Aftermath and Time of Relax

"Great Resurgence and the Noble Houses of Westeros

When the Great Resurgence of Magic started in the Azyr, the ones that took the most significant changes were the contiínents of Westeros and Essos. When it became clear that the old order was dead and the new had come, people started adjusting to it.

Wizards and Sorcerers started appearing in Westeros; the long-forgotten abilities like Greenseers, Wargs, or Water Controllers were resurfacing one by one. Naturally, the changes were not only within the common people, but most significant were among the Nobility of the Seven Kingdoms.

Due to the return of Magic, people got physically stronger, faster, and more powerful. Due to their connection with the Lordran, some even prolonged their natural lifespans. Many Noble Houses rose to greater heights, and even more, were destroyed and forgotten by the passage of time.

Most notable of the period was House Stark of the North, who obtained power branches of Ice Magic and Warg Magic, naturally the connection and relationship that Lord Rickard Stark built with Elector Count House Stark an Russ.

Then there were House Nymeros Martell, famed for their various Magical abilities related to the Sand and Earth, but most importantly for the Water Control ability as descendants from the ancient Rhoynish Water Mages.

Aside from these two, there were naturally House Baratheon, famed for the strong affinity for the Lore of Heavens and House Lannister for the connection to the Lore of Metal.

Naturally, in a situation like this, it would be important to also tell something about the Greater Houses of Westeros that actually perished with the Great Upheaval of Magic.

Houses Tully and Tyrell became extinct directly due to the Great Upheaval of Magic because their Lineages were far more inferior to older, more powerful Magical Lineages of the world, which included many of their own vassals."

From the book series Great Resurgence written by Archmaester Marwyn of Citadel, Year unknown


Codex: Great Convention

The Great Convention is a treaty of the Unification of Lordran and the foundation of the Holy Arcadia Empire. It was brokered between the Imperial House Holswig-Schliestein, Greater Houses, The Healing Church, Byrgenwerth, Workshop and the Holy Arcadia Empire itself shortly after Emperor Karl-Franz unified Lordran.

Every Article of the Great Convention began with the term "The Forms must be obeyed."

One could think of the Great Convention as the constitution of the Holy Arcadia Empire and the contract between all factions of the Empire to coexist with each other.


The aftermath of another assault on the Skycrown Gate, which was termed as Fallings of the Dark, was instead a bittersweet victory. While the battle was won and the integrity of the lands of the Empire remained intact, the number of dead was high.

Especially considering the fact that many of the deceased were the members of the Reiksgarde and Holy Knight Executioners of the Healing Chruch. Silver Knight Order also suffered relatively high casualties together with the Imperial Legions and Provincial Army.

So yes, it left a weird feeling in many of the higher-ups with the Imperial machinery, and it was clear that this topic would need to be addressed. This attack showed them that they needed to focus more on cultivating high-level professionals and powerful combatants to fight against the Ruinious Powers in the future.

In regard to the Reiksgarde and Holy Knight Executioners, their number was relatively low because the Orders had only exactly 1,000 members. No less and no more, which has been shown to be not enough for the current needs of the Holy Arcadia Empire.

The dark times were coming, and they needed to be prepared for whatever they would encounter. It was clear that the relatively peaceful times of the Lands of Ancients had come to an end; now, the turbulent times were waiting for them.

But the Holy Imperator Karl Franz I. Holswig-Schliestein von Reikland de Anor was actually awaiting them with glee and happiness. The turbulent times that were coming for the Lordran, and later for the Westeros and Essos, and then for the entirety of the Azyr were also an opportunity.

An opportunity to bring the Holy Arcadia Empire to new heights... he was waiting for the opportunity, for the time, and he was already properly preparing for it. He already got some reports from the High Schoalrs of Byrgenwerth that the entire Azyr was undergoing another wave of Magic Resurgence.

Which was a shocking revelation in itself because of the consequences it was bringing with it...

While not entirely confirmed, it was very likely that the density of Magic would be increased significantly in the following decades. Soon enough, Westeros and Essos would be reversed into how they looked several thousand years ago and would be full-fledged magical continents.

And that was not talking about the mysterious landmass known as Sothoryos, which was something recorded rather extensively even within the Imperial Archives.



