
The cacophonous sound of the school bell resonated through the crowded corridor as Toby, Sunshine and I hastened to catch the school bus home.

"You know Annabel from my geography class?" Sunshine babbled, as we took our seats, breathing the hot, stuffy air, alive with the sound of other students chattering. "I got both of you in as well... If you're interested?"

I smiled, thankful, "Sounds fun; when is it?"

"Seven," She blushed, turning in her seat and wiggling her fingers through the gap between our chairs. "How about you, Toby? Can you make it?"

He rolled his eyes and sank into his chair – conceding.

"Technically, there's absolutely no reason for me to attend a party, seeing as I have little desire to socialise with anyone outside the circumference of our friendship circle." Toby explained.

She bit my lip, disappointedly. "Come on Oaks – you're not letting me down like that – you promised you'd at least try to get to know our year group."

He pushed his glasses up his nose – brows furrowed. "If you really want me to – I won't object."

A smile twitched at the corner of Sunshine's mouth and her eyes sparkled.

I loved when they sparkled like that.

When they told you just how happy she was...

"Thank you." She whispered, her voice ebbing louder.

Toby ran his hand through his hair and chuckled.

"Anything for you."