Juan's anger

When he saw hey kha passed out, an employee went upstairs where Juan was having a meeting with his employees.

Security tried to arrest the employee, but he said.

"If you want to keep working, don't stop me from meeting with the President Director."

The security guard also tried to intercept him.

"Tell me what is the important problem .. ??? Let me tell him."

The employee said that the President Director's wife had passed out on the first floor.

The security also let him in.

Everyone was very surprised to see an employee suddenly enter the ongoing meeting.

An employee who attended the meeting said.

"Who is this ... ??? where are your manners!!"

The employee answered.

"I'm sorry ... But down there .."

While looking at Juan.

Robin was a little annoyed with the employee who stopped the meeting.

"Quickly say..if not .."

the employee answered the question nervously.

"The President Director's wife fell unconscious."