Rui Fei's addiction

Rui Fei couldn't hold himself back as his warm tongue brushed against Ji Yao's skin tasting that familiar fragrance that could quench his thirst.

He could feel the vibrations coming from Ji Yao's throat when he groaned. The feeling spread to the tip of his lips igniting a burning desire in his lower half.

With his fingers pressing harder against Ji Yao's neck drawing him closer he sucked on the man's skin and shamelessly bit him causing Ji Yao to shudder. His reasoning told him not to take a nibble as he might be met with resistance but he couldn't help it.

Something inside him was telling him to take a bite. His body felt hot with growing pains of hunger taking over him. It wasn't the kind of hunger that could be solved with food but the kind only Ji Yao can satiate. Overtaken by his desire and lust for this person he took a bite resulting in him being forcibly pushed away.