One of the things that Sookie and her friends have been struck by is that when they were watching some videos, they saw a video that said: "What Cody saw will change your life forever."

They were surprised to read that; so, they decided to watch the video. When they began to see the video, they could not hide their tears when saw how on that farm, they mistreated the animals and everything that the people who work there with those poor animals did so that humanity had to eat.

They wouldn't stop crying as the video progressed because it was something out of a horror movie.

After they calmed down, they decided to watch the following videos: "Vegan visits dairy farm" "What Emily saw will stay with you forever", "This will make you think twice about your turkey sandwich" "You will not believe how eggs are made of", etc.

Each video was stronger than the other, could not believe that things like this happen to animals.

They could not believe that all this was happening in real life, and the most terrifying thing was that no one was doing anything to stop this slaughter of the animals.

Through tears, the girls agreed that they had to do something about it: they had to stop whatever the slaughter of animals so that humanity would have to eat.

The first thing they wanted to do is to create a consciousness that we are not just tearing and destroying the planet; but that we are murderers because directly and indirectly, we are killing all animals just to have to eat.

The other thing they wanted to do is the campaign against all these companies that are killing animals, innocent of the cruelty of humanity.

Finally, to achieve through campaigns and protests, to close all these "animal companies" as the girls called these companies.

When they arrived at their respective homes, they told their parents and their entire family about all this: what they are capable to do.

At first, their parents did not agree, but when they saw their daughters determined to carry out this plan, they had no other choice but to support their daughters with these projects.

They carried out everything they set out to do, regardless of the climate or circumstances did everything in their power to stop all this, and at the same time, make humanity aware of everything they were doing and how much the animals were suffering because of us.

Also, the girls met with other people who told them how difficult it was for them to watch those videos in which they mistreated animals.

They could not hold back their tears when watching those videos because they understood that everything was wrong; furthermore, they understood that animals, like us, deserve to live and be treated well.

For them, the girls decided that they were no longer going to eat everything that came from animals because they did not want to be part of the slaughter of the animals.