Feel Not Appreciated

That day was like a lightning strike that hit straight into Heykha's heart. Hey kha ran out of the house and immediately rushed to Juan's house.

It was still raining at that time.

While on the way home Hey kha kept shedding tears, Hey kha felt very devastated at that time.

Hey kha muttered, "Juan what have you done to my family."

Hey kha kept crying

Arriving at Juan's house, Hey kha was not allowed to enter by the guards.

Hey kha told the guard "I want to meet Juan Yin"

They also answered, "Master said that no one should bother him .. forgive us, Miss Hey kha"

Hey kha tried to get in but they still didn't let her in. "Please let me in, I want to talk to Juan."

Hey kha still not allowed to enter. "All right, hurry and tell Mr. Juan, tell him that I want to talk to him just a moment."

A guard went upstairs to tell Juan that Hey kha wanted to see him.

The guard knocked on the door and went in and told Juan. Juan who heard this immediately became angry and said that the guard was fired.

"Listen to what I have to say, don't tell me anything about that woman ... or I'll fire you all!"

Hey kha still waited outside of the house, wet from the rain.

"Okay, I have to endure .. for the sake of grandfather and Tan family, I can't give up, I'll wait for him until he wants to talk to me."

Hey kha stood outside for 2 hours, and Juan saw her from above his study.

And tell them. "Let her stand as long as she wants there, I will not forgive her and her family."

Robin who saw it was worried and said, "Mr. Juan, forgive me in advance .. But miss Hey kha been standing out there for 2 hours, I'm afraid it will affect her health .. because miss Hey kha just got out of the hospital."

Juan was annoyed by Robin's words and called him.

"You come and see ... The person you are worried about is not a weak person."

While pointing at hey kha who stood in the pouring rain that morning.

Then continued his words. "That woman has only been out of the hospital for a few days, but she's been working and she hasn't even eaten for a few days at home. She has even been standing for 2 hours under the rain ... surely she has a very strong body. Is it appropriate you worry about her? Do you deserve to pity her?"

Juan was very angry to say that to Robin.

Juan walked to his seat and leaned back, and the disappointment on Juan's face was clear towards Hey kha.

"I even, stay away from her, so that she doesn't feel pressured to be beside me, I even prepared all the best servants to help her, I also prepared the best chef in this city to prepare delicious and healthy food for her, all I do for her. But what that woman did? She didn't even appreciate everything I did to her!!"

Juan was so angry that he threw everything on the table down.

"That woman even dared to work out there. Is the money that I have given is not enough for her? She even dared not come back to this house and she also ignored my call."

While looking at Robin then said. "Does she want to embarrass me? Or does she want to play with me? If that's what she wants, then I'll grant it. Let her there and no one can help her."

Yin family residence.

Mrs. Yin, who heard the news in the newspapers and on television, immediately rushed to Juan's house.

On the other hand Hey kha who still stood outside Juan's house.

"I can't take it anymore, my body feels shaking, my head is spinning. I have to endure a little longer. I beg you."

Hey kha fell and passed out.

Robin who saw it, immediately ran out, Juan who saw hey kha fainted felt a little sad and muttered in his heart. 'What do you think, she doesn't even appreciate your sincerity.'

Before Robin got downstairs, Mrs. Yin arrived first and saw Hey Kha lied outside the house, unconscious.

Mrs. Yin immediately got out of the car and walked over to Hey Kha, who was fainted.

"My granddaughter-in-law, wake up what happened to you?"

Mrs. Yin called guards to help her carry hey kha.

"Take her inside now."

Mrs. Yin brought hey kha inside and also told the maid to change her clothes.

Juan who saw his grandmother rushed down to meet her.

"Grandma what are you doing? You can get sick later if it rains like that."

Mrs. Yin who heard Juan's voice turned around and slapped him.


"What have you done? Is destroying the Tan family company not enough for you?? You even want to kill your wife too!"

Mrs. Yin was very angry with Juan at that time.

"I'm very disappointed in you Juan ... I'm really very disappointed in you." She said then looked away.

Juan who saw the grandmother was so angry was silent and did not say a word.

Mrs. Yin also said to Juan.

"If anything happens to hey kha, I won't forgive you ... And hurry up and clean up the mess you've done, I want you to cover all the losses Tan's company has earned and stabilize their stocks price."

Juan argued a little and said. "But grandma …."

Mrs. Yin turned around while looking at Juan and said. "If you still want me to think of you as my grandson, then do whatever I say and don't argue."

Juan can do nothing more and can only follow her grandmother's wishes.

Mrs. Yin said. "I'll stay here for a few days, until hey kha recover and also I want you to look after and care for hey kha."

Juan was surprised to hear what his grandmother said.

"What?? Gandmother, I can't possibly take care of her."

Mrs. Yin asked Juan, "Why? She is your wife. I don't want to hear any reason and if you are so stubborn and don't want to take care of her, grandma will bring her to the Yin family's house, and you are no longer my grandson."

Juan could only nodded his head following all his grandmother's ordered to him.

"Fine grandma, I will look after and also take care of her ... This is all I do only for grandmother."

Mrs. Yin said. "All right .. remember, if anything happens to her while you take care of her, you will know the consequences, Juan."

Juan nodded his head and muttered, 'Usually I am the one who threatens other people, but on the contrary I am the one who is threatened ... It's all because of this girl. If you recover later I will still make calculations with you.'

A few moments later Juan called Ju's secretary.

"Have you read my message? I want you to take care of all the problems of Tan's company, and do it as quickly as possible as I say."

Secretary Ju answered.

"Yes, President Yin, I will do as you say."

In the Heykha's room, Doctor Rian finished checking her. "Mrs. Yin and Mr. Juan don't need to worry, miss hey kha is fine, maybe Miss Hey kha just have a little fever."

Mrs. Yin said. "All right, thank you doctor Rian. I'll escort you to the front."

Doctor Rian felt uncomfortable and said. "You don't need Mrs. Yin, you also need to rest because you can get sick later too."

Mrs. Yin who heard the doctor said with a smile, "Very well ... If Doctor Rian said like that."

Juan who saw hey kha lied on the bed like that felt a little sad. But Juan also still harbored anger in his heart over what hey kha did.

Juan comes over and checks hey kha if he has fever.

"Is she still fever? Ah yes .. her body is very hot."

Grandma came into Heykha's room and saw Juan looking worried, then asked. "What's up with hey kha?"

Juan who saw the grandmother said, "She still has a fever .."

Grandma looked at Juan and told him. "Do your job."

Juan felt confused by what his grandmother said to her.

"What do you mean, Grandma?"

Mrs. Yin explained to Juan. "Compress her using cold water."

Juan complained a little by saying, "But grandmother, I can't do that ..."

Mrs. Yin threatened Juan a little.

"It's up to you, I want to rest. But remember if something happens to hee, grandma will not forgive you."

Juan sighed as he said, "Again, Grandma threatens me"

Juan then compressed hey kha with a cold towel and without realizing hey kha pulled Juan's hand and said.

"Mother … mother … Don't leave me. I'm so scared mom ... I beg you to hold on the pain for a while I'll call the doctor."

Hey Kha's eyes bursted into tears and kept saying, "I beg you mom, don't be like this I'm so scared." And kept crying.

Juan, who saw this, felt sad. "I don't know what happened to you and your mother. But I also experienced the same thing like you. We both lost the people we loved since childhood."

Juan rubbed Heykha's head gently.

*Next chapter...,