant was half way full and waitresses were taking orders.

The people quickly noticed us and greeted us cheerfully, while we walked up to the counter.

The woman behind the counter smiled at us.

"Welcome my Goddess, do you wish for me to call for Mr. Maltur?" She asked as the moment we were before her.

"That would be nice," I said with a beautiful smile.

"Certainly," she then said with a bow and walked to the kitchen.

"Urk, so much falsehood here. It's almost disgusting how you act in comparison to your normal behaviour," Crypto said in German.

"My skill for acting is on LV 10. And besides it's necessary for my image. It's either that or fear of my strength. You know that I'm not able to hide my strength for long. I'm too much of a show-off," I replied.

"Yes yes, rule with fear is stupid. I know that that's why most leaders failed with the preservation of their country," Crypto replied and Maltur came out of the kitchen, followed by the woman.

"Ah Clair, nice to see you. What can I get you?" He asked in a friendly tone.

"I'd like to have everything on the menu. And please one after the other, you know how much I dislike cold food," I answered with an equally friendly tone.

"That I do, and what can I get for you? Mr. ?" Maltur said.

"Crypto, and I'd like to have the menu, I'm new here," Crypto said and got the menu from the woman.

A few moments later he decided and said, "I'd like to have the roasted chicken with the jacket potato, as well as a glass of coke."

"Will do, Clarissa, please led Clair and Mr. Crypto to a table. I'll be in the kitchen if you want more Clair," Maltur said and then left with a wink.

"Please follow me," Clarissa said and took us to a table in the corner of the restaurant. It wasn't a special table, just a two-man table.

She then left us and we had to wait.

"So, everything on the menu?" Crypto asked amused.

"I'm able to disintegrate the matter in my stomach into energy, so I'm basically able to eat as long as I want," I answered and he grumbled something about unfair skills and stupid amateur summoners.

Our food came a few minuted later and I began to eat, while Crypto waited for his food to get cold. He mostly ate cold food, which apparently didn't change.

We spoke about this and that had some interesting discussions about the now changed images of gods and then walked to my mansion, where we found Ilza.

"Ilza, this is Crypto, my best friend from my old world," I said and gestured to Crypto.

"Hi, I'm Ilza Bose, the currently best friend of Clair," said Ilza with determination.

Crypto raised an eyebrow. I noticed he does that pretty often. Must've been one of his few changes.

"Is that so?" He said amused, and only people close to him could notice a slight killing manner, which dissipated rashly.

"Yes that is so," she said proudly.

"Well, Ilza lets say that you are my best female friend, while Crypto is my best male friend. Is that okay with you?" I asked with amused by her antics.

"Well, that would be okay, but I will stay the best friend," she said and looked at Crypto challenging.

To our elation of the situation, Drull came through the door.

"Hi, I caught a fine piece of meat. Found him in Lichtstadt inside a mansion with a lot of guards. His name was Pavloros something," Drull said happily and went to the kitchen, where he took a headless boy around 13 out of his dimensional pocket.

He then put the corpse in the sink and watched me expectantly.

"Pavloros? Wasn't that the name of the pope?" Asked Crypto.

"Hahaha, really? From all the children Drull could have picked he chose the child of the pope? That's hilarious. Drull do you still have his head?" I asked and fell into a laughing fit.

"Sorry Master, I ate most parts of his head as a snack while I flew back," Drull answered sheepishly.

"Oh, we have human again?" Ilza then asked.

"Yes, my friend was unhappy as I told him that I ate one without him," I answered and began to cut out the finer pieces of meat. The fillet, steaks, ribs and so on.

"Okay, I'm up in my room. Call me when we have dinner," Ilza said and walked away.

"I like her," Crypto examined the leaving Ilza and all enmity was dissipated.

"I do too, found her as a slave in an inn and picked her up a few weeks later," I said and disposed of the unwanted meat.

"Well then let's cook," I said and took other food out of my inventory.

An hour and four saturated people later.

"That was good," said Crypto.

"You Crypto are a kindred soul," said Drull with a laugh.

"I think we should sleep, I have to send the heroes back or to other worlds tomorrow. And I'm right with the assumption that you too want to go to some other planet do I?" I asked and looked at Crypto.

"Well yeah, you already have changed this planet to your liking and I want one for my own," he said.

"Okay, do you want one of my clones with you? They are basically the same as me, with just half the strength," I asked.

"I hope it has not only half of your humour as well," he answered a bit in thoughts and I nodded.

We then went to sleep and visited the heroes in their mansion the nest morning.

"Hi," I greeted them during their breakfast.

"Hello Miss Clair, thank you for the opportunity of changing sides. Aeron is way better than Raska," said a teenage girl with brown hair.

"You don't have to, I came to ask who wants to go back or to a different planet? I already visited some and can send you there with some supplies. This world is also open for you," I said.

They began to speak with each other and then turned back to me.

"We have three groups, most of us would like to go to a different world, some of those in groups. A few of us like to go back to Earth and only two want to stay if that's okay?" Said the same girl.

"Sure, eat up and meet me in the backyard," I said and waited for half an hour before I send each of them to their wanted planet with a dimensional pocket and some gold and supplies.

Crypto chose a planet with many different countries who are all in a warmongering relationship. He and my clone want to build their own empire.

The rest of the day went uneventful and a day turned into a week and then into three months before we got a hurried message of a spy of us. The message told us about a demon invasion from the border to Duren and more importantly from the elfen forest. The troops of HAS are now occupied with their own defence and stopped any aggression towards us. However, I didn't get any distress calls from Rin`Tu, which can only mean that she either agreed to this or didn't know of it.

Either way, it will get interesting.