Thors fists clenched tightly as he watched his father get sent flying with a blow from the Union. While no longer watching the battle through his mothers scrying magic and instead watching from balcony, Thor could still see the sight of his beast punching his father. Not to mention the sound had reached his ears as did some of the wind produced from the blow.
He was worried, plain and simple.
His father was strong, Thor knew that. But so were the four beings he was fighting. Alone, Thor had no doubt in his mind that Odin could defeat them quite easily, but together they posed a threat strong enough that they were matching him blow for blow.
But if that was the only problem, Thor would not feel this anxious feeling, this tightening in his chest. The Asgardian Army was being pushed back, they had managed to overwhelm the combined forces of the Dark God Worshippers as well as the Frost and Storm Giant forces of King Rugga. But those strange beings that rushed out just as things seemed to be turning in their favour proved to once again turn the tide in the favour of their enemies.
Now, the Asgardian army was pulling back to the walls while the enemy followed after them.
Though, as he watched the archers on the wall firing with great accuracy, he knew that they would at least be able to defend them. Even though his father had planned to face them in the open field in order to avoid battle on the walls, it seemed they would have no choice.
Clenching his fists tightly, Thor looked to see Sif also watching the battle with worry plain on her face. Worry for her brother even though both knew that besides Odin and Sigrun, he was the strongest warrior in all of Asgard.
If anyone was going to survive this battle, it would be him.
Unable to watch the battle anymore, Thor turned on his heel and left the balcony. His eyes looked at the various Valkyries stationed around the throne room. Getting out would be impossible without being seen, unless something else attracted their attention. But even if he did find a way to distract the Valkyries, that left the rest stationed throughout the palace and then getting to the wall.
'But I can't stand by and do nothing any longer.' He thought determinedly as he made his way towards Loki, standing in the far corner. "Loki, I need your help." The young prince in question looked up and then smiled mischievously.
"Oh, what a surprise. You need my help." Loki teased with a large smile on his face. "Now, what would you need my help with?"
"Getting out of here." Thor stated firmly and Loki's smile widened even further.
"Get out of here? The Throne Room?" Loki questioned, though never actually waited for Thor to answer. "Now why would you want to do that?"
"I have no time for these games, Loki. You know exactly why, so will you help me, brother?" He implored and Loki looked thoughtful for a few minutes before eventually nodding with a smile on his face.
"Why of course I will, it would be my honour." He mocked and then rose to his feet as he looked at the various Valkyries around. "Though, we will need to distract those Valkyries somehow. Now that is the difficult part. Hmm, what to do?"
"We could…"
"Yes, yes, do shut up brother, I'm thinking." Loki hushed and Thor glared at his brother, though it subsided once he took a calming breath. Right now, Thor needed Loki's help, he was a notorious trickster and if anyone could help him get out of the Throne Room and the palace while avoiding the Valkyries it would be his brother. "Hmm, that just might work."
"What?" Thor asked only for Loki to wave his hand.
"Wait here will you." Loki said as he started walking away. "You'll only get in my way."
Remaining where he was, Thor watched as Loki headed towards a few of the young children that were playing with Baldur. Thor didn't know what he was saying, but whatever he was seemed to be working as they all nodded their heads eagerly.
With a smile, Loki got to his feet and walked towards Thor with a smug smile on his face. "Now, dear brother, we wait." Loki said and the two stood together watching as the young children gradually became more and more rowdy. It was a slow process which only served to make Thor more and more agitated, but he forced himself to take claiming breaths. "Now we go." Loki said as they watched the kids start screaming and shouting as they started to fight.
"What did you say?" Thor asked.
Loki looked back at him in annoyance. "Do you really want me to explain it or do you want to get out of here?" Loki shot back and Thor remained silent as they headed towards the wall at the far right hand side of the Throne Room. Applying some pressure, the wall slowly moved in revealing it to be secret passage way. "I found this a few years ago." Loki explained at seeing Thor's questioning look.
"Thor? Loki? What are you doing?" The two froze and turned to see Sif looking at them in confusion.
Thor opened his mouth to explain only for Loki to grab hold of both their wrists and drag them inside while also closing the wall behind him. It was dark for a few moments until a numerous, tiny balls of light appeared, spreading out from Loki's hand and lighting the passageway.
