When rumours aren't rumours but the truth

In a lavish courtyard, a short distance from the boisterous hall high pitched screams of a woman scolding her maidservant were heard in the night. Loud noises could be heard coming from the hall but they were drowned out by her scolding.

Inside the beautifully decorated bedroom, a woman lay topless on the bed as a trembling maidservant cleaned her wounds from the whip. Her father was right. She could most definitely survive a few whips from that sword.

That's because her half Nocru trait was her high pain tolerance. Plus that sword didn't whip her at its maximum capacity like it was pitying her. That's why she could still have the energy to yell despite having endured twenty lashes.

"That old bastard actually dared to sell me out? It seems he loves his money more than he loves me. Wait until I get my hands on that treasury. I am going to fuckin bankrupt him in a week," she said before sweeping the tray off the bedside table fuming in anger.