It was finally the end; the final ceremony was nearing the end, as we were transporting the corpses of the deceased for burial. The members of the Reiksgarde to the Anor Londo, Holy Knights to the Yharnam, and Silver Knights to the Cainhurst.

Where their names would be engraved to be forever remembered as the heroes of the Imperial who put down their lives for a better tomorrow and fought against the evil forces of the Chaos and Abyss.

The losses of the Reiksgarde and Holy Knights were different from all others... they were all men and women whom I have known personally. To a great degree because they all represented the pinnacle of the Holy Arcadia Empire.

I could name every single one member of the Reiksgarde and Holy Knight Executioners because they were men and women whom I personally Knighted to the positions of either Reiksgarde or Holy Knight Executioners.

Not to mention, this would significantly weaken both organizations for some time, but on the other hand, to not see just the negatives, this was an opportunity for me to consolidate power in the Empire... once again.

And it also gives me a reason to finally create the Stormcast Eternals, as it was proposed a long time ago.

But since the Empire suffered such great losses in this battle, mainly thanks to more than 150 Level 3 Beings and several Level 4 commanders that fell, it changed the entire situation.

It gave me the reason, and that was all that was needed.

Still, having the Healing Church under the Divine Throne and completely merging together the Religious Power and State Power was very into the one was very appealing to me.

Still, that was for the future and something that would be announced at the Great Convention Council in a few months, probably in the half year because that was the fastest time how we could get it together.

"Soldiers of the Holy Arcadia Empire, proud sons and daughters of the Lordran. You have fought valiantly for the glory of our nation! Some of you died for protecting what you hold dear; some of you died against the blades of Ruinious Powers. The sacrifices that you made for the Empire shall not be forgotten, and they are never forgotten! The names of the dead shall be revered as the heroes of the Empire, as the Saints and Saintesses who put down their lives so the others could live in peace! Glory to the Victorious Fallen!"

I finished the speech atop the walls of the Skycrown Gate while looking at the Imperial Forces from the 6th Imperial Legion, 11th Imperial Legion, Provincial Army, elite forces of the Holy Arcadia Empire, and other units and people who participated in the Fallings of the Darkstorm.

"Glory to the Victorious Fallen!"

"Glory to the Victorious Fallen!"

"Glory to the Victorious Fallen!"

The Imperial Soldiers shouted in cheer because they were happy about the victory and also because there were never-forgotten soldiers with the Holy Arcadia Empire who died in service to the nation.

After I finished my speech for the soldiers, I wasn't very keen on remaining at the Skycrown Gate, so after exchanging some pleasantries with the Elector Count Vladislaus Draculya-Tepes and his heir, I returned through the portal to the Faust.


Faust, the City of Miracles

After I returned to the Faust, I went directly to the Blackrose Castle, and I just wanted to sleep as I fell down on my enormous king-sized bed because I felt really exhausted from today's battle.

The walls are adorned with rich, deep colors such as burgundy, dark green, or royal blue. Elaborate, textured wallpapers with intricate patterns of damask, floral motifs, or ornate designs cover the walls from ceiling to wainscoting.

Gold leaf accents are hand-painted onto the intricate patterns, catching the light and adding an air of decadence. However, considering the status of the Imperial House, it was relatively modest; some wealthy Nobles or Merchants were even more opulent.

The room's focal point is a large, intricately carved four-poster bed with a towering canopy draped with rich fabrics like velvet, silk, or brocade. The bedposts are adorned with ornate finials, and the headboard showcases detailed woodwork or tufted upholstery.

The bedding is a combination of layers of fine linens, lace-trimmed pillows, and a sumptuous duvet.

Matching the bed's grandeur, you'll find a vanity with an ornate, tilting mirror surrounded by intricate carvings and delicate scrollwork. A dressing table holds an array of exquisite crystal perfume bottles, hairbrushes with ivory handles, and a silver tray with delicate jewelry.

Near the windows, there's a chaise lounge or a plush seating area upholstered in luxurious fabric, providing a cozy spot for reading or leisure.

A writing desk is placed against one wall, featuring intricate inlays and compartments for writing materials, and a plush; upholstered chair complements the desk.

I rarely felt this kind of tired like today, but all things considered, I was spending the whole morning and noon with Cersei shopping, and afterward, I went to the Skycrown Gate and fought against the entire Daemon horde.