"You were taking too long and the distraction wasn't working as well as I hoped." Loki explained as he started to walk down the passageway, Thor following and Sif did in turn. "You can now explain the situation to Sif without having to worry about wasting what precious time we have."
Thor felt his face heat up in embarrassment at nearly wasting the one opportunity they had to get out of the Throne Room.
"Thor, what is going on? Where are we going?" Sif demanded once more and Thor came to a stop turning to Sif who had also stopped.
"I'm going to fight." Thor said and Sif looked at him in shock.
"What?! Why?!" Sif exclaimed in shock.
"Because we're losing!" Thor shot back as he turned to start leaving down the passageway. However, Sif stopped him, gripping hold of his arm and holding him place. "Let go of me, Sif!"
"No, you're insane! What do you think you're going to be able to do! My brother. King Odin! They're all being pushed back and they're warriors! We're not!"
Thor just shook his head.
"It doesn't matter! I'm an Asgardian as well!" That seemed to shock Sif, who despite never letting go of his wrist, her grip on his arm became slack. Thor used this and ripped his arm free and started walking down the long, winding corridor.
-X- Line Break -X-
"They have disappeared, my Queen." Sigrún admitted, bowing her head slightly in apology to Queen Frigga for allowing Thor, Loki and Sif to escape from the Throne Room. However, instead of being angry, Frigga just smiled, rising from her seat and heading to the balcony.
Her gaze watching as the Asgardian army fought and fighting retreat to the wall, pursued doggedly by the Dark Gods forces. Sigrún moved to stand beside her.
"What shall we do? Shall we pursue down the passageway and stop them?"
Frigga shook her head.
"Prepare the Valkyries." Bowing, Sigrún spun on her heel and marched into the Throne Room, Frigga remaining on the balcony as she watched three figures move across the empty streets of Asgard.
Looking back, she turned to see her youngest son, Baldir laughing and playing with the other Asgardian children. She was happy to see that he was largely unaffected by the war happening outside and that he seemed distracted.
Her gaze trailed to Sigrún, she watched the Valkyrie Queen exit the Throne Room, those few Valkyries that had been in the Throne Room remaining to look over the inhabitants.
Upon seeing this, light seemed to crawl up Frigga's form before she disappeared entirely.
-X- Line Break -X-
Rushing across the empty streets, Loki struggled to keep up with both Sif and Thor. The two physically superior Asgardians gradually increasing the gap between them as they moved towards the Eastern Gate. The sound of raging battle that sounded from beyond them, getting louder and louder as they grew closer to it.
Loki would admit, he was growing nervous.
He did not like fighting like all the other Asgardians. It was too barbaric and he wasn't very good at fighting. Magic was what he was suited for, more so than his foolish brother. While he was skilled in magic, Loki would not like to test his true limits in the middle of a battlefield. Nor was he suicidal enough to do so or be tricked into it.
"Well, it seems our plan has already gone up in smoke." Loki said amusedly as they came to a stop, hiding behind one house as they looked at the Valkyries stationed on the walls. "Such a perfect plan, dear brother. Let's walk up to the walls with the archers on it and get past it without any problems."
Thor didn't respond, just shooting Loki a glare, he usually enjoyed sharing barbs with him, the wit his brother possessed often a cause for arguments that they looked back upon and could laugh about. But at this point in time, he had no desire to listen to it or partake in their usual game.
"He's right Thor, we should head back." Sif admitted, looking extremely worried. "We'll never get past them all."
"No." Thor stated firmly, shaking his head before going quiet in thought as he tried to think of a way around this. "Is there another way to get past the walls?" Thor directed the questioned to Loki who shrugged.
"I don't know, I only know secret entrance in and out of the palace." Loki admitted, a smile coming onto his face. "I can cover you in an illusion however. Make you invisible. Though we will need a distraction as I doubt it will convince everyone and you might get noticed."
Both brothers looked to Sif who still looked unwilling and unhappy with the whole situation.
"You can't be serious?"
"I am." Thor responded. "Sif, I need you to do this, I'm going to fight."
Sif frowned, noting the fact that Thor wasn't going to budge on this matter at all. Even so, she still looked at him firmly, trying to convey her disapproval simply through the look on her face. It did not work and eventually she just released a deep sigh, just feeling a terrible headache beginning to form.
But she knew full well just how stubborn Thor could be, he was the only one more stubborn than her. He was deadset on doing this, that much she could see and there was no way she was going to be able to convince him otherwise.
