We aren't your enemy

A violent wind swept past the group of enemies standing on opposite sides as the overcast sky turned darker and darker but none of them seemed concerned about the violent storm coming their way.

The snow had long stopped falling replacing the winter wonderland with gloomy depressing weather suitable for indoors.

Ji Yao was angered at this point that he didn't realise he was unconsciously summoning lightning which in turn invoked a storm. He was angrily glowering at his father as he gently rubbed Rui Fei's smooth skin to soothe the raging storm simmering within.

"Let's go home... You have responsibilities," said Ji Yao referring to his father but of course, Ji Wen wasn't going to listen.

He just averted his gaze with his clenched jaw and faced Qilin Hao who in turn looked back at him with a look that seemed to say, "You are going nowhere." The wife had spoken but he also wanted to coax his son. The problem though was how.