Robin And Hey Kha Are Funny II

Hey kha who saw Juan came out annoyed and also remembered Juan's words made hey kha felt sad.

"It turns out that my husband ... is really the coldest person and also the most annoying person .. !! "

In fact, when had arrived, Juan was getting ready to go to the party while Robin was still not ready. Juan approached him and asked.

"What's wrong with you .. ?? You look strange today, are you sick??"

Robin who heard Juan's words answered it.

"Yes .. I'm a little unwell, can I go a little late ..?"

Juan told Robin.

"You don't have to push yourself .. I can go alone, you also have an invitation so you can catch up if you feel better."

Juan went to the party alone, after Juan left Robin hurriedly changed his clothes then went to meet hey kha in her room.

Hey kha who at that time still had doubts about the clothes she bought kept looking at herself in the mirror.