Peace Treaty and End

Clair POV:

We left the ranch after breakfast, Dronro came with us. The capitol of Duren was called Kempel and was mostly build out of obsidian stone. This made quite a sight, a large black city in the midst of a barren prairie.

"Hey, when we're inside, let me do the talking and take this on", I said as we landed in a dark alley and gave each of them a sat of clothes.

"Hehehe, I like your plan", said Drull with a chuckle and took the clothes.

We then changed into a human appearance, with Ilza still as an elf. She isn't able to change her form. All of us threw a dark cloak over our changed clothes and then left the alley.

It was fairly easy to sneak through the city. Duren had no war on it's land for many years. This of course made them slack their vigilance and there weren't many who gave us more than a fleeting glance.

This changed when we reached the castle. It was the biggest building in Kempel and also completely made out of obsidian. The walls glistered black in the sun and high towers were stretching skywards. It only had one gate and it was heavily guarded, so we did the next best thing. We jumped over the wall and landed in a garden.

Which probably wasn't such a good idea. A small demon child was playing with a pupped, directly in front of us. She looked up at us, saw the dark cloaks and her eyes went as wide as dinner plates. She then opened her mouth to scream, but I cut her of by applying mana pressure on her. Just enough to knock her out, this is only meant as a sick prank. Not a real assassination.

"What was that?", asked Dronro, while I gently picked the girl up.

"[Mana Pressure], it's a skill that allows me to apply a pressure made of mana on a person. I'm able to overload the brain with mana, which results in a forced shut down and the victim falls into unconsciousness. It's also possible to increase the pressure which could kill the victim. A total overload turns the victim into a puddle of blood. But it's also possible to increase the moral of my troops", I explained, while we hid in some bushes.

We then sneaked through the garden into the castle and through the corridors. Some guards were passing by but were quickly taken out by a few jabs or mana pressure if there were too many to take them out silently.

We finally reached the throne room and took our coats off. I gave each of them a Tier 5 weapon and carried the girl in my arm before kicking the door open and out of it's hinges.

Shouts of shock greeted us as we walked inside. Drull with a longsword and shield was at the front, Ilza behind him to the left with a bow, his father on the right with a large hammer and I had a staff.

"DEMON KING! IT'S TIME FOR YOUR DEATH!", shouted Drull and we all tried hard not to laugh. Drull managed to shout this sentence in a tone that was just hilarious and screamed "Human Hero".

The demon king was a 1.9 metre tall man with four horns on his head. They curved backwards and looked really cool. His clothes were completely black and looked like they were made out of high quality.

His face was scrunched into a frown and confusion. He looked at each of us and lastly at me. He then noticed the girl in my arm and he went pale.

"Hirika!", he shouted and then turned angry. He began to use Mana Pressure and put a few million in it.

"RELEASE HER!", he demanded and looked at me with angry eyes and pushed more mana into his Mana Pressure.

"I think that was funny enough, can't have him destroying the castle," said Dronro. He then changed back to his demon form and we did the same.

The emperor looked flabbergasted, his mouth opened and closed a few times, before he managed to stutter, "Dronro?".

"HAHAHAHA, your face, it's hilarious", said Drull between his laughs.

"What? Why?", stuttered the emperor.

I silently watched and thought that this is kinda boring and the last thing you should do if you want to establish a peace treaty. Oh well, who cares? I think the girl, Hirika was her name I think, has slept enough.

I stroked her hair a few times and she began to stir, before waking up completely.

Her large eyes quickly found my own neon green ones and she remembered what happened. So she did the only logical thing, she began to cry.

I put my own Mana Pressure on her and infused it with thoughts of safety and comfort. This settled her down and she resumed to look in my eyes. Only a few hiccups came now out of her.

I then put her down and she looked around. She spotted the emperor and quickly run to him on her tiny legs.

"Daddy!", she shouted and jumped hugged him.

