
On a separate building from his home, Mimir had a sturdy laboratory in the hillside deep into the forest.

A magic circle was inscribed down on a magical marble floor. It was drawn with a rare blood from a certain white furred Beast in the Great Forest. Each section of the magic circle reveals complicated and yet efficient methods of function to the Mana.

This Magic Circle would be God ranked, and would cause Kingdoms and Empires to fight over it.

"Phew~ I've finally gotten the free time to summon him back after a year. I'm glad I was able to get some blood from the Red Dragon King recently. This time, this summoning would be flawless and would be permanent. Ulf shouldn't be worried about returning back to the Void after."

Double checking it if there are any errors on the magic circle, Mimir finally was ready.

"My Guardian Spirit slumbering in the void that connects the six worlds into one. I implore you to awaken and unleash your existence before me! Ulf!"

Mimir sucked in a breath as the magic circle emitted a dazzling light. It was the same colorful rainbow that appears during Summoning Magic.


A bright white shine came off from the magic circle brightening up the entire room. The windows are shining a beam of light right outside.

A faint howl echoed through the building.

Immediately Mimir activated a noise cancelling magic to prevent disturbing the villagers.


It was a wolf with greyish white fur, and stood two meters tall. It looked really large and intimidating wolf that would prey on people and make them to his meal.

Some people might mistake it for a very rare monster, but it was in fact Mimir's guardian spirit.

During his earlier travels, Mimir summoned his Guardian Spirit with mediocre materials and inferior magic circle.

He named his Guardian Spirit Ulf.

It only ended up as a temporary summoning that lasted for ten years. In that ten years Mimir and Ulf have gone through thick and thin.

"Hey there buddy. Your Mana is significantly stronger than the last time. I haven't seen you for a few months."


As soon as it lost all its magical properties, Ulf leapt from the magic circle and circled around Mimir sniffing him all around. It might look really intimidating to any person, but in Mimir's point of view he just looked like a cute puppy with fluffy white fur.

"Oh right Ulf, as you can see I'm going to settle down for a few years in this house."


"Haha, you think so too huh. Oh right, there's something I want you to do for me. Do you mind?"



Mimir produced a paper, a feather pen, and a bottle of ink out of thin air.

"Could you go to the City of Roa and have it posted there? Of course only the qualified could see it."


(Kinda predictable after reading the comments huh...)

Lilia used to be a royal maid for the Asura Palace. In addition to her usual duties as a lady-in-waiting, the role also called for her to act as a maid imperial protector.

She'd been expected to take up arms and come to her master's defense should the need arise. She was devoted to her duties, and carried out her job as handmaiden without flaw or fail.

When it came to her role as a fighter, however, her skill with a sword was merely adequate at best. As a result, Lilia found herself wholly outmatched when an assassin struck at the newborn princess, her opponent's dagger catching her in the leg.

The blade had been coated with poison, the sort meant to kill even a member of the royal family, a troublesome toxin that could not be cured by purifying magic.

Thanks to the wound being promptly tended to by Healing magic, and a certain Sage's kind compassion of neutralizing the poison, Lilia had managed to survive, but there were lingering aftereffects.

They didn't pose an impediment to her daily life, but she could no longer run at any real speed, her gait reduced to a clumsy stagger.

Lilia's life as a warrior had come to an end. The palace promptly discharged her from her position. Lilia understood why perfectly well. It only made sense to lose a job she was no longer able to perform. Although this left her unable to pay even her basic living expenses, given her position in the court, she considered herself lucky not to have been executed in secret.

And so, Lilia left the capital.

The mastermind behind the princess's assassination attempt was still to be found. As someone familiar with the palace's inner workings, Lilia was well aware that she was a likely target. Or perhaps—had the palace set her free to lure out whoever was behind this plot?

When she'd been brought into the court, she'd been curious why they'd taken on a lowborn woman such as herself. Perhaps they wanted to hire a simple maid who could easily be disposed of.

