Forcing Thika to get married

Aroun was very surprised and tried to help Thika to her feet, but Thika ignored his help.

"Leave me alone .." Tikha said.

"No!! All this time I've always been listening to what you said but I'm not anymore .."

Tikha raised her head looking at Aroun and said.

"Didn't we already discuss this ... Do you mind if I sit in a wheelchair forever .. ?? I repeatedly said I don't want to walk ... I don't want to walk anymore!"

Aroun was very annoyed to hear that then said.

"Then why behind me are you trying .. ?? Why …?"

Tikha took her stick and stood up.

"I'm not trying to recover ... I just want to try to make myself not pitied by others, I just want to take my own food, go to the bathroom alone. Even though I have to slowly walk using a stick as long as it doesn't make it difficult for anyone."

Tikha walked away leaving Aroun who was still silent.

A few moments later at the dinner table Aroun did not see Tikha and asked the waiter.