Their sweetness

Robin came into hey kha's room.

He sat on the sofa and took the magazine to read it, but to his surprise he heard the voice of Hey Kha calling him.

"Hey..Robin .."

While waving her hand calling Robin.

"Miss hey kha you already .."

Not finished Robin talking hey kha cut the conversation.

"Huss ... do you want Juan to hear it."

Robin came closer to hey kha and asked.

"Miss, are you .. ??"

Hey kha knew what Robin's question meant to him.

"Yeah yeah ... I don't want to go to Africa and be food for creepy creatures there! I know the weakness of Juan..that is me."

With a small smile.

Robin can only shook his head.

"If Mr. Juan finds out about this ... we are over miss."

Hey kha tried to convince Robin to help her so that even Robin did not go to Africa, Robin who heard this was very happy.

"Miss, hey kha .. I think you will really stick to our agreement."

While whining at hey kha.