Elroy was still lying where the both of them had been a few moments prior. However, his face was scrunched up, and his eyes were shut. It was obvious that he was fine just when Yasmine had gone off to stop Vadmira. How is it he was now passed out? And in a circle of something like that shadow that Vadmira had been controlling a few moments prior.

"Fuck." The pale-skinned female cursed. She turned to Yasmine who was frozen on the ground staring at Elroy. Her eyes were wide open, and a small scratch adorned her cheek, dripping blood down her cheek. It was obvious that she was frozen in shock.

"No." She muttered in a low voice after discovering that she could not move. Her body seemed to be glued to the ground. "Fucking move." She muttered over and over as if trying to jumpstart her body.

However, nothing worked. She felt tears pool in her eyes, as she finally managed to move her body. Seeing as she had no strength left in her legs, she landed on her side on the ground with a light thud. Her eyes were immediately blurred up by a few particles of soil.

"El." She groaned out. Yasmine's body was in pain, but she still struggled to push herself up. "Elroy." She spoke out louder as she sunk her fingers knuckle deep into the loose soil. "No no no no no no no no." she dragged her body close to his own.

However, before she could reach him, she was dragged back by her legs.

"Are you stupid or do you simply wish to die!" Thyra shouted at her. A few strands of her curled-up hair fell down her eyes as which she used to glare at Yasmine.

Yasmine slightly raised her head, "My brother…" Her eyes were hazed up, "I have to save my brother. He's in pain. El doesn't do well with pain. I have to… I have…"

Thyra bit her lip but did not let go of Yasmine's legs. "If you get into that circle of shadows, then there is the possibility that you will also die." She cut Yasmine's rambling off. "Do you wish to die?"

"Wh-what?" Yasmine choked out, "Elroy will also…" she struggled to get out of Thyra's grip. Tears were streaking down her cheeks. Although she was seemingly always at odds with her brother, they were still siblings. Seeing as she was older than him, there was no way she could allow someone other than herself to harm him. She cared for him more than she cared for any outsiders in her family. That was just how her family was.

The only three people she would die for after her mother's death were her father, sister, and brother. Now, however, after her mother had died, both her father and brother were also seemingly on death's door. If they were going to die, then there was no use in her living as well. The look in her eyes changed, and although tears still dripped from her eyes, she still pushed her body out of Thyra's weakened grip.

Just as the depressing thought filtered in her mind, and she had begun moving, a pair of shoes stopped in front of her. Yasmine managed to push her head up and saw a man standing before her. From her position, she could only see that he was holding a long weapon in his hand. However, the weapon was pointed towards her. She shivered and curled back slightly.

"Have you gotten your senses back?" The male asked. His voice was deep and it seemed to have a calming effect on Yasmine. She did not make any movement, but seeing as she had stopped struggling, he turned to Thyra who was standing behind her.

Thyra bowed her body at the waist. "What is the situation here." He asked.

"The man there," Thyra pointed at Jason Boise, "is being controlled. The one controlling him is beyond even Vadmira's understanding. However, seeing how this is the place Violet's machine brought us, there can be no mistake that they are the ones we are searching for." She looked down at Yasmine who was still frozen.

His eyes also looked down at the girl. She was slightly shivering, and her eyes were still locked on her younger brother. He tilted his head, as he looked back up at Thyra, "Was Jamil here? We were separated once we arrived."

"Lady Vadmira almost hit him with her shadow flurry, so he went back to the spirit realm I believe."

"Then, I shall take care of this swiftly. I don't know where the others are for now. I landed alone." He raised his weapon away from Yasmine's neck. As he walked away, she noticed that he was wearing robes that fell to his ankles and that there was a small animal walking next to him. The animal would have been unnoticeable were it not for the nine silver tails swinging from behind it.

"Vadmira." He called out to the short female. Seeing as Yasmine had disrupted her, the second attack she had launched at the puppet did not work anymore. Thus, she was forced to pull out her weapon. She had jumped a few meters away from the man, and in her hands was a black bow. She did not have a quiver strapped to her back, but an arrow formed on the bow every time she pulled the string back.

The arrows were a dark black, just like the bow, and had a small dark flame at the arrowhead. She let loose a rapid succession of arrows, which all missed the target who nimbly evaded each and every one of her attacks.

Yasmine was still sprawled on the ground, unable to move. Her eyes were hazed up, as she stared at her father evading his attackers. Although she was quite dense, and at times very slow, she could tell that her father was not going to be able to survive if the male joined in the fight. Her instincts were screaming at her, with a feeling that she was unable to understand.

From the bottom of her stomach, an unknown feeling bubbled and began to spill over. Thyra, who was standing closest to her, was the first to notice the fluctuation in the mana around the girl who was on the ground. She took a small step back, before shaking her head.

It was impossible. With the limited amount of mana in the air in the forsaken world that they were in, it would be impossible for anyone to manifest their elements. She took a small step towards Yasmine, ready to help her get back to her senses. However, when she got into her bubble, Thyra felt her own mana being sucked out of her body. Surprised, she took a large step back.

It was then that she noticed it. Although it was true that the mana in the air was so little that it was impossible to manifest one's power, all the mana that was in the air around them was being sucked up by the girl. She slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position. Her eyes were still somewhat hazed up, and there were tears pooled at the corners of her eyes.

Without a word, she stood up from her position and began to walk up to Elroy who was surrounded by the multitude of shadows. Thyra panicked. If she walked into the shadows as well, then it was possible that her soul too would be sucked into the vortex that was the spell surrounding the boy.

Thyra walked up to Yasmine and placed her hand on her shoulder. Luckily, Yasmine turned her body to face her. She cocked her head slightly at Thyra, then looked down at the hand that had been placed on her shoulder. It was almost as if she really wasn't seeing her.

And truly, that was the case, as Yasmine's eyes had clouded up, and she could only see the mana around her.

Everything else had so little mana that she could not even count on them to assist in her manifestation. Thus, she could only look to the multitude of shadows that was covering her brother. That was where a large amount of mana was. Although it was dark, unlike the light-colored mana that surrounded Thyra, it still pulsated just like mana should.

Thus, she grabbed Thyra's wrist, and with one swift motion, she had yanked her hand, and thrown her over her shoulder. The action came out of nowhere, thus Thyra was left completely surprised, and unable to defend herself. She landed on her back on the ground with a thud.