Hey kha playing with Juan

after a while, hey kha opened the bathroom door and smiled seeing Juan.

Juan who saw Hey Kha came out of the bathroom, immediately came over to Hey Kha.

" Are you okay..?? "

hey kha saw the worry on juan's face, then hugged juan's hand as he walked to the bed.

after that they both sat on the bed.

hey kha holding Juan's hand with a smile.

"Juan, can you still use the knowledge you learned about self-control ..?" Asked hey kha to juan.

Juan is very confused by what hey kha say, but Juan ignores it.

Juan lay down hey kha kissing her lips.

hey kha struggled to grab Juan's hand which at that time touched his body.

(oh no ... he doesn't want to quit) thought hey kha.

hey kha was biting Juan's lip and it made Juan surprised and then let go of his kiss.

"Hey kha you ..?!"

"I'm sorry Juan. I can't tonight, I-I .., "Hey Kha said guiltily as she lowered his head.