Who the f#$%$ is your gege

Ji Yao clenched his jaw as he glared at Rui Fei. Rui Fei who was the most innocent party here stared back at Ji Yao with a pleading gaze that seemed to say, 'I swear I didn't do anything.' He gestured with his eyes to his hands that weren't embracing the kid back.

Ji Yao looked at his hands frozen mid-air and understood what Rui Fei was trying to say. He was basically saying, 'see, I am innocent.' Yes, he knew that his cute cub was innocent but dang why did it annoy him so much.

As though that wasn't enough the kid in Rui Fei's hands suddenly nozzled his neck like a kitten. Ji Yao's body stiffened with his patience stretched taut to the point of snapping. With his tongue pressing hard against his cheek he reached out for the boy's collar and harshly pulled him back.

He even overlooked his problem as he pushed him to the side. His eyes were a bright shade of red as he towered over the minx with a deadly aura.