Together with the Daemon Lord Azgith The Stormbrand.

Before the sleep took me out of the Waking World, I suddenly heard knocking on my door, which was rather surprising because there were not many people who would be disrupting me.

Aside from the fact that it was already evening.


I said while sitting up on the bed, though with my accurate hearing, I could hear who was knocking on the door. It seemed that my newest fiancé couldn't really wait to meet me, which was something that made me happy.

Being desired is always a very satisfying feeling.

"You were trying to stay awake just for me?"

I was genuinely surprised because she underwent the Blood Ministration only a few days ago, so her body was still in the adjustment period. When a person underwent the Blood Ministration, the process of adjustment and becoming a full-fledged superhuman took time.

And that time was measured in weeks, but even right now, Cersei had some qualities that were showing themselves, mainly enhanced senses learning capabilities and her physical strength could already overpower trained adult men.

That was rather impressive for a fifteen-year-old girl who had just now received the Blood Ministration. I estimated that within ten days or so, she would be strong enough to compete physically with powerful Orks and, within three weeks, Nobz.

It would take her at least two months or so to reach the standard physical capabilities of Level 4, but that was to be expected because she made a jump with her Blood Ministration.

"Isn't that obvious?"

She huffed at hearing such an obvious question.

"So you were worried for me... that's rather cute."

In truth, I wouldn't expect that she was still awake because she was worried about my well-being, which was indeed how it sounded... it was cute.

Hearing that, I knew that she huffed in annoyance but nevertheless sat down next to me.


3rd POV

Indeed, Cersei was somewhat worried about her finaceé going into such a dangerous conflict, even though they had known each other for a very short time. However, at the same time, even within Westeros, it was common for people who didn't really know each other to get married.

Mainly to secure the benefits for the Noble Families.

So, she didn't think that their relationship was developing fast; on the contrary, she would appreciate it if it went even faster. She had to admit that she found the entire persona of Warrior Emperor that her fianceé had highly appealing.

Not to mention, he was much older, appearance-wise, naturally, which further enhanced his charm in her eyes. And this was all without taking his personality and his efforts in supporting her dreams into account.

"Vicar Amelia relayed to me the news that the Skycrown Gate was under the biggest attack since probably its establishment."

Now that they counted the number of Greater Daemons and Daemon Nobles, it was indeed probably the most noteworthy attack on the Skycrown Gate since it was built.

"Yes, we lost many good men and women in that fight... but their sacrifice won't be in vain, and at the same time, it will allow me to smoothly call Great Convention Council to pass some more radical reforms..."

Karl Franz and Cersei were sitting on the bed and just talking because he found it weirdly comforting. Even with Maria, when they were not doing anything and just talked, it was something that was comforting on many fronts.

"What are you planning to do?"

She asked curiously as she played with her golden locks.

"Consolidation of power... reforms of the military and fusion of Church and State, soon enough the Healing Church would fell under the Divine Throne of Sunlight and Cinder, as we all every other military unit within the Holy Arcadia Empire."

Cersei could agree with this sentiment because, in her head, everyone and everything should be under the might of the Divine Throne and the authority of the Imperial House. And now it would happen; she could see that the might of the Imperial House would be unmatched.

"So, would we continue our tour of the City tomorrow?"

She asked because today, their nice time together was cut short when he needed to depart for the frontlines to fight against the forces of Ruination. Still, she was rather satisfied with the results because she found many excellent pieces of jewelry, weapons, and other things that she bought.

"Yes, but after a few days, we need to depart for the Anor Londo, and the journey there would take some time."

Karl Franz said to her annoyance because she knew that three Holy Cites and Anor Londo were interconnected together through portals, something that she learned very fast.

"Can't we take the portal? Right now, we are in Klandor, and the journey to the heart of Reikland will take more than a few weeks."

She pointed like a little kid because she wasn't a fan of spending another few weeks in the war wagon, especially if they could just take the portal and arrive at the Anor Londo, the City of Gods, in a matter of mere moments.

"No, we can't... entering the Anor Londo in a more formal way through the main gates, and everything is another form of ceremony. Aside from that, there would be an Imperial Procession due to the situation on the frontlines and Skycrown Gate as I killed another Daemon Lord."

Hearing that once again brightened her mood because, during the time they spent together, Karl learned one thing about Cersei. She loved formal occasions like this, absolutely loved, and she was natural at them.

