Chapter 5

It's been a few months into the school year and Laquetta has fitted in perfectly.

Today was a regular school day, mildly interesting classes, repetitive things. Laquetta watched the clock and it was just a minute before the teacher dismissed them and they headed to their usual space, at the top of the stairs in the maths block. She sits down gracefully on the floor with her friends and opened her bag to get her lunch, but when she opened it, there was nothing in there. No cookies, no sandwich, no drink. Slowly, Laquetta pulled out her empty lunchbox and put it to her ear. Something was rolling around in it, and by the weight, it felt extremely dense.

Her friends were observing her intently, Lucy was the first to speak up, "Why aren't you eating your lunch? Is everything alright?"

"No, it's... my lunch disappeared," Laquetta rummaged through her bag again, "There's nothing in there. Apart from this thing," she shook the box and the heavy rolling sound of metal sounded from within.

"What the fuck?" exclaimed an incredulous Toby.

"Give me the box," Vincent said with narrowed eyes.

Laquetta handed it over gently, careful not to drop it. Vincent studied the box, before prying the lid open and there was a cylindrical case, metal, with weird engravings on it. Shaking it furiously, Vincent put it up to his ear and listened; sure enough, there was the sound of rustling paper and turning the cylindrical case around, and found a name engraved on the bottom.

"Ma-ko-to...?" Vincent readout.


He snapped his head towards her, "What do you mean?"

"That's the Japanese word for truth."

Vincent nodded, "Should we open it?"

"I mean go ahead, it's not like it could be anything dangerous right?"

Lucy giggled, "Well it shouldn't be, whoever gave it to you had to be in school. It couldn't come from outside of school. Open it! I wanna see what's inside."

The others piped up in agreement with the suggestion.

Vincent looked at Laquetta, "Since it's yours, you do the honours."

Laquetta held it and looked at it, thinking hard whether or not she should open it. In the end, she decided she should, it wouldn't hurt anyone, tracing the little case until she found a thin line. It was so thin that Laquetta wouldn't have noticed it if she hadn't run her nails across the slight gap.

It popped open, Laquetta pulled off the lid and the whole group was engulfed in white before they disappeared. Everything disappeared, nothing was left behind.


"Mistress? Young Mistress? Please wake up, your younger sister is calling for you."

Laquetta groaned, batting away the soft but persistent nudges.

"One moment... I'm up, I'm up!" Laquetta blearily opened her eyes, she saw a pretty beau standing in front of her. Laquetta blinked her eyes before focusing on the maid in front of her before shooting to the other side of the room.

"Wh-who are you?!"

"M-mistress! Please! Calm down!" the servant fell to her knees and bowed, her head touching the floor.

"What's all the racket?" came a little voice.

Laquetta looked over at the door, there stood Lucy in a hanfu, "Lucy?!"


The two embraced and then ushered the maid out of the room before they sat down and discussed how to find the other, they did look around for a bit before they found the other girls. Soon enough they all sat down to discuss what their next course of action and found out they were in the Han Dynasty.

"We're fucked aren't we?"

"Yes, we are."


"We're doomed."

Laquetta thought for a moment before a robotic voice spoke to all of them, "Welcome esteemed guests. I am Pupu, your System that will help you guys through different worlds. You have been chosen to experience different worlds. They will be of a variety of different themes."

"This is exactly as I have read in some transmigration novels!" exclaimed Charlotte.

"So, this would be fun?" asked Laquetta.

"Yes, it will be Ma'am!" the System projected a happy robot face.

The girls smiled back. Before they started chattering excitedly, talking about the many possibilities and opportunities that they will most definitely come across.