
Arriving in front of the house.

Juan got out of the car and went into the house. While heykha was still in the car.

At that time heykha was so hard to step out of the car. She was very worried about what was waiting for her in the house.

Heykha, kept remembering what Juan said to her.

'What should I do, should I fake sick or act senile? Then walked into the bedroom and sleep. ' Heykha thought while scratching her head.

She was always cornered when it came to Juan.

"Aaaa .... !! My head feels like breaking thinking about it and my heart doesn't stop beating." Heykha whimpered.

Robin who saw Heykha acting strange since earlier dared to ask.

"Miss heykha, are you not feeling well?"

"No," Heykha replied.

Robin seemed even more confused to see Heykha's attitude.

"If you are okay, you should go into the house to rest." Robin said.

Heykha staring at Robin in the rearview mirror.

"I'll be here for a moment," said Heykha.

"Mr. Juan must have done something to make Miss Heykha look like this," Robin who began to suspect thought.

Moreover, the two of them had a bad look on their faces when they left the Yin family's house.

Not for a while Robin's cellphone rang and it was a call from Juan.

"Hello, Mr. Juan ...."

Juan asked Robin. "What is that woman doing there? Does she not want to come into the house?!"

"Miss Heykha said that she wants to sit in the car for a while," Robin replied while looking at Heykha from the rearview mirror.

Juan was so annoyed to hear Robin's words. Even though he had no bad intentions, but Heykha acted like that instead.

"Hurry and ask her to come in now!" Juan yelled at Robin.

Robin was surprised by what Juan said.

He turned to look at Heykha who was sitting in the back seat.

"Miss, Mr. Juan asked you to come into the house. Let me take you inside," Robin said to Heykha.

Hey kha who heard Juan tell him to come inside, making hey kha even more nervous.


Robin was so surprised to hear Heykha's voice who was scared.

"What's wrong, Miss? Why do you look so scared." Robin asked Heykha.

Heykha hasn't even answered Robin's question yet. But Robin's cell phone has rang.

Robin immediately picked up the phone.

"Sir, forgive me, but Miss Heykha does not want to enter the house." Robin said.

Juan was really annoyed with that kind of Heykha's attitude.

"Well, if you can't get her into the house. You will know the consequences!" Juan threatened Robin.

He ended the call.

It felt like Robin wanted to cry at that time. He was presented between two choices, namely life and death.

'Jeez! once again I'm trapped in a dangerous situation like this, 'Robin thought, increasingly frustrated.

"Young lady, please come into the house. Mr. Juan sounds very angry this time," Robin said, half whining.

Heard that Juan was angry making heykha even more reluctant to go inside.

"What? Juan angry?!"

"Yes miss." Robin replied with a sad face.

Heykha shaking his head.

"No, no ... I don't want to go in even more. I better sleep in the car for tonight," Heykha murmured.

Robin got out of the car and opened the car door for hey kha.

"Miss, help me miss. If not, Mr. Juan will send me to Brazil!!" Robin said to heykha.

"That sounds good, you can go on vacation abroad. I'm so jealous of you," Heykha replied Robin. She was really jealous of robin this time.

With a sad look, Robin kneel in front of Heykha while saying, "I'm not for a vacation to Brazil Miss heykha, but Mr. Juan will send me to the Amazon jungle to make food for wild animals there!!" Robin whined to Heykha.

Hey kha who heard that was very surprised.

" WHAT?!!" With a pale face heykha swallowed hard. He didn't expect that he would be cruel to Robin.

"Ju-juan ..., it turns out that terrible. Aaaa ..., Robin why are you scaring me even more!!" Heykha whined because Robin's words made Heykha even more scared and depressed.

Robin who saw Heykha was getting scared and didn't want to go inside, making Robin even more frustrated.

Because he is betting on his current life.

"You'd better come in, young lady, otherwise we both will ...." Robin stopped. He himself could not imagine what would happen next.

(in heykha's imagination)

Juan threw them both in the lush Amazon jungle and heykha at Anaconda chase.

Heykha ran out of the car screaming.

"Aaaa ..., Robin you are too much!!"

Heykha went into the house.

Robin shook his head seeing heykha who ran scared.

"I don't know what Miss Heykha thought until she ran like that." Robin muttered.

Robin called juan.

"Mr Juan, Miss Heykha is already inside."

"You're very smart," Juan said to Robin.

"Hehe ... Don't praise me, Sir. I just do my job sir." Robin said.

Juan wondered how Robin can persuade Heykha to come inside. Although heykha was a stubborn girl.

"I want to know how you make that girl want to enter the house??" Juan asked to Robin.

"I just said what you said to me at that time, that you would send us both to the Amazon forest, if Miss Heykha did not listen to your orders. After hearing my words, Miss Heykha was immediately scared and ran into the house ... hehehe." Robin replied with a chuckle.

Juan, who heard that, was very upset with Robin.

"You want me to kill you?!!"

Robin was very surprised to hear what juan said.

"What do you mean?"

"You want to make me look like a mean man! You make her afraid of me even more." Juan said irritatedly to Robin.

Robin increasingly did not understand juan's thinking. Even though he was only thinking of a way to get Heykha into the house, but juan was even more angry with him.

"No sir, I'm just trying everything I can to get Miss Heykha into the house."

Juan took a deep breath.

'Robin, Robin ..., in your work you are very smart at the edges in this, why are you so useless / stupid.' Juan thought.

"Never mind ...," Juan said, then hung up the phone call.

Heykha still stood at the door and refused to take a step.

Juan saw heykha from upstairs.

"Hey, you. Come here quickly," Juan called Heykha.

Hey kha quite surprised when juan called her but she remained silent regardless of what Juan said.

Seeing Heykha who didn't care about him, made Juan have to take the initiative so that Heykha would listen to his orders.

"Since you like being threatened so much, I'll do it." Juan thought..

"Alright, starting tomorrow you don't need to go to campus anymore!!"

Juan then turned back into his room.

"Juan Yin! You are a bully." Heykha shouted, annoying.

Heykha slowly started to calm down and got up the courage to go see Juan.

She walked slowly up the stairs.

After arriving at the door of Juan's room. Heykha knocked on the door.

"Juan ..," Heykha called.

Juan suddenly opened the door to his room.

" What is wrong?" Juan asked wanted to surprise heykha.

"You just startled me." Heykha said.

Juan asked heykha to come inside. He doesn't want to bully his wife, what's more, heykha looked nervous when she's with him.

*Next chapter....,