I chose this topic because any of us can be in any of these situations; in which, we do not know what to do or who to turn to for help.

"She is me", which is mistreatment of women, it is about that, any of us, we can be them that, we can be alive or dead.

This is a sensitive issue for us women because it is about the mistreatment that many women receive from their partners.

It is not only mistreatment; rather than, they are beatings, humiliations, denigration, intimidation, abuse in all possible ways and finally, they trample on our dignity and integrity as a woman.

The reason why I wrote this book is because November 25 is the International Day of No Abuse of Women and I want, through this book, to make women who are going through this, leave that situation that it is not life and that they are free.

I know it is easy to say but, it is difficult to do it and, since I have not been through this, I do not know what you feel.

It is true. But, as a woman, I know that we have our rights and we don't deserve to go through this hell.

Finally, I have nieces and for them, I want to do something to put a stop to this problem that, no man, knows what we go through, live and suffer every time they mistreat us.

It hurts me to know that there are women who are going through this and I hate men for this reason.

We must say: "You will never hurt me again", before it is too late.