As a result of those videos that have made the girls suffer so much, they completely stopped eating animals and began to eat healthier, leaving aside everything that comes from animals such as milk, eggs, all kinds of meat, sausages, cutlets, hamburgers, croquettes, etc., replacing all this with vegetables, vegetables and everything that is soy such as soy burgers, soy sausages, soy fry, vegan yogurt, soy milk, etc., in Finally, everything that is not related to eating animals or killing those poor little animals.
The adolescents changed their lives and forever because they felt disgusted just thinking that, because of all of them, farmers have to kill animals so that humanity, including them, can eat.
From the moment they decided to be vegan, they realized that their entire metabolism changed for the better because now they felt lighter, they digested food much better, they saw how they began to lose weight, their skin felt softer, they could sleep a lot better because they no longer felt that heaviness that they had felt before stopping eating everything from animals, they felt at peace with themselves and felt that they could give the best of themselves every day; but more importantly, they no longer felt guilty of indirectly killing the animals.
They gave lectures and talks about starting to stop eating everything that comes from animals and at the same time, they said "that if they didn't stop eating everything that comes from animals, they will soon cease to exist because unfortunately the vast majority of us Humans, we need to eat everything that comes from them because we don't know any other food other than that," they told the audience.
They also showed them videos where you could see how people killed animals in a way never seen before.
People, when they started watching the videos, they started crying because they saw such cruelty and because they did not know anything about it. In those videos, it was seen cruelly and explicitly how those people killed the animals while they were alive.
After that, the teenagers thanked God for having also created animals and for allowing them to make people, through those videos, stop eating everything that comes from animals and to change their food little by little.
Thanks to the wonderful campaign of the adolescents, many farms had to close their doors forever and the owners of the farms went to prison for the cruelty they had committed against animals.