Whatever the case, for her own safety, Lilia needed to get as far away from the capital as she could. Regardless of whether the palace really was using her as bait, she no longer had any standing orders, no longer had anything holding her back.

She no longer felt any sense of obligation to her old life.

After taking a series of stagecoaches, Lilia arrived at the Fittoa Region, a vast agricultural area on the borders of the kingdom. Apart from the Fortress City of Roa, the city where the local lord resided, the region was little more than a grand expanse of wheat fields.

It was here that Lilia decided she'd look for work.

With her leg impaired, a career as a swordsman was now off the table. She could conceivably still teach swordsmanship, but she preferred to find work as an attendant— mainly because it paid much better. Here on the outskirts of the kingdom, there were plenty of simple maid who could easily be disposed of.

Whatever the case, for her own safety, Lilia needed to get as far away from the capital as she could. Regardless of whether the palace really was using her as bait, she no longer had any standing orders, no longer had anything holding her back.

She no longer felt any sense of obligation to her old life.

Here on the outskirts of the kingdom, there were plenty of people who could wield a blade and teach others how to do the same. There were far fewer people who were fully trained royal maids, capable of overseeing the running of an entire household. Even if the pay was lower than she hoped, money was still money.

Being hired as a maid by the lord of Fittoa, or even the high-ranking nobles who served him, was a dicey prospect. The people in those circles had a pipeline right back to the capital.

If they found out she was a former royal who'd attended the royalty, she stood a good chance of being caught up in someone else's political machinations. Lilia wanted no part of that.

She'd already had one brush with death, and that was enough for her.

No offense to the princess, but Lilia was going to do what she wanted, someplace far away from the war of succession.

The issue was that less-wealthy families couldn't afford to retain her services. Finding a place that was both safe and still paid decently proved rather difficult.

After wandering around for a month, it was then that she found something that catches her eye.

A simple looking paper that doesn't stand out. But shockingly the contents of the paper is shocking.

[Urgent Hiring!

Details: Organizing research papers, cleaning, laundry, cooking, gardening... as a Maid.

Duration: Several Years

Deadline: N/A

Employer: Mimir Helvig Asgeir

Location: Buena Village

Salary: 1 Gold Coin and 5 Silver Coins/month

Note: I need someone to take care of everything in the house for me. A live-in maid. Meals and accommodations are all free. Should know basic arithmetic, reading, and writing. Knowing a bit of swordplay and magic would be good too, but it's not absolutely necessary...]

It was just something she needed. As if Fate pulled their strings to come and lent Lilia their aid.

To that point, what caught her attention the most was the name of the employer: Mimir Helvig Asgeir.

It was the same man that she encountered just a few months ago. He was also the wandering Sage famous all over the world from his legendary feats because of his terrifying magical abilities that could shake the Heavens and the Earth, figuratively and literally.

(Kinda added some Chinese novel influence there (*/ω\).)

According to some rumors she heard, he was actually one of the people that had their names listed on the 7 Major World Powers.

Making her way to her working place with only her clothes and the little sum of money she had, she arrived at the village.

She asked some villagers about the place where Mimir lived.

The villagers were stunned at first seeing a woman in a maid outfit for the first time. Most people here lived their entire lives in the village without seeing a maid.

Lilia arrived on a somewhat small two storey cottage used for a vacation. Though the atmosphere here harmonized with the flow of Mana in the environment. It made Lilia somehow feel like she entered a fantasy land.


Lilia snapped out of her dazed state. What entered her vision was a white-grayisgh wolf with some magical runes faintly glowing on it's fur in a certain pattern.

"Oya oya~, it looks like the one who came was a familiar face."

A young man went out of the door just behind the wolf. He had really eye-catching white hair and blue eyes as clear as the skies.

"It's just a couple of weeks hasn't it, what was your name again?" the young man asked.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again. I've come for work."

"No need for formalities. Come, come in. Let's have some tea inside first for the interview."