Ki Manipulation

"Now, for what just happened here, I want to wait until your mom comes with lunch. Oh speaking of which!" Regen's wife appeared with food and her face was bright and radiant in happiness seeing her family being cute.

Vetiol saw Regen and Zarue and had a big smile on her face, only to notice that an ironwood tree was felled and the two were laughing happily. Confused yet excited for crazy news Vetiol hastened her steps and came to the two sitting down and pulling out the family lunch.

"What craziness have you two been up to today?" Vetiol asked in her melodic voice.

"Well, now that your mom is here Zarue sit here in between us, and I will fill your mom in as we eat before continuing our conversation" Regen said patting Zarue's head as everyone dug into the delicious food that Vetiol brought.

After a fun few minutes of talking and explanation, and a few choice words of Vetiol seeing the giant hog she had to take home with her after they were done eating and talking. Regen paused and cheerily said "Ready for the coolest news yet Vetiol and Zarue?"

Vetiol grinned eagerly seeing Zarue jump in his spot while sitting, "I am assuming its concerning the ironwood tree that we agreed would be Zarue's first part of training?" While smiling, Vitriol's eyebrow twitched, allowing Regen and Zarue to see that she thought Regen had cut the tree and not Zarue, since he was 10 and should have taken a few months to cut while he learned to focus his Ki.

Regen, fearful of an angry Vetiol shook her head and raised her hands shaking them as well, "I did not touch that tree at all, that was all Zarue, I swear!"

Upon hearing this Vetiol's eyes went wide as she looked at her son with her wife and asked a one word question that had been burning in Zarue's mind since lunch had started. "How?"

Upon hearing the question Regen smiled so big, the smile touched her ears. "I have only heard of it in legend, and it is considered a celestial tier Ki technique that can be used to create out of nothing. Only the creators had this technique before they went to the heavens. This technique of legend is called Ki Manipulation: Create and Destroy." Regen bounced in her seated position in excitement as Vetiol covered her mouth in surprise. Zarue looked at his moms in confusion.

"What does that mean mom?" Zarue asked in curiousness.

Regen and Vetiol took a deep breath, Regen nodded to Vetiol as to let her explain.

"Zarue, a Celestial Ki technique, is considered to be a legend and to have never existed. We have gone over Ki techniques to a point, but let us go over a few quick things first before going deep into the legend of the technique you have done. First, there are two applications, physical and meditative." Vetiol explained.

"Along with the archetypes physical and meditative, there are tiers," Vetiol continued to explain holding up her hands, raising a finger each time she said a tier, "1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Elite and Finally Master. Now there supposedly were many more tiers but due to many wars and upsets in the countries there stands one that is called Forgotten, or sometimes Family as some techniques have been rumored to have survived by passing it down only through family members. The last is called Celestial, and this is more out of respect for the legends that hold dear for our world and those who created and shaped the world we live in."

"Supposedly," Regen interjected, "all recordings of this being true have been long lost and only the telling of the stories and legends by word of mouth and some writing have survived. However, since none are considered actual historic nature, it is believed that the techniques actually never existed. I hope I remembered that properly, my love."

Vetiol nodded and smiled, "Perfect explanation Regen, thank you. Now the technique your mom says you have demonstrated supposedly belonged to one of my familial lines from way before all the wars started. It was said that they had azure eyes just like you Zarue. This figure head of the family was so famous that they have a legend that is known through out everywhere, but it was never passed down due to only them being able to use it for some reason, which then turned them into a legend, and thus, making the technique Celestial, which for all it is worth. With what it could do, Celestial does not even cover how impressive the technique was. With a mere thought a complex task could be done if thought of properly. Something could be created, or destroyed or both, by just a whim of this person after many years of honing the technique. Their honorific was forgotten, but one thing was certain, this person was considered the first ever summoner and tamer of many things that were not human. Even after that point, they still had many underlings that were human that served under this person. It has been said they became a wonderful yet caring leader, and when everything was peaceful, he grew tired and went on another journey, only to be lost and forgotten, the first of many battles that lost many historic writings and artifacts that started from their once peaceful land. Greed taking over the people." Vetiol said sadly at the end.

She then perked up. "However, if the technique has come back to our family if this legend is true, then that makes you possibly a rightful heir. Now what that means is up to you on how you use this, however that does not mean you are going to skip physical training, if anything, you need to train harder, your Ki Core will gather much attention once you turn 13 from the 'Academy'. Before your physical training begins, would you like to try to create with Ki Manipulation?"