Contrary to Maria, who, when heard words like "Ball", "Dress" or something else in this direction, she was washed over by dread, and she tended to escape. So, from the gloomy mood, Cersei was eager for the format procession as she wanted to pick the best dress.

"Yes, yes, tomorrow we will go and pick up some formal clothing for you... I think there should be some shop in the Faust for that."

Karl said because he was partially just guessing right now, as he didn't really know if Faust had something like a shop for formal dresses for women. Considering the purpose and size of the City; it was highly possible that it would not, but for now, he didn't want to squash her excitement.

"Thank you very much."

She gave him a kiss on the cheeks and wrapped her hands around his neck like a koala for several seconds straight.

"You know, something like this is for certain..."

As she was pressing her body against his in a rather seductive position, which he didn't know if it was intentional or not, he noticed that her physique was becoming more and more toned and shaped.

All the training, physical exercises, and different diets started doing wonders; as for now, Cersei was spending most, if not all, of her free time either training in combat or reading books.

She wasn't her imp of a brother, who was buried in books since the day he could read, so at the start, she had some problems with concentration and learning because it was vastly different than being taught by a Maester.

"Today I read about the regime at the Schola Progenium... and I must say that I find it pretty strict..."

Karl Franz didn't know if she was going to complain about it or what, but he still entertained her thoughts about it.

"It is... very strict, but at the same time, it is the finest educational institution with the entire Holy Arcadia Empire and all people who graduate from there are considered as elites among the elites."

While Karl Franz never attended it as a student, he would often go to give lectures at some of the finest Imperial Universities.

Mainly at the Schola Progenium, Diesdorf Military College and Aquailla Academy.

"You would be okey; just a good advice: don't try to use your nobility status there... it never ends well in those cases."

One of the reasons why the Schola Progenium was considered the finest institution within the wider Imperium and also the one that brought the best result was its very strict regime.

"In there, the only thing that matters is merit and nothing more... even if you are a child of Elector Count, if you don't behave, you would still be punished like if you were a commoner."

Indeed, the conditions of the Schola Progenium were harsh, sometimes pretty harsh, but the results were speaking for themselves.


For several moments, his fiancé was looking at him, not knowing what to say because such things would be considered unthinkable within the Westeros and Essos.

"Don't worry about that... you will have some time to adjust to the new environment. I already spoke with the Headmaster about that and also, you would be fostered at Lady Annalise, so if you have any problem, you could ask for her help."

She had every advantage that she could get her hands on; most of them originated directly.

So, for that reason, Cersei was rather calm, but that was only still she didn't arrive at the Schola Progenium.

"But don't worry about that right now."

Karl Franz stated as he kissed her on her lips.


The next day, early in the morning.

While Cersei wasn't a morning person, but today she was as early up as possible.

Because today they were going to pick up a dress for the formal occasions, and naturally, because Karl Franz was essentially bullshitting yesterday, he needed to call his personal tailoring team from Anor Londo.

The good thing about that was that he didn't need to go through the arduous process of shopping, but at the same time, he would need to be present at the tailoring of the dress and all things around it.

Fortunately, as these were the Imperial Tailors that were making all of his clothes, not like he had many because his wardrobe was relatively modest, they worked really, really fast and precisely.

So even though something like a formal dress would take a lot of time, he knew that they would get it done very fast, and he also knew that it would be the most perfect dress for his little golden lioness.

So straight from the morning, the entire team of more than twenty best tailors of the Holy Arcadia Empire were working non-stop on her new dress. Because she would be participating in the Imperial Procession next to him, she needed to look as good as possible.

Nothing lower than perfection was not acceptable.

After her dress was finished, or rather after all menial tasks were done with it, like taking measurements, picking up the colors, themes, and trying the models that were already prepared, they could go to finish their tour of Faust.

"Please try this, my Lady; this is the material from Alpha-Class Danger Beasts, made from the fur of a Twin-Headed Golden Lion. It would be the perfect material to make the ornaments of Lions on the dress."

Her dress would be rather thematic because it would combine the colors of House Lannister, red and gold, together with patterns of Lion and Griffon, which were the symbols of her birth house and the Empire.

"And could you integrate the Sigil of the Twin-Tailed Comet and Imperial House?"