Upon realisng just how serious he was, Sif finally gave in.
"Fine. What do you need me to do?"
-X- Line Break -X-
Heimdall spun round and slashed his sword, cutting down a number of Dark God Worshippers as they retreated towards the walls of Asgard, seeing a Storm Giant nearby collapsing with arrows protruding across his body. His collapse shook the ground, nearly knocking him to his knees, but he recovered and cut down another few enemies that tried to take advantage of his opening.
Even so, it was a difficult task.
Despite lacking skill, the enemy pursued them doggedly, without thought for their own safety, just throwing themselves into the path of their weapons just so they could get a chance to kill an Asgardian soldier.
He was a soldier, a young man who had fought in many battles.
But it was the first time he had fought a foe with such disregard for their own lives. Whether it was fear or fanatical loyalty for the Dark Gods, the worshippers did not care for their own lives. It made their fighting retreat, one of the Asgardian militaries most effective manoeuvres incredibly dangerous.
Already his fellow Asgardians fought with everything they had, trying to retreat to the walls.
But in doing so would leave their backs exposed to the worshippers. It was dangerous and it was costing many lives despite the progress they were making. Even so, they were making a great deal of progress.
He could already make out the Valkyries on the wall and the gates opening in preparation to let them in.
It was when he heard a thundering boom, felt the world underneath him shake violently, sending him and thousands more to their knees as the ground underneath them cracked and splintered that he knew something had gone horribly wrong. Another boom followed, the cracks deepening and widening on the ground, some wide enough to swallow men whole.
Looking back, he was horrified to see the Union, slamming it fists down into the ground. The only reason he would do so, was if his King was there. Storm clouds gathered and a blinding bolt of lightning shot down, the Union bursting around it as struck the ground with titanic force.
Perrikus and Majeston Zelia unleashed their own blasts of energy as the Union came back down.
Sparing a look around, he could see that for the most part, despite a momentary bout of shock at what they had turned to witness, many Asgardian soldiers had shrugged it off. They were proud Asgardians, their King was Odin Borson, the All-Father and he would not be bested by a simple mad beast nor by the pretenders, the Dark Gods.
He would recover and he would emerge victorious as he always had.
Even if he could not win, it would not break their spirits. They would not be broken by the defeat of the King, they would keep fighting to their very last breath.
It was then he noticed that the Dark Gods were pulling back. For what reason he did not know, did they truly believe that the All-Father would be defeated so easily? That with that, their moral would break? Did they truly underestimate the Asgardian spirit so easily?
Firming himself, Heimdall continued to push his legs across the field, avoiding the deep cracks along the ground as he and the Asgardian army rushed back to the walls.
The King would not be defeated so easily and if by some misfortune, he was struck down and killed, they would not surrender and tarnish the fallen memory of their King. Asgard would stand victorious or they would make their final stand a glorious one.
A tale worthy of their King.
As he moved, the gap between them and the Dark God Worshippers widening till miles of barren wasteland stood between them, Heimdall noticed something odd. The front of the Asgardian army seemed to be grinding to a halt, their movements ceasing as they seemingly turned to watch a figure. Their compatriots stopping in turn and trying to see what had attracted all this fuss.
Heimdall himself stopped and it was then he caught sight of what had captivated everyone.
A small figure of a young boy, pushing against the tide of the retreating Asgardian army. Short blonde hair that waved in the wind, expensive tunic gleaming in the sunlight and two swords held in firm grips.
Before his very eyes, the young Prince rushed past him and every Asgardian soldier in his way. They all standing and watching, unable to comprehend the sight before them.
A crack of thunder seemed to shock them out of their stupor, each of them taking notice of the fact that the sunlight that had once been shining down upon them nought moments ago, was gone. Instead they were shrouded in a dark shadow, each of them looking overheard where the rumblings of thunder continued.
Heimdall could not explain what he was seeing or feeling, his gaze once again turning to the young Prince.
The grip on his sword, Hofund tightened as he felt his body move without conscious thought. But not to the walls of Asgard, but to follow the young Prince as he valiantly charged down the hill and into battle.
"To the Prince!" It was Volstagg's cry that spurred the rest of the army to move as well.
And before anyone could fully comprehend what was happening, the remainder of the Asgardian army charged back down the hill, the young Prince leading the charge.
And each and every soldier echoed Volstagg's cry.
"To the Prince!"