You're the Monster Juan

at that time Robin asked hey kha.

"Miss why, you can be here .. ??"

hey kha smiled seeing everyone including Juan, she hoped that Juan would help her explain to Robin, but Juan did not even look at hey kha at all.

hey kha looked annoyed and said to Robin.

"I happened to be eating at this restaurant with my friend and accidentally ran into Juan."

Arya who heard this chuckled.

Robin who saw him felt confused then asked Arya.

"Master Arya why are you laughing ..?"

Arya also answered a question from Robin.

"I just remember something funny and I can't help but laugh."

hey kha face flushed with shame.

Juan glanced at Arya and said.

"stop your nonsense ..!"

Arya was a little afraid to see Juan's face like that and then sat quietly.

They started ordering meals afterwards talking about business.

hey kha starting to feel bored hearing those who just keep talking about business.