"I was so worried", said the emperor in relieve as he hugged her back. What a scene. One of the most powerful man on this world hugs his daughter after a fearful, alas short, event.

A few minutes later he looks up at us and then asked;" So Dronro, why are you here? You and your °humour° isn't often seen in these parts of Duren".

"I'm only an escort for this girl here", answered Dronro and pointed his thump over his shoulder at me.

"And who might you be?", asked the emperor.

"I'm Clair. I came from Aeron and want to speak with you about a possible peace treaty. I'm bored of the war against Raska and Kirk and I don't want to play in a second one against Duren. Now that I'm finished with isolating the previous named countries", was my answer and he looked thoughtful.

"Follow me, we can discuss this in my office", he then said and picked the girl up, before walking towards a door. We all followed him and he led us in a working office.

He put his daughter on a couch and sat himself behind a large desk.

"So what did you say was that about a peace treaty?", he then asked with folded hands.

I took a chair out of my inventory and sat down in front of him.

"As I said, war got boring without any real soldiers. So I want to create a peace treaty between Duren and Aeron", was my answer.

"I've heard of your golems, they are quite strong and I also heard of you and your supposed godly strength", he said and continued, "My folk was in constant war against Raska for the last 1500 years. Do you expect us to just step back, now that we were finally able to hit it hard?"

"Of course not, I don't care about Raska or Kirk. Or even Solo and Tragon, they are all meaningless to me. You can do whatever you want with them. I would just recommend to not kill them all or use them for one of your farms. They lived their lives in freedom and are not like the degenerated and bred animals you have in your human farms. I also don't care about those who are in such a farm. They are already nothing more than animals. And humans have done the same with some of the beastkin, so I don't see a problem with that.

What I want of you, is that you won't attack anything more than Kirk and Raska and that you acknowledge our borders. We want to establish trade and an exchange of culture", I said and saw that he was surprised by what I have said.

"That is not an answer I would have expected. Very well, I don't think why I shouldn't accept. We only wanted to kill these fanatics from Raska, Kirk is a nice bonus, but we can see who is an enemy and who not. You got yourself a deal Miss Clair", said the emperor and we shook hands.

"Nice, by the way, what's your name?", I asked. I never bothered to ask beforehand.

"Pft, you go to a politic negotiation without knowing the name of your opponent? And my name is Cylo", he asked back with a laugh.

"Sure why not? I mean it's not like Aeron really needs a peace treaty. We have our wall and no army on this world is able to breach any point of it", I said with a confident grin.

"Confident aren't ya? But I've also heard of the Great Wall. Truly a masterpiece and I have to agree, it would be near to impossible to breach it. I've heard how tightly guarded it is", he admitted.

"Good, do you want to visit Nahar?" I then asked and Hirika perked up at that.

"Can we Daddy?", she asked.

"I don't know sweety, Nahar is on the other end of the world", he replied.

He the got attacked by puppy dog eyes. Those in combination with her already large eyes were a deadly combo and it took less than two seconds before he had to nod.

"Thanks Daddy, you're the best," she said in joy and jumped up and down.

"Okay, are you able to sprout wings or should we carry you?" I then asked.

"What do you mean?", he asked back.

"I mean that we will fly. And I want to know if we should carry you", was my answer. But Ilza spoke before he could reply," Clair you should carry all of us, this way we can be in Nahar before noon".

"Is that true?", asked Cylo.

"Yes, and you're right Ilza. Come Hirika, I'll show you Nahar", I said and gave Hirika my hand. She looked at her father who gave her a nod and she grabbed it with a bright smile.

Cylo then told some of his subordinates that he will be out for a day or two before we lifted of and flew towards Nahar, which we reached a few hours later.

"That was so cool!", said Hirika in awe as I put her down.

"And fast", said a slightly green Cylo.

"You'll get used to it", reassured Ilza.

"I don't know if I want to", replied Cylo.

We landed in the palace garden and a servant was already running to us.

