
Hearing what Juan said, grandmother felt calm.

Grandma went to hey kha's room to see her.

Grandma who entered and saw Hey Kha who was sleeping approached and touched her head gently while saying.

"Granddaughter-in-law, you must be strong ... Grandma believes that you are not a weak girl. Grandma hopes that someday you can break down and also melt the iceberg that prevents you from achieving your dreams."

Grandma was very sad about what happened to hey kha and also Juan at this time.

Hey kha woke up from sleep and saw the grandmother sitting beside her.

Hey kha herself was very sad to see the look on grandma's face that looked sad, then wakes up from sleep hugging grandma.

"Grandma ... I'm sorry."

Grandma saw hey kha like that hugged her back then said. "There's nothing to forgive child, you didn't do anything wrong..Juan was the one wrong, but child, can you promise me one thing?"

Hey kha who was still hugging Mrs. Yin, nodded her head.

Grandma also said to hey kha.

"You don't ever do things like that again .. do you understand .. ??"

Hey kha Back nodded her head and said, "I promise grandma."

Mrs. Yin let go of her hug and said. "Child there is something that grandmother wants to tell you ..."

Hey kha looked confused at grandma.

Mrs. Yin continued speaking, "Hey kha, before that Grandma apologized for what Juan did to you .."

Hey kha was just silent with a sad face.

Mrs. Yin understood the feeling of hey kha right now.

"Grandma knows what Juan did was outrageous, but hey kha do you know he did all these things to get your aattentio?"

Hey kha a little confused to hear what Grandma said to him.

"Attention from me .. ?? What do you mean ..."

Mrs. Yin also answered Hey Kha's question, "Yes ... actually Juan really doesn't want to feel neglected, especially from people he cares for."

Hey kha seemed silent hearing the disclosure from her grandmother to her. Mrs. Yin continued her words.

"Grandma heard from Robin that you work in a restaurant?"

Hey kha answer grandma's question. "I'm sorry ... grandma"

Mrs. Yin touched Hey Kha's hands while saying.

"You know child, where did you go wrong, to make Juan so angry?"

Hey kha shook her head, Mrs. Yin smiled at hey kha.

"Because you ignore his kindness ... Juan went abroad for a few days to take care of his work, but work is not one of the reasons for leaving ... because Juan wants to make you comfortable and not be depressed anymore when you see him, Juan wants you to recover. quickly."

Hey kha feel guilty hearing what grandma told him.

Mrs. Yin continued speaking. "Juan prepares all the best servants for you at home so you can focus on your studies."

Hey kha was a little surprised to hear Mrs. Yin's words.

"But grandma, Juan previously told me to clean the house and also cook for him."

Mrs. Yin smiled at that. "Do you often clean the house??"

Hey answer grandma's question, "Yes, but after a few days I saw that the house was very clean ... even I was often confused when I got to the house that I didn't see any dust even though I didn't clean it for several days. Sometimes I wonder if this house has a machine hidden automatic vacuum cleaner? "

Grandma who heard this laughed.

Juan who overheard this muttered in his heart, 'I didn't know that she would become a doctor with a brain like that ... So inconclusive, shook his head and left.'

Then Mrs. Yin said to hey kha. "It turns out that all this time you two live with misunderstandings .."

Hey kha felt confused about what grandma said.

"What do you mean .. ??"

Mrs. Yin answered Heykha's question.

"Robin told grandma that Juan told him to prepare a maid to clean the house when you weren't home and told them to leave before you came back ... so the ones who clean the house are the servants, not the automatic vacuum cleaner."

While teasingbhey kha.

Hey kha blushed to hear what grandma said. It turned out that hey kha very innocent.

heard what grandma said, hey kha felt guilty to Juan. "So far it turns out that I always misunderstand him .. it turns out he really cares about me, but he shows it in a slightly different way."

Hey Kha's heart felt happy to hear that.

Grandma also said to hey kha, "Is this what you said to grandma at that time ... when you wanted to live with juan ... you said that you should stay together and be able to understand each other. But according to grandmother, you don't understand each other but hurt each other."

Hey kha who heard it felt guilty to grandma.

Juan went to Hey Kha's room to bring food for her.

At that time hey kha was still talking to Mrs. Yin, but suddenly hey kha remembered something and wanted to ask grandma.

"Oh yes grandma ... I almost forgot, I wanted to ask about the agreement letter ..."

Before Hey kha finished, Juan who was at the door of the room overheard her then juan rushed through and said, "Grandma ... grandma .. hey kha needs to take the medicine and also she needs to rest, it's not good if she talked to grandma for too long ... Because she just recovered should get lots of rest ..."

Mrs. Yin, who heard this, understood what Juan meant.

"Okay, son, you take care of your wife well .. Grandma will rest too"

Grandma said to hey kha. "We'll continue chatting again after you recover later .."

Hey kha smiled as she said. "But grandma .. There is something .."

Juan immediately held Hey Kha's hands, hey kha who felt it fell silent because of embarrassment.

Grandma who saw it smiled happily.

"Okay grandma go first ..."

Hey kha who still felt awkward and embarrassed because Juan kept holding her hand said. "Hhmm .. until when did you continue to hold my hand??"

Juan who heard that, then let go of his hand and said. "I'm just afraid you ran to the balcony of the room again to kill yourself .."

Hey kha felt annoyed with what Juan said.

"Never mind if you just come to mock me, you better just go ... I want to rest."

Juan also said to hey kha. "Okay then..this is food for you and also your medicine ... and one more thing, don't talk about the letter of agreement to grandma, because grandma doesn't know about it."

Hey kha became confused about that, but she immediately understood by seeing Juan's attitude like that.

"Oh .... so you lied to me??"

Juan who saw that expression on hey Kha's face said.

"I just want you to know that I don't like you, I don't want to live in pain with someone I don't love ... that's why I made that agreement letter. Because I'm sure that you don't love me either."

Hey kha looked at Juan and kept looking at Juan with a sad face.

Juan saw hey kha who kept staring at him like that, Juan also wondered. "What is she thinking, with a face like that ... ??"

Hey kha said to Juan, "You will never understand And never understand …."

Then hey kha got up from the bed and went into the bathroom.

Juan, who heard the words like that, became uneasy.

*Next chapter...,