Who would have known that the princess would die of disease so soon? Not to mention it was a disease that was incurable with earth's resources. After all, it was a disease that was only common to Asminan people.

It took a while, but Yasmine finally realized the title that the man carrying her had referred to her as, "I am not a princess." She said, tilting her head to look up at the man that was carrying her. Although the obvious thought would have been that he was using a pet name with her, she had an inkling that was not how he had used it. There was a certain way he had said it after all.

Perhaps it was the way the word rolled off his tongue.

Doug looked down at her, and without his smile dropping the slightest, he said, "You are every bit a princess, your highness," he said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. "Your mother just did not tell you and your siblings of your royal lineage."

Yasmine blanched.