A lesson from a true Qilin

Qilin Kai didn't fail to shed some light on Ji Yao's problem which he enjoyed doing. He had been sitting with his legs crossed as though meditating when Ji Yao entered the brig.

The first thing Ji Yao asked was about the keystone which he had also realised influenced the environment. That is why Sheji was a perfect replica of the climate on Mars.

This conversation didn't go far because Qilin Kai being the older generation could tell Ji Yao was unnerved. Without needing the specifics he said, "Did you fight with your boyfriend?" with a sly smile on his face.

Ji Yao, 'The fuck...'

"He is not my boyfriend," replied Ji Yao a little annoyed. He was already right at the edge of the cliff and with one shove with a pinkie finger he would topple over and lose his rationality.