
Juan who saw hey kha and Aiyin like that smiled at them.

Sho Ju was annoyed to see Juan who seemed to be smiling at the two of them.

"Never mind ... don't we want to have fun here .."

Sho Ju then grabbed Hey kha's hand and left.

Juan was very upset seeing it and said.

"Let her go..."

Sho Ju ignored Juan's words and continued to hold onto hey kha's hand.

Hey kha heard the words from Juan who was a little angry, released Sho Ju's grip and said to Sho Ju.

"Come on ... we walk together, holding hands, Juan."

Juan still looked really annoyed at hey kha and let go of his hand and said

"You go with him ... I can walk alone! I don't care what you do."

Hey kha was very disappointed with what Juan said.

Aiyin approached Juan and said.

"Mr. Juan handsome .. ??"

Not finished Aiyin talking hey kha immediately pulled her and said while smiling sarcastically at her.

"I'd better hold your hand, because no one wants to hold mine."

While looking at Aiyin with a sharp gaze with her eyebrows raised upwards.

Aiyin who saw hey kha's scary face muttered.

'I've never seen a face as scary as this, this signaling danger.'

Aiyin said to hey kha with a smile.

"I understand ... I won't be around Mr Yin anymore ... Really."

Hey kha smiled while rubbing Aiyin's head.

"Smart girl ... Keep your pride in front of men even if the man is Sho Ju, Juan Yin or professor Erick .. Do you understand .. ??"

Aiyin looked at hey kha and said.

"I understand ... But don't you also admire Professor Erick .. ?? I saw it when Professor Erick explained to us ... you looked at him with a look ... looked amazed at how he looks?"

Hey kha tapped Aiyin's head

"What did you really eat this morning ... ??? why what comes out of your mouth is all nonsense !!"

After that hey kha felt a strange aura from behind her, like there was something very terrible.

Hey kha turned around and saw it.

It turned out that Juan looked at hey kha with a scary look tat.

hey kha looked pale and muttered 'I died ... Aiyin why are you digging a grave for me.'

Juan said to hey kha with a sharp gaze.

"It turns out that you are a woman admiring men apparently .. ??"

Hey kha very nervous answering Juan's question and stammered.

"Ju.juan.n ... no .... I don't admire any guy out there ... I only admire one man ... and that's you. !!"

Everyone stared at hey kha at that time, hey kha who realized it tried to run away.

But quickly Juan grabbed Hey kha's hand and hey kha leaned in Juan's arms. Then Juan whispered into hey kha's ear.

"I'll teach you a lesson, which you can't forget ... So that you don't glance at other men, except for me."

Sho Ju was very angry to see that, but suddenly Aiyin grabbed Sho's hand and said.M

"We better get out of here ... Give them time."

Sho Ju just stayed silent, then Aiyin pulled Sho Ju away from the place, left Juan and also hey kha.

Hey kha felt very embarrassed with those two friends and thanks to Juan.

"What are you trying to do ... ?? This is a public place and also Sho Ju and Aiyin are looking at both of us like this."

Juan said to hey kha.

"I just want to show someone that you are only mine."

Hey kha felt so happy to hear what Juan said and muttered in his heart

(I'm only him .. I'm only him) hey kha very happy, without her realizing she hugged Juan very tightly.

Juan who saw hey kha like that, felt a little happy in his heart.

Juan said to hey kha.

"You look like a hungry cat and eager to devour the prey that is in front of you .."

Hey kha didn't care what Juan said, hey kha kept on hugging Juan tightly.

Juan who saw hey kha's attitude said.

"Aren't you ashamed to be seen by people .. ?? You will definitely look like a perverted girl with your behavior like this ..."

Hey kha who heard Juan say that was annoyed.

"You are an expert at ruining the atmosphere ... Hhmm." Then hey kha gave her a hug to Juan.

Juan drew closer to hey kha and said.

"Are you satisfied hugging me .. ?? if you want to hug me any longer, I don't mind."

Hey kha saw an attitude like that said irritably to Juan.

"Didn't you say that I'm a pervert .. !!! Are you not ashamed if I hugged you too long ... And also people will definitely laugh at you."

Hey kha turned around then left, Juan who saw hey kha a little annoyed with him said.

"Okay ... if you leave now ... you will know the consequences."

Hey kha stopped and look at Juan angrily.

"Why are you always threatening me .. !!! if you don't want to be with me, then I'll stay away from you."

Juan drew closer to hey kha and said.

"Hug me quickly .."

Hey kha who heard Juan's words felt confused by Juan's often changing attitude.

"Are you sick .. ??"

While touching Juan's head.

Juan grabbed Hey Kha's hand then hugged her

Hey kha was very surprised when Juan took her hand and hugged him.

"Ju..Juan .. what's wrong with you .. ??"

Juan said.

"Yes .... I'm sick."

Hey kha who heard that was very worried then let go of his hug, but Juan didn't let it go and continued to hug hey kha.

Hey kha very worried about Juan's situation.

"Juan we better go back to the house and also you rest ... you must be tired."

Juan said while looking at hey kha, then took her hand. "I'm not sick from exhaustion ... but…"

While pulling hey kha's hand then place it on his chest.

"This is where it feels uncomfortable and often hurts."

Hey kha very surprised to hear that

"Juan .. Do you have heart disease .. ??? Let's go to the hospital right away. I can't let it go, I'm a prospective doctor but I don't really understand your disease."

Juan, who heard hey kha words like that, could only shook his head and muttered.

'What's wrong with this woman's brain?'

Juan brought his face closer to the face of hey kha and said.

"If I say that I like you … Do you believe that ... ??"

Hey kha who heard Juan say like that felt disbelief.

At that time the time seemed to stop between the two of them, Situation was silent and awkward at that time. Juan and hey kha stared at each other.

*Happy Reading ❤️