
Nodding affirmatively, Zarue readied the axe in his hands, setting his stance as if wielding a sword, feet shoulder width apart, one foot slight in front, both hands holding the axe firmly at the middle of his body (for those who like to know how to picture a stance properly, this is based off the middle guard, or posta breve). After receiving a nod from his mother Regen. Zarue swings his axe.


After swinging the axe, the motion went horizontal through the air meeting no resistance. Wait, no resistance?!

"Oh come one! I whiffed it?! How the!" Zarue yelled in surprise and frustration. Only to shake his head as his mother Regen started guffawing at his reaction.

"I am sorry for laughing, I was keeping it in until you yelled in frustration. Lets go over what you did and how you went wrong, ok sweetie?" Regen asked dotingly. She loved Zarue and how he had an excellent focus when it came to work and learning, and see him get frustrated when he messes up was just too damn cute for her.

Mother and son duo moved away from the tree and sat cross legged on the ground eating.

"I listened to what you said mom. I used the Ki Filtering technique, and I also made sure that I was close enough. I understand that Ki Filtering is when one breathes in the air around them and instead of absorbing the Ki into one's body you release it instantly. Like an instantaneous boost in power, and there are drawbacks when you are not used to using the technique. Which is also a cause of issue for me, because I felt the Ki in my body and around my body." Zarue said in a contemplative manner.

Regen couldn't help but chuckle at her child's demeanor and knowledge. Zarue could pretty much be considered a prodigy at his age. Not only did he understand the fundamentals of Ki and how it works, he grasped how the first technique learned by all Ki users. He even said he could feel the Ki flowing through his body, which was a highly developed Ki Filtering which helped the user focus the power to be more efficient, he also said he could feel the Ki all around him.

Wait!? He could feel the Ki around him as well? Regen was shocked. For one to feel the Ki around them was called Ki sense, a high tier tracking skill that allowed one to use Ki to sense the presence of everything around them! It was considered the ultimate sight skill if cultivated properly!

There were many tiers to this though… just as there are many tiers to Ki Filtering, from being able to absorb the Ki for a boost in power throughout the whole body, then the strongest form of that was being able to control where the Ki went in the body, which takes heavy concentration and great quick thinking. Being able to control where the power went in the body actually allows the user the ability to use Ki Filtering as much and as long as possible because this allowed the user controlled bursts innately. Which meant that any negative effect a person would feel from using the techniques would never feel it. Making the person a master in that technique alone, which was a feat in itself because most Ki users never took the time to master the first skill in the Ki techniques.

As for Ki Sense, this is where it starts from. Being able to sense the Ki around you and it feels like a mass of energy, nothing is defined in shape but you can sense the flow and disturbances. The more basic version of the technique that most would acquire while hunting, but its never attained till roughly at 20 years after many many successful hunts. Second tier allows you to see everything in its defined shape, but if your eyes are closed, it shows everything that can't be seen by the naked eye if focused properly! It is a great skill to have if one was blind! With further training however, the user of the technique could use the skill to focus on whatever they have encountered before and be able to see said object or being from many many miles away as if they were standing right next to the focused sense. It had been said that certain masters had figured out how to use Ki Sense with Ki Filtering to boost the senses, which would be a more efficient method for those who had use of all sense.

All of this information was recalled by Regen after learning it many many years ago. Shaking her head gently she looked at young Zarue. "You said you could feel the KI around you? Could you please tell me what you felt?" She asked inquisitively.

Zarue's eyebrows knitted together as he thought about what his mother asked him. "At first it felt like a dense fog where I could see how the wind blew it, but after a quick few moments in clearing my head from that confusion and remembering that you and mom told me that everything has Ki, in certain amounts that made them distinguished as it said in the books. All of a sudden the fog blew away… no, more like came into focus, as if my eyesight was blurred from sleeping. When that happened, I could see the Ki of everything in clear focus as if my eyes were open, but I could see everything that even my eyes would not see naturally."

As he finished saying this, Regen smiled really big. Hot damn, Zarue is going to cause commotions.

"I am happy that what I said made you a happy and proud mom. However," Zarue fidgeted and blushed in embarrassment, "I did not follow your instructions completely as you told me to, I am sorry I was curious to see what would happen and I caused disappointment by whiffing!" Zarue cried out in shame hiding his face.