Plea Adelia

Robin looked confused at hey kha. robin didn't think that hey kha didn't know about the ceramic vase.

"So far, miss hey kha not knowing about the vase?"

"How do I know if such valuables are in that place!? replied annoyed, hey kha.

hey kha stare sharply towards robin. She had been waiting for an explanation from Robin since earlier, but Robin only added to her headache.

(Don't make a doctor angry, let alone this is in her office, otherwise you will be made into she autonomous practice). thought robin at that time.

Robin pushed slowly back in he chair.

"The vase was given to Mr. Juan's mother when him was a little master. to be more precise, it was mr. juan and madam who made the vase together." Robin explained to hey kha.

Instantly Hey Kha's body became limp at Robin's words, she spirit even seemed to want to get out of her body.

"Ahhh .... !!" shouted hey kha then bowed her head.