The heart want what it wants

A glimmer of ruthlessness flashed in Rui Fei's eyes as a crooked smile appeared on his face. Soon the claw on the ground began to dissipate like something was slowly eating at its flesh. A shrill scream pierced the air as the claw decayed till there was nothing left.

Rui Fei tucked away the fierce look on his face before following behind Ji Yao. From a distance, Lady Ching Sei was watching him with a complicated gaze. It seemed she still couldn't bring herself to accept Rui Fei's closeness to Ji Yao.

That's because she knew what sort of person Rui Fei's father was like and as the saying goes 'the apple doesn't far from the tree'. The spawn of a demon can only be a demon as well.

But despite her negative feelings towards this relationship, she couldn't interfere. Teenagers are volatile, the more you forbid them to do something the more curious they get. She could only wait for his parents to intervene in the matter.