Hearing her ask made Karl Franz raise his brow because it was actually pretty smart with this. Not only would she, in one move, present her own birth House, but also the Imperial House and him as her fianceé.

"Of course, My Lady. Is there anything that you wish to add?"

The head tailor asked her as she nodded her head.

"Actually, yes, make it seem more traditional and conservative... something that would be appreciated mainly by the old noble families of Lordran."

Cersei certainly knew how to make the first impression, something that Karl Franz didn't really care if she wore a modern dress that was popular these days among the young noble ladies of the Empire or something more traditional.

Clothes were the most important on these occasions because they reflected status; they reflected the thoughts of the person who were them and could also send out powerful messages.

"It shall be done, my Lady; the first model would be done within eight hours."

The Head Tailor was a rather lean middle-aged man with long black hair and a rather gentle appearance. Eight hours was actually a very short time, but considering the skills of the people were confined to the title of Imperial Tailor, it was to be expected.

Yes, there was a title of "Imperial Tailor" awarded to the personal Tailors who worked in the Imperial Palace and were creating the clothes of the members of the Imperial House.

After they got her the dress, Karl Franz took her back on the tourney through the Faust, as the City itself was enormous, and because of the lack of people, it looked like a ghost town, but it was also a very tranquil place.

They returned to the Faust because it was already noon; they had spent almost three hours in a designer room with the tailors and stylists who were working on her dress.



I was showing Cersei around the Faust; we were going from one place to another. One thing unique about the Faust was that, after we checked the Trade District of the City, we went to the other District of the Main Floating Island of the Faust.

All three Holy Cities and Anor Londo the City of Gods, were always tranquil and peaceful due to the fact that all three, despite their vast size, had relatively small populations, giving the places another kind of charm.

After the Faust, Anor Londo was a city that had the smallest population, numbering only slightly above a hundred thousand or so of permanent residents, which was only a little more than the Faust had.

Yharnam also didn't have a big population of permanent residents, as most of its inhabitants were members of the Clergy, Priests and, naturally, the pilgrims that were going on pilgrimage to the Holy City of the Healing Church and Religion of the Great Ones.

Because it was noon, we went to the restaurant where we were originally going yesterday for dinner, but the launch was also good. Ironically, though, the restaurant where we were going was opened by one of the former Imperial Chefs who were in charge of the kitchens in the Imperial Palace of Anor Londo.

This alone attracted a lot of Nobles, high-level Professionals, and powerful Wizards that were living in the Faust. Some were coming even from the far corners of the Empire to try the cuisine of Chef Osmont Jamelin and his wife, Edelina Jamelin.

It was a mix of traditional Brettonian cuisine with elements of Reikland's traditional cuisine and obviously, every single dish was made from very precious and rare ingredients.

"It is empty here..."

Cersei stated as we went to a huge building that looked very unassuming and was similar to other buildings that were in the other districts of the Faust.

"Yes, it is... not many people have money to pay even for a single dish prepared here, not only due to the prestige of this place but also because the ingredients are something that would bankrupt some lesser Nobles."

I said as we were led to the top floor, to private VIP cabins reserved only for the guests of the highest honor.

Obviously, only after we signed into the book of guests did the restaurant could throw around its newly found status of hosting the Holy Imperator.

Not that I minded that... capitalism was developing within the Empire at a steady pace, and more and more people were trying their luck with becoming entrepreneurs, merchants and so on...

"Greetings, Your Holy Majesty, My Lady. Have you chosen your meal?"

As they sat down behind the table with a good view of the rest of the city, as they were on the top floor of the building with the best view, a waitress came to them. I had to admit that by standards of beauty, she would be ranked at the upper percentage and she wore a rather stylish yet simple uniform.

"Yes, Special Menu Number 3 two times."

I said after I skimmed the menu quickly.

It consisted of a simple appetizer of Egg Benedict made from Royal Flame Chicken, a Class Gamma Danger Beast, onion soup made from Brettonian Onions and cheese from Two-Headed Brown Cow, the main dish was Fire Dragon Steak made from the meat of Special Class Flame Dragon, and desert was a surprise of the chef.

The price of one menu was a staggering 5,000 Gold Reichsmarks... which was a very high number for a single dish, but as I said, this place wasn't even for ordinary nobles or merchants or Professionals.

