You are still my wife

The time was 20:00 at night.

Hey kha and Juan went back to their house, Juan held Hey kha who was fast asleep in his arms.

Hy Ju, who had been waiting for hey kha and juan, rushed over to them after seeing Juan enter holding Hey kha.

"Father ..."

Juan said.

"Hy Ju ... Slow your voice, your mother is sleeping."

Hy Ju pulled Juan's shirt while asking with a face that looked sad.

"Father .. is mother sick again .. ??"

Juan who saw the worry on Hy Ju's face tried to cheer him up.

"No ... your mother is just sleeping, dad will take mom to the room then dad will go to your room"

While smiling sweetly at Hy Ju.

Hy Ju nodded at him.

Juan upstairs took Hey kha to his room, Juan put her down on the bed and covered her.

Juan who saw hey kha's face felt sad.

"We will definitely be happy"

Then kissed hey kha's forehead and went to hy Ju's room.