The memories slowly returned

Hey kha slowly walked off her stick and walk step by step.

Adelia, who returned home, went to Tikha's room to meet her.

Adelia knocked on Tikha's door and asked to enter, when Adelia entered she saw Tikha who was trying to walk and help her.

"Tikha you want to walk .. ??" While holding Tikha's hand.

Tikha who saw Adelia smiled at her.

Tikha walked a few steps after she took a break while sitting down, Tikha looked at Adelia and asked.

"Did he eat a lot .. ??"

Adelia said with a smile.

"Yes ... After seeing you, Hy Ju was very happy."

Adelia drew closer to Tikha, while holding her hands.

"Has Tikha's memory come back .. ??"

Tikha looked at Adelia with a surprised look.

Adelia who saw her continued her words.

"I'm sorry sis .. I overheard the conversation of Tikha and Aroun at that time .."

Tikha let go of Adelia's hand and took her hand back.

"Do you like Juan .. ??? You have to answer honestly."