"My goddess, can I help you? Should I inform Queen Kyli about your guests and arrival?", he asked with a deep bow as he reached us.

"Please prepare two rooms for them, I'll show them around Nahar. Please tell Kyli that we will stay for dinner", I said.

"Yes my goddess", he said and then left.

"So it's true that you are refereed as a god", commented Cylo, who had watched the whole thing.

"Don't mention it, they started the whole thing", I said with a sigh and we then began our tour through Nahar. I showed them our parks, some of our shops. Of course Maltur's restaurant wasn't left out. I also showed Cylo our way of transportation, our schools and well fare program.

He was highly impressed. He then asked for a spar against one of our guardian golems. He got his spar and got his ass kicked. He managed to rip an arm off of the golem but it just regenerated and he had to concede.

He then asked if every golem has such a function, which I affirmed. He got a little pale and then started to laugh and said that he was glad we have a peace treaty.

His daughter also had lots of fun. Nahar has many sweet shops with lots of things I introduced. She also liked the playground a lot and played so much that she fell asleep before we went back to the castle.

Once there we had dinner with Kyli, who was glad that I got the peace treaty. Cylo and she will later hammer out the rest of the treaty and bring it on paper.

I for my part also had much fun, but I couldn't come stop thoughts I had now for a few months, so I called Ilza, Drull and Lilia and wanted to speak with them about the thing that is in my head.

"Master, you wanted to speak with us?", asked Drull, as they all came inside the living room of my and Lilia's mansion.

"Yes, there is something that is bothering me for quite a time", I answered and they frowned. They know that there is seldom something that bothers me for a long time. The last thing was my apparent godhood.

"Tell us, we might be able to help", said Lilia with a warm smile.

"Well, the thing is, I got bored from my travels around the world. I've seen enough of this world and there is nothing really interesting, except for the beauty itself. People still annoy me, so I don't like to go to crowded places. That's a reason why I don't want to go to the dwarves any longer. They live underground, with little room and a large city with lots of people crowded together without any room to evade them is nothing I really want to see. I like quieter things more, like old forests or small creeks or graveyards.

So I decided to stay in Nahar for a couple of years and just read the books I gathered. There are lots of books I found in this and other world.

There is also the fact that I became bored of my strength. There isn't any thrill in anything. I'm a person that will quickly cheat if the possibility arises. And my gamer system, in combination with my level, makes it too easy. So I decided I will kill myself, once you are dead or no longer as near as we now are. Maybe in a few hundred or thousand years. Don't know when", I said and shocked all three of them.

"What do you mean kill yourself?!", asked Lilia in a half scream.

"I mean what I said, it's too boring to do anything you want. I kinda want to train and I always wanted to know what happens after death", I answered her simply. She looked stunned and didn't find her words, so Ilza continued fearfully.

"But you won't kill yourself now do you?".

"Of course not, there are too many good books I haven't read and too much chicken I have yet to eat", I answered cheerfully and she sighed in relieve.

"I don't understand Master, how can it be boring to be the strongest?", asked Drull confused.

"Drull, do you think it is boring to kill ants or do things you've done hundreds of times?", I asked back and he gave me an nod after a moment.

"That's how I feel with lots of things, especially fights. I shouldn't have killed the dragons, they gave me too much power and live got boring. You might ask why I'm not limiting myself, and the answer for that is because it's not like me. I use whatever I can have, even if it makes me too strong.

So I came to the conclusion and do what I liked to do before I came to this world. I'm going to read. And this time I don't have to sleep these pesky 8 hours. I'm able to read for 24/7, this will be so much fun", I said and they agreed after thinking over the things I've said.

They agreed that I'm not someone who holds back or doesn't use what he can. And it's not like I'm vanishing. They finally settled fully down after I assured them to only kill myself after their death.

With that said we parted ways for the day and I crashed down in my extremely comfy armchair with bunny fur padding. I then got a book and began to read....