"Any time of the day or night is good to say enough and end a stage of your life that you wish you had not lived. (Raimunda de Peñaflor)"
We begin the list of phrases against gender violence with a message that must be clear: if unfortunately, a woman is already in a situation of gender violence, it is always a good time (against the earlier, the better) to say "It's over" and start the life you deserve.
"You are not alone, report it, we are free! (Campaign to combat gender violence)"
A great campaign that shows the support network that every woman has when it comes to reporting her aggressor.
"On the other end of the emergency phone, there is not only the end of the mistreatment, but there is also the life that you have stopped living. (Awareness campaign regarding gender violence)"
Indeed, that call is only the beginning of all the beauty that remains to be lived.
"Violence is not just killing another. There is violence when we use a denigrating word when we make gestures to denigrate another person when we obey because there is fear. The violence is much more subtle, much deeper. (Jiddu Krishnamurti)"
One of the phrases against gender violence that makes it clearer what violence is. Not a single gesture of contempt towards us should be allowed.
"One in 3 women may experience abuse and violence in her lifetime. This is an abominable violation of Human Rights, but it continues to be one of the most invisible and little-known pandemics of our time. (Nicole Kidman)"
Nicole Kidman is one of the UN ambassadors and makes very clear the seriousness of the matter and the importance and urgency that must be given to the matter.
"Do not give up, please do not give in, even if the cold burns, even if fear bites, even if the sun hides and the wind is silent, there is still fire in your soul, there is still life in your dreams. (Mario Benedetti)"
We continue with the list of phrases against gender violence in a more poetic way, but no less direct. Surrender is not a possibility, there is always something to hold on to within us and to fight for to eradicate violence.
"Labeling gender-based violence as a "women's issue" is part of the problem. Give huge numbers of men the perfect excuse not to pay attention. (Jackson Katz)"
Clear, right? It is everyone's job to fight for a society where no woman is subjected to the violence of a man.
"Enough of minutes of fear, humiliation, pain, silence. We have the right to every minute of freedom, happiness, love, life. We want each other alive. All. Not one less. ("Not one less" campaign against gender violence)"
And as everyone's right, let's do the impossible so that this becomes a reality and stops being a utopia.
During the trial, which was being held, against Guillermo San Vicente, for the homicide, committed against his wife Leticia Samaniego, who killed her, with so much mistreatment that she received from her husband, Guillermo was remembering everything about Leticia.
Before Guillermo met Leticia, he lived his life, in total and absolute debauchery, because nobody knew how to put a stop to that lifestyle that he was leading.
The life he had was a life of alcohol, women, drugs, abuse, humiliation, rape, sex, and a lot of debaucheries. Although Guillermo did work, he spent all his money on that unbridled lifestyle.
The life that Guillermo led was so unbridled that, in one of his drunks, he ran over a man, and in order not to go to jail, he fled the place, leaving him dying in the middle street.
To end his agony, Guillermo returned to the scene and ran him over to death. After that, she stopped for a bit, the riotous, and uncontrolled life he had been leading since he was fifteen.
When Guillermo saw that his life was heading towards a well and with no way out, he decided to end his life, because he realized that the life he had led, up to that moment, was empty and hollow, and that it was not producing anything good to her.
At the moment when Guillermo was about to take his own life, he saw Leticia, who was with her friends, enjoying a pleasant moment between them, it was at that moment that Guillermo gave up taking his own life because he was contemplating her.
The little time that Guillermo had to contemplate her, he realized that Leticia has an exotic beauty, a beauty out of the ordinary; so, Guillermo became too obsessed with her that he wanted to possess her anyway.
The first thing he did was, try to make friends with Leticia, her family, and her friends, and then be something more of Leticia. Little by little, Guillermo managed to get closer to Leticia, her family, and friends and also managed to gain their trust.
Everyone was delighted with Guillermo, because he was a gentleman, and very kind to everyone; especially with his girlfriend Leticia, and they all loved that.
At the time that Guillermo proposed to Leticia, both of them were immensely happy with the news, that they could no longer be happy, and they decided to tell everyone.
But, little by little, things between them began to change and Leticia was hesitating to marry him, and how she could not handle the doubts anymore, she told her mother about it, and she said the following: "If you are not sure to marry him, just don't marry "
Leticia did not know what to do and began to isolate herself from everyone, and from the way Leticia acted, Guillermo thought she had every hope of marrying Leticia; so, he organized everything to marry Leticia, as soon as possible.
After a month, Leticia couldn't take it anymore, and she told Guillermo the truth, about the doubts she had, about the marriage and that to Guillermo, he did not like it at all.
Upset, desperate, and anguished, Guillermo decides to kidnap Leticia, at that moment, without saying anything to her family. Seeing that Leticia tries to run away from him, Guillermo decides to drug her.
Once he drugged her, he ties her up completely and drives away from the city. After four hours, Leticia begins to react little by little, and when she regains consciousness, she begins to realize that she is in a place that is not her home.
With her eyes, Leticia begins to examine the strange place, where she was and when she looks down, she sees Guillermo on top of her, who had raped her.
Leticia begins to scream, but in vain, because they are too far from the city, and for this reason, there was no one who could rescue her.
Guillermo, seeing that Leticia was doing everything to get rid of him and at the same time, Leticia did not stop screaming, Guillermo began to hit her hard all over Leticia's body.
While he was beating her, he starts to bite her and rape her at the same time.
"No one will come for you," Guillermo told her while injecting her so that she would stop screaming and hitting.
So was Leticia, locked in that hell, with a Guillermo, totally different from the man he was until last week. Both Guillermo and Leticia were in that place for a month.
At that time, Guillermo did not stop beating her, mistreating her, biting her, humiliating her, raping her; far from electrocuting her, and she took pleasure in doing so.
Leticia could no longer deal with that hell and died. Frightened, Guillermo quickly dresses, puts the body in the trunk, and drives for two hours, away from the city.
When Guillermo arrives in a place where cars do not pass, he gets out of the car, takes the body out of the trunk, and throws it on the grass and leaves, thinking that there are no witnesses.
What Guillermo does not know is that there are witnesses to this violent act, and they decide to notify the police. After several days, they manage to put Guillermo in jail.
The following month, the trial against Guillermo is held, and in it, they tell the whole story of what happened. A part of Guillermo, makes a trip to the past, Guillermo was remembering, everything about Leticia.
After several days of trial, the jury finds Guillermo guilty of Leticia's murder, and they sentence him to double life imprisonment, and after a year Guillermo dies.