Only for the most powerful or richest.

And the fact that it was in the Faust also didn't help the prices to get lower.

Anything that was stationed within the Three Holy Cities and Anor Londo wasn't ordinary.

And of course, we had the meal for free, because the restaurant "Fat Dragon" could use it as an advertisement for their place. Naturally, any spot that was visited by the Holy Imperator would attract a lot of people just by this fact alone and they were greatly capitalizing on it.

"A real dragon meat as the main dish?"

Even Cersei looked at the menu skeptically because the average adult dragon was a Special Class Danger Beast that would require Level 5 to subjugate it... this was extravagance not even her father would entertain and even Tywin Lannister, with all of his gold, wouldn't pay 15,000 Golden Dragon for one lunch.

"Yes... though restaurants like this are relatively rare within the Empire, not many places offer ingredients of powerful Danger Beasts, so most are only with the Three Holy Cities, Anor Londo and Provincial Capitals..."

She nodded at that because that seemed logical; even most nobles wouldn't be able to pay for that, but she enjoyed such luxury and spending money. Though at the same time, I was already instilling into her that it was okay to spend money as long as you could make it back.

So, as one of the tests I prepared for her was to create an alternative means of business...

In her family, they knew how to make money and gold; her father was a prime example of that fact.

I already heard that he was taking note of the Empire and established a chamber of commerce called Lannister Trading Company that would focus on reselling things imported from the Empire to the rest of Westeros and Essos.

It was a rather smart move because Westeros and Essos represented an enormous market, especially the Seven Kingdoms, some of the Free Cities and Empires further east.

Even the Imperial House itself, aside from various investments, had a trading organization called CHOAM, or by the full name Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles, under its control.

"So, have you decided on what to do with the task?"

I asked; previously, I offered her an initial investment of 20,000 Golden Reichsmarks so she could create her own income. One of the common problems of Monarchies was that the ruling families were typically using the state money on themselves and sometimes too much of the state money.

On Earth, it led to the fall of many regimes because sooner or later, the extravagant lifestyle of the Royal Family would be very hard to sustain, so for that reason, I created a rule for myself and my future descendants that they got only a very limited amount of money from the Imperial Treasury.

If they wanted more, they would need to earn it by themselves and that was a rule even I followed to make an example. Even Maria, if she wanted something, she would work as a Monster Hunter, a very profitable job and equally dangerous.

Most nobles followed this example with the Empire, either from their own initiative to not look bad and incompetent before the Divine Throne or Landsraad or from their own initiative.

"Yes, invention, creation and selling of beauty products for women."

I raised my brow at that because while it sounded clisché or something in that way, this was actually a very lucrative market. Considering the fact that things like soap or beauty products were exceedingly rare with the Westeros and Essos.

Even in the Empire, women would pay an extraordinary amount of gold for anything related to beauty care, be it soaps, various oils, potions against wrinkles, or potions prolonging youthful appetence or rejuvenation.

"We are rather devious, are we?"

She agreed with me proudly, actually very satisfied with herself on this one.

"Actually not, I will be just providing what the people need and get gold for it... as simple as that, though I will need how to bypass father's influence, I don't want to share profits..."

Now she was speaking like a true Lannister; I suspected that if Tywin heard her, he would be proud... considering the fact that his eldest son wasn't really bright mind aside from the swordsmanship and combat and his youngest son was an imp...

"If you were a man, you would certainly be venerated as the genius of millennia within the Seven Kingdoms."

I couldn't help but tease her a bit, and also, I also wanted to see her reaction to my provocations.

"So what? I will show them that I am better than all of them combined together."

She said haughtily with brimming confidence, something that I really found appealing to her; she had good potential... Indeed, she wasn't naturally some genius or someone so talented, but at the same time, those things could be made with some hard work.

"Then I am proud of you..."

When I said that, I noticed a lone tear escaping her eye, which she very fast wiped to hide that she was crying. Probably, unfortunately, chose a combination of time and words because I suspected that this was something she wanted to always hear from her father.

Cersei Lannister was always very eager to prove herself that she was as smart or capable as her father... It was one of the bad habits that she had; she always tried to prove she could live up to the Lannister reputation that her father built.

That and her overconfidence were something on that I needed to thread carefully... because such habits would typically end not very well...