Selfish desires

Seeing that he had no other choice Ji Yao sat opposite the Lord of the Celestials his expression ugly. He just wanted to bash this man's skull against the table but he restrained himself. He was in enemy territory and could only obey the rules of the grandmaster.

"Say what you need to say," said Ji Yao his finger tapping the table impatiently. The face hidden behind the sleeve slowly revealed itself. His lips as bright red a saffron with a glossy layer from the tea he placed the teacup down before picking up the other teacup and handing it over to him.

"Won't his majesty grace me by drinking this cup of tea?" he said holding the cup up but Ji Yao didn't make a move to pick it up. A crooked smile appeared on the man's face before he continued saying, "why are you reluctant? It's not like we are performing a wedding toast in our bridal chamber or maybe... does his Majesty prefer wine. I know your lover would be especially upset if he finds out."