Slightly NSFW

He was fully aware that it was best not to fuck with Rui Fei if you treasure your life. This instinct came from his unique ability to recognise a future big boss and Rui Fei was exactly that.

He leaned closer to Lady Ching Sei and tugged at her belt and said, "How about you focus all that energy on us instead? I can eat you up like last..."


It was the sound of Zhang Li's hand being slapped away. "What part of it would never happen again don't you understand?" she said with a glare so sharp it could pierce his soul.

This lovesick fool was hit where it hurts.

If he was in the modern era he would have gone on one of these forums to consult with amateur love experts who spend most of their time on the internet surfing through their phones, tablets and laptops to ask something like this;