An Awkward Moment

The atmosphere was very quiet at that time, making Juan and Hey Kha felt awkward.

Juan and hey kha stared at each other, but hey kha who felt uncomfortable with the atmosphere said, "Don't look at me with a look like that ... You scare me."

Juan who heard it said, "What are you saying, weren't you the one who teased me first ... why are you afraid if I look at you?"

Hey kha who saw Juan's gaze at her said a little nervous. "Why are you looking at me like that ... ???"

Juan answered hey kha's question as he walked over to her. "I'm just thinking which part of your body should I eat first ...."

Hey Kha who heard Juan's words felt very annoyed and said to Juan. "Aaaaa, you pervert ...!!"

Hey Kha ran into the bathroom.

Juan who saw hey kha like that smiled.

"She's really cute ..."

After entering the bathroom hey kha felt a little calm because she can avoid Juan.

"Damn it Juan! How could he say something like that, my heart feels like falling out, please .. please .. stop beating or you will embarrass me."

Hey kha suddenly imagine something nonsense about what Juan said.

"Ah .... why can there be such perverted thoughts in my head, this is all because of Juan ... if it's like this I can't control my feelings anymore .. !!!"

While banging his hands against the wall.

"Hm why is Juan so handsome. He is so handsome!" Hey kha kept imagining her very handsome husband but she can't have it.

"Control yourself hey kha ... Come on, wake up. Quickly control your feelings. If not, it will be a disaster someday, besides Juan does not love you ... He only pity you! Juan just did what he was supposed to do and when you give birth to his child you will soon separate."

Sometimes hey kha felt sorry for herself for not getting the love she hoped for.

"I have to stop wishing .. I have to stop dreaming, from now on I have to take care of my health ... The sooner I have children, the better ... However ...."

Hey kha again thought that she herself was not ready to have another night with Juan, seeing that Juan was not in a hurry to have children because Juan was longer imposing his will on hey kha.

After thinking for so long in the bathroom Hey kha opened the door slowly and peeked whether Juan had left or not.

Hey kha, who saw Juan was no longer proposed, felt very relieved and then stepped out. But Hey kha saw a very beautiful outfit on the table.

"Waaahh ... these clothes are very beautiful, did Juan put it here for me to wear ...? It's very beautiful, I should take it and change my clothes, otherwise he will be angry again at me."

After finished changing clothes, hey kha went downstairs to the living room.

Grandma who saw hey kha who looked healthy and also beautiful when wearing good clothes said. "Hey kha child, you look so beautiful in this outfit."

Hey kha very happy to hear Mrs. Yin's compliment and said. "Thank you for the compliment Grandma .."

Juan who saw hey kha wearing the clothes he gave without realizing continued to stare at hey kha.

Hey kha who saw it, felt uncomfortable and said.

"Emm ... Have you never seen a woman as beautiful as me??"

Juan, who heard it, woke up from his reverie and tried to mock hey kha. "I just did not think, that such beautiful clothes turn ugly when you wear it."

Hey kha who heard it was annoyed.

"You better need to have your eyes checked .. this is the one that doesn't suit me, because it's too ugly. According to the person who chose it."

Grandma who heard this, smiled happily. "Never mind, don't you guys wanna go out for a walk??"

Hey kha answered. "Yes, Grandma, but I want to go to Grandpa's house to visit him ... I went in a hurry at that time and haven't had the chance to notify Grandpa, surely Grandpa is very worried ... Besides that I also want to visit Aunt Sherly, I'm very worried about her."

Juan who heard hey kha was worried about Aunt Sherly a little annoyed and said. "What are you worrying about your aunt? She doesn't even care about you."

Hey kha looked sad to hear Juan say that.

The grandmother who saw hey kha who was sad, just hit Juan's back.

"You brat ... how dare you make my granddaughter-in-law sad. You are a heartless husband towards your wife."

Juan was annoyed and said in a low voice. "She is the one who is so stupid ... for letting others bully her."

Grandma again said to hey kha. "Child, you don't need to worry about your grandfather's condition .. Your grandfather and aunt are fine now, Grandma has called your grandfather's house and said that you are fine, your grandfather feels calm to hear it, but if you want to see them, then go surely they will be very happy to see you."

Hey kha became calmer to hear Mrs. Yin's words.

"Thank you grandma." She said while hugging Mrs. Yin.

Grandma also said to hey kha and Juan. "You guys go now, grandma wants to go back to the room to rest."

Grandma returned to her room to rest, and only Juan and hey kha were left in the living room.

Hey kha who saw Juan who was wearing a shirt and a suit also felt uncomfortable and said. "Juan can you change your clothes ... ??"

Juan who heard the words hey kha looked at his clothes then said. "There's nothing strange about this outfit ... I really like wearing it."

Hey kha trying to explain to Juan.

"We just go for a walk, you don't have to wear a shirt and a suit ... Can you change your clothes, with a slightly relaxed outfit??" She said while continuing to stare at Juan's clothes. "I'm so bored, seeing you wearing a shirt and a suit every day."

A little happy because it can make hey kha annoyed then he said. "Whatever makes you unhappy, is what makes me very happy."

Hey kha put on a sullen face at Juan in annoyance.

Juan who saw that face hey kha said.

"Fine .... If I change my clothes. I want to ask a kiss from you in exchang."

Hey kha who heard Juan's request like that was very surprised.

"You must be dreaming." She smiled sarcastically at him.

And Juan who saw it smiled as he said, "And all my dreams will come true ..."

Then Juan pulled up the hey kha and kissed her lips.

Hey kha, who felt a kiss from Juan, just kept quiet, closing her eyes.

Juan felt happy in his heart because hey kha accepted his kiss.

After finishing kissing her Juan said to her. "Let's go."

He walked first.

Then Hey kha opened her eyes and saw Juan who had left made her irritated and then said. "Juan ... You haven't changed your clothes!" She said while running after him.

*Hi, good morning everyone..,

the story is getting more exciting, let's continue the next chapter