A Heavy Heart

Hey kha and Aiyin who were very happy because they met again, they walked together to the classroom to take lessons.

Aiyin said to hey kha, "Come on, hurry up .. later we won't get any more seats .."

Hey kha confused with what Aiyin said.

"What do you mean by we don't have any more seats .. ??"

Aiyin said with sparkling eyes, "Because today Professor Erick will give us the Anatomy course he is one of the young professors who is very handsome and also friendly."

Hey kha who saw Aiyin like that just shook her head.

"It turns out that a woman's heart is very easy to change ... Let's go if you want to take your professor Erick's lecture."

While pulling Aiyin away.

Hey kha and Aiyin arrived in the classroom, but they were very surprised to see the classroom was full.

Aiyin was very sad to see that.

"Hey kha how is this .. ???"

Hey kha said nonchalantly to Aiyin.

"You keep talking earlier. It made us late."

Aiyin looked sad, but suddenly she was surprised to hear her cellphone ring. Aiyin annoyedly looked at the cellphone and said. "Who called me at a time like this?"

Aiyin was very surprised that it was Sho Ju who called her.

"Hi, Sho Ju ..."

Sho Ju said.

"Why are you just standing there .. Come on over here I've saved a seat for both of you."

Aiyin who heard that was very happy.

"Really ..? Sho Ju you are the best."

Aiyin hung up the phone and asked hey kha, "Let's go ahead. My good Sho Ju has already saved a seat for us."

Hey kha felt surprised at Aiyin's attitude that often changes.

"Are you sick today?"

Aiyin was confused by hey kha's question.

"What do you mean hey kha .. ??"

Hey kha pulled Aiyin away then said.

"Never mind, let's sit down or someone will take our seats."

Hey kha who saw Sho Ju greeted him.

"Hi .. Sho Ju thank you for giving us the seats."

Sho Ju looked happy to see hey kha.

"Come on, sit down .."

Hey kha and Aiyin sat next to Sho Ju, who at that time was taking lessons from Professor Erick, almost all of them were women.

Hey kha feel amazed seeing him then mutter in her heart.

'Wow ... handsome men are very influential.'

After the course was over they scrambled to approach Mr. Erick, especially Aiyin.

After the course was over, hey kha who was still tidying up the study equipment didn't see Aiyin.

It turned out that she had disappeared from her seat and rushed over to Mr. Erick.

Hey kha mutter softly, "Sometimes I think 'is it true that she likes sho Ju?' Geez Aiyin."

Hey kha looked at Professor Erick who in the crowd of many students said, "But Mr. Erick is handsome and also friendly, no wonder he is surrounded by many women .. But Juan .. !! He is very cold and cruel too .. Why are so many women crazy about creatures like him, including myself too. Hm ... It's embarrassing to talk about our bad behaviour!!"

Hey kha woke up from her reverie, when she heard Sho Ju's words.

"Hey kha let's go to the cafeteria and eat together, I really want you to treat this time ..."

Hey kha felt happy that Sho Ju was not angry with her anymore.

"Aren't you the one who asked me to eat, why should I treat you to a meal ??"

Sho Ju said with a smile, "I'll save the seats for you, so you have to thank me."

Hey kha let out a long sigh then muttered in her heart. 'He returns to his old school days, every time he helped me, he'll ask for something in return.'

Sho Ju pulled Hey kha away, but Hey kha wanted to call Aiyin.

"Come on ... uh wait wait .... what about Aiyin .. ??"

Sho Ju stopped then said, "Let her catch up with us later ... I'm so hungry let's go."

He pulled Hey Kha's hand again.

Hey kha who saw Sho Ju pull her can't do anything.

But hey kha suddenly thought of Juan.

'If Juan saw this, I don't know what Juan would do to me.'

Juan, who had just finished attending the meeting and asked Robin.

"Robin do you think I should buy a doll .. ??"

Robin looked confused by Juan's question.

"Doll? Do you want to buy it for Miss Laura?"

Juan was a little annoyed by Robin's question.

"Is the doll only for little girls .. ??"

Then thought, 'She was like a child though.'

"let's go to the doll shop."

While walking away.

Robin muttered to himself, 'What's wrong with Mr Juan today, it's not like him ... Mr Juan never buys gifts directly for someone.'

They went to a doll shop.

Arriving in front of the shop, Juan was reluctant to come down, but he remembered hey kha.

"What's wrong with me ... until I thought to come to this place, I must be crazy .."

After thinking for a long time, Juan finally got out of his car and walked into the shop.

Juan told the shop's workers.

"I want to see the most beautiful dolls that are here."

They answered.

"Yes sir.."

They brought out all kinds of dolls.

Juan felt confused which one to choose and then Juan called Robin.

"Robin come here quickly .. help me choose which doll is the best."

Robin himself looked confused because everything looked good.

"Everything looks good sir .."

Juan was a little annoyed with Robin who can't be relied on.

"Never mind .. you are useless in this matter."

Robin who saw Juan annoyed muttered, 'In things like this I'm always wrong.'

Juan also said to the servants of the shop.

"I want a big teddy bear."

They immediately got the doll that Juan said.

They took some teddy bears to show to Juan.

Juan felt a little like a large doll and bought 1 teddy bear.

"Will she like this teddy bear? If she doesn't like it, I'll burn this teddy bear right in front of her."

The day was already evening at 16:40, hey kha came back home, after arriving home hey kha went to her room then sat down for a moment.

"I better go take a shower, then do my report assignments that have accumulated ... hm very much."

Hey kha went to the bathroom, after finishing the shower Hey kha lied down on the bed and then fell asleep.

Juan, who at that time returned home with a doll to give to hey kha, Juan asked the servants.

"Has the young lady come back .. ??"

A servant answered.

"Yes sir .. Miss was in her room."

Juan went upstairs to stay with hey kha.

Juan came into hey kha's room, slowly opened the door to her room.

He saw hey kha who was fast asleep put a blanket on her, then put the teddy bear next to hey kha.

Then give a kiss to hey kha and say.

"Why every time I see her like this .. I always want to kiss and hug her, what is this feeling .. ??"

Juan took off his coat and slept next to hey kha